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Get ready for a fantastically entertaining and informative show with Dr. Judd Brandeis of the Brandeis MD Male Rejuvenation Center in San Ramon, California.

One very important point you will hear Dr. Judd make is how easy it is for us to go to the doctor when we have an issue with any other body part and identify exactly what’s going on, but when it comes to male performance, there can be a lot of anxiety, shame, humiliation, and attachment to ego involved. It’s time to talk about it though, especially in a way that feels comfortable to address, and in this episode, you will learn about men’s health and performance from a true expert.

You will hear Dr. Judd’s opinion on using pills to enhance performance, learn why your erectile health is a strong red flag for your overall physical health, hear about my experience at Dr. Judd’s clinic, and so much more!

Visit Dr. Judd’s website, BrandeisMD, and follow his Instagram by clicking here.


Dr. Brandeis’s specialty is a holistic approach to men’s sexual health. [01:33]

Cialis and Viagra are very good drugs doing more than you think. [04:38]

Chronic inflammation is bad, Acute inflammation is what our bodies use to heal and rebuild tissue. [07:53.

The GAINSWave procedure breaks up plaque formation in blood vessels and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels in the penis. [09:11]

Every time you are in REM sleep, and you start to dream, you should be getting an erection. [12:23]

The reason you don’t get an erection could be that your blood vessels are getting clogged. [14:07]

If there is trouble in the bedroom, ten years down the road you might have heart problems.  [17:05]

This is a very sensitive topic for men to talk about.  It is kind of a sense of self, sense of manliness. [20:36]

If you don’t take good care of yourself in your twenties and thirties and forties, in the fifties and sixties and seventies, you’re gonna pay the price. [25:05]

The Emnsculpt is a machine that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic waves to sculpt the body. [30:38]

The Vo2 max test is the most sensitive indicator of someone’s cardiovascular health. [39:15]

There can be some men who come for help whose vascular health and ultra sound look good but who have unsatisfying sexual function. [46:51]

It’s literally a function of blood flow whether we get an erection. [50:59]

One important chapter in the book is what men need to know about menopause. [53:32]

There are some things one can do to help with premature ejaculation. {56:21]



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B.Rad Podcast:

Judd (00:00):
90% plus of erectile dysfunction is vascular or related to vascular flow.

Brad (00:06):
Welcome to the B.rad podcast, where we explore ways to pursue peak performance with passion throughout life without taking ourselves too seriously. I’m Brad Kearns, New York Times bestselling author, former number three world-ranked professional triathlete and Guinness World Record Masters athlete. I connect with experts in diet, fitness, and personal growth, and deliver short breather shows where you get simple, actionable tips to improve your life right away. Let’s explore beyond the hype, hacks, shortcuts, and sciencey talk to laugh, have fun and appreciate the journey. It’s time to B.rad.

Brad (00:45):
Dr. Judd Brandeis, the 21st century man. Absolutely. I’m so glad to finally connect with you. It was gonna be last month, and I was about to get in my car and drive for this beautiful experiential day here, and I didn’t feel right, so I turned around, canceled on everybody. It turns out I had COVID, so now I come back healthy and strong, stronger, better. This guy put me to the test today, so he’s gonna be doing a lot of the talking ’cause I just finished a VO two max test. And that will allow us to segue into all the incredible things that you do at the Brandeis MD Clinic here in beautiful San Ramon, California. But I guess we should start by saying, how did you get into this amazing cutting edge game of helping with male sexual wellness and then spilling into all types of peak performance endeavors?

Judd (01:33):
Yeah, I mean, I’ve always been interested in new stuff and always being on the cutting edge of medicine. So when I started my urology career in Walnut Creek up the street, I was one of the first people in the country to do surgical robotics. So removing the prostate using a robot. I started a kidney stone center. I started an MRI guided prostate biopsy. And about five years ago, I heard about GAINSWave as this amazing technology to help regenerate or restore erectile function for men. And I became really intrigued. I went to Miami, I got trained at GAINSWave and started doing the GAINSWave, low intensity shockwave therapy on men, and discovered that lo and behold, men who previously were unable to get erections now could get erections. And then I started building on that, right? Because you can’t view sexual function unto itself, right? You have to take care of hormonal function. You have to take care of overall physical function, right? So if you’re a 73 year old type two diabetic and you’re 40 pounds overweight and you have GAINSWave, it’ll work for a couple months. But if you don’t lose weight, if you don’t get in shape, if you don’t replace testosterone a couple months later, you’re gonna be no better off than you were when you started. So then I developed really this holistic approach to men’s health, right? So look better, feel better, have better physical intimacy.

Brad (03:00):
So the the entry point of coming to you for sexual dysfunction, what are the major causes of this? We hear it’s a huge problem right now.

Judd (03:12):

Brad (03:12):
And I’ve heard things about how it’s a lot of psychological, some people have that blood flow problem that you treat with the, the gains wave treatment. But when you’re talking about a holistic approach, what are we, what are the big picture? I know.

Judd (03:24):
Yeah. I mean, the thing is, the reason guys come here is because of their penis. <laugh> guys will always follow go anywhere, right? <laugh>, I get these wives say, I’ve been trying to get him in, come in for such a long time to lose weight, to start exercise and do this, do that. And then when things failed in bed, he figured things are bad enough that I need to do something about it. Right? And 90% plus of erectile dysfunction is vasculargenics. So related to vascular flow. Some of it is neurogenics or related to nerves. So, you know, end stage diabetes guys that have prostate operations, people that have strokes or multiple sclerosis or those things. But a preponderance of men have vasculargenic. Some people have hormonal issues. You know, if you’re testosterone, sup low, some people have psychogenic issues, you know, phobias, anxiety, Hmm. Et cetera, et cetera. Trauma, I mean, there are a number of causes, but 90% plus are related to a decrease in blood flow to the penis. Hmm. And that’s what we’re trying to address.

Brad (04:31):
And how do the drugs, uh, line up with, with your treatments?

Judd (04:36):
The PDE five inhibitors? Like Viagra?

Brad (04:38):

Judd (04:38):
Yeah. I mean, those are miracle drugs. I mean, they’re really incredible. Like the, the literature that coming out on Cialis now, and Viagra, first of all, they improve erections. Second of all, Cialis has an indication for improving urinary function. Third of all, they’ve been shown to decrease the risk of dementia. And fourth of all, they’ve been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease. So these are incredibly effective, really super safe drugs. And, um, and I put a lot of my patients on ’em, because the thing is, the way that you need to think about erectile function is there’s the signal and then there’s the pipes, right? So the signal actually comes from a molecule called nitric oxide.

Brad (05:21):
So I thought you were gonna say it comes from the girlfriend?

Judd (05:23):
Well, yeah. I mean, that’s, that’s the beginning. You should read that chapter in my book called Sex on the Beach. And it actually goes, it’s kind of like two parallel stories, right? It’s like a girl meets guy story, and then there’s a subtext of what’s actually going on physiologically. Mm. Fun. So yeah,

Brad (05:44):
Like a novel

Brad (05:45):
And like a novel. Yeah. Just a little

Brad (05:47):
Break from all the, the academic stuff. Exactly.

Judd (05:51):
And so, um, so girl meets guy and nerves fire, and they release nitric oxide. Mm-hmm. Right? And nitric oxide is the same nitric oxide that a lot of elite endurance athletes will take as a booster, or people take for cognition or people will take for blood pressure. It non-specifically boosts circulation. Mm-hmm. Right. And so you’ll get better genital circulation. And then nitric oxide boosts something called cyclic G M P. Right? And I’m not gonna quiz you on what cyclic G M P is, but it’s kind of the linchpin of the whole system. And the P D E enzyme breaks down cyclic G M P mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So the more cyclic GMP you have, the more blood vessels open. When you have P D E, it breaks down cyclic G M P and blood vessels close. Now, the, the genius discovery that Pfizer made was when they were testing this drug, some astute nurse noticed that all of the patients that had taken sildenafil were lying on their belly.

Brad (06:56):
And they’re like, why are you lying on your belly? And they’re like, well, we’re got a good erection. And so that’s actually how they discovered that Viagra had that effect. And then actually some of my professors at UCLA wrote the original papers on how Viagra works. And it works because there’s an enzyme called PDE five. And PDE five is only in the penis. And if you selectively block PDE five, then you selectively shunt blood to the penis. Hmm. So you need a nitric oxide booster. And I make a nitric oxide booster called Affirm. So you have a supplement, a supple down. Yeah. So this is basically watermelon and beets. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> or citruline and vet extract. And that boosts blood flow and boosts cyclic G M P. And then if you take a PDE five inhibitor, it blocks the breakdown of cyclic G M P and that keeps blood vessels open.

Judd (07:54):
But that’s the signal. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right? So say you’re 70 and you’re a diabetic and you smoke and your blood vessels are crap, they’re all clogged up. It doesn’t matter if you’re boosting the signal. Hmm. You don’t have the, the flow to get to the penis. And that’s where GAINSWave comes in. That’s where P R P, that’s where a number of the other treatment modalities that we, we use. And so what GAINSWave is, is either low intensity shockwave therapy or radial pulse therapy. And what that does is it’s applied to the penis and it tricks the body into thinking that there’s an injury, even though there is no injury. It tricks the body into thinking that there’s an injury and you get an injury response. And that injury response is an inflammatory response. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that inflammatory response in this situation helps grow blood vessels. ’cause it’s a healing response. Right. Everyone thinks inflammation’s bad, inflammation’s bad, chronic inflammation is bad. Acute inflammation is good. Good. Right? That’s what we use to heal, that’s what we use to rebuild tissue. That’s what we use to fight bacteria and viruses and keep invaders out. And then we’re taking advantage of that acute inflammatory response to stimulate the body to grow new blood vessels. So

Brad (09:11):
It tricks the body to thinking that it’s been injured. Right. But when I had the treatment on my penis earlier this morning, it was amazing because it was absolutely painless. But you could, you know, you could sense there was a lot of shockwave going on. And then you moved over and you said, let me know if you, I you, you get too close to my bone ’cause it’s gonna hurt and it hurt my heck. Yeah. The difference between gobbling right into the penis versus hitting a bone was, was amazing. So you could describe the shock waves are getting dissipated, but when they hit the bone, you, you feel it.

Judd (09:45):
Yeah. I mean, so these, these shock waves are basically like high intensity sound waves and that energy courses through water. Right. Like, like sonar. Right. And when it hits something, you get a ping back <laugh> ping. So when it hit the bone, you gotta ping and, and it hit the periosteal and you, you gotta pinging Right. You know, to the nerves. But that’s really how it works, is it, it stimulates the, the vascular tissue in the penis to undergo neo angiogenesis or the growth of new blood vessels.

Brad (10:20):
So it would be quite different. I was just thinking humorously maybe of, oh, hey, let’s try this at home with my, uh, Theragun massage gun and bash up my penis and get the same response. But it’s something entirely different.

Judd (10:34):
It’s a, it’s a different wave form. <laugh> is, uh, so

Brad (10:36):
Come to the clinic is Yeah.

Judd (10:37):
Come to the, what we’re talking about, you know, it’s just like what the shockwave I did to your glute. Yeah. Right. It’s a, you can use a what are those hypebryce or whatever those Yeah. And are. Right. And, and those are, are more like fancy massagers. The shockwave has a very high peak and a very sharp drop. It’s a very specific wave pattern that will cause a very specific physiologic reaction in the body. Oh.

Brad (11:02):
I’ve never felt anything like it, it was amazing. Yeah. I mean, it was somewhat painful, but you could tell something was going on there that had never been with any other treatment modality, whether it’s an elbow from the massage therapist or the heavy use of the gun, or even the tens units with the electrical stem. So it, it seemed like it was getting down and doing some, some major work. So, if someone’s interested in getting a GAINSWave therapy, you’re talking about coming here for a series of treatments to continue to stimulate this injury, positive inflammatory response.

Judd (11:35):
Yeah. I mean, you have to individualize treatment. And so, you know, like I said, you have to treat the signal and we treat the signal with the Affirm nitric oxide booster with PDE five inhibitors. And then you have to build blood vessels. Right. And we build blood vessels with gains wave. We also use P R P injections to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. We also even use Botox. Right. ’cause Botox will relax. Mm-hmm. Blood vessels allow the blood vessels to open. Mm-hmm. So, um, we have, I just wrote a, a article in Muscle and Fitness called, uh, urologist Guide the Sexual Superpowers. And, they’re, I think 12 or 13 different things that we do in the office that go beyond the little pill.

Brad (12:23):
Right. And that’s well described where maybe you’re getting all the intended benefits of the prescription medication, but it’s not happening for you. Right. Due to these, I mean, I imagine there’s a lot of lifestyle intervention too, where you’re mention eating and exercise.

Judd (12:38):
That’s the really important thing that Yeah. To consider is that in life, when you lose nighttime erections mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you’ve lost a percentage of your circulation to the penis, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So every night when you go to sleep, you’re supposed to get 30 to 60 minutes of erections. Right. Every time you hit REM sleep, where you start to dream, you should be getting an erection. And that’s way your body takes care of the penis. It keeps it healthy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. But if you lose nighttime erections about 10 years later during intercourse, things are gonna fail for you

Brad (13:12):
10 years later.

Judd (13:13):
About 10 years. Right. So you got a 10 year headstart.

Brad (13:16):

Judd (13:17):
On exercising, eating better, stop smoking, don’t drink so much. You know, get your cholesterol under control, you know, de-stress yourself. All the things we talk about in the 21st Century Man book mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, now 10 years after you have a fail in bed, it’s very likely that you’re gonna have some sort of cardiovascular death or a heart attack or a stroke or angioplasty or something. Right. Because the arteries to the penis are one or two millimeters mm-hmm. <affirmative> and their peripheral. Mm-hmm. The arteries to the heart are three to four millimeters, and they’re central. So what’s gonna fail first? Penis. So you need get early warning signs.

Brad (13:56):
How come we don’t hear about this? Is.

Judd (14:00):
Yeah. I mean that prominent, well, the National Talking Health

Brad (14:02):
The Boner Patrol. Yeah. Is gonna prevent heart disease.

Judd (14:07):
It really, I mean, this is like science. I mean, this is like tried and true and that’s why I really don’t like, like the blue chews and the hymns and the Roman and all these, these services that just send Viagra and mm-hmm. You know, let’s out mm-hmm. <affirmative> men. Because you’re missing a really, really important point where you can intervene in someone’s life and say, listen, the reason you’re getting erectile function or dysfunction is that your blood vessels are getting clogged mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And if you don’t do something about it in 10 years, you’re gonna have a heart attack or you’re gonna have a stroke.

Brad (14:44):
So the drugs are assisting clogged blood vessels perform a little better, but we’re not really addressing the cause.

Judd (14:53):

Brad (14:54):
And with, for example, a GAINSWave treatment, now you are kind of addressing the cause ’cause you’re creating that microtrauma and that inflammatory response that’s taking care of those blood vessels. But then we’re zooming out again. So I guess that’s leads me to my question of how you got going on this gigantic book. If you’re watching on YouTube, it is thicker and heavier than Ben Greenfield’s book, Boundless, which is the highest form of compliment you can give to any author. So I suppose you were, I know a lot of physicians in this, in this point where you’re working hard all day cleaning pipes or whatever you’re doing, and then going home and saying, okay, maybe how could I get to the point where my patients don’t need these interventions as much, or can compliment? Yeah.

Judd (15:37):
Well, this was my Covid project.

Brad (15:39):
Oh, nice. That lasted,

Judd (15:40):
Lasted about longer than Covid, but hey, yeah. They closed down for three months. Yeah. Yeah. And so I’m gonna,

Brad (15:46):
Boy, you must had some desperate clients going, Hey, I’m in trouble, man. Can you meet me at my house with a mask? Yeah. And your little magic wand. Oh my goodness. Okay. Closed down. So he went home and started Cranking.

Judd (15:57):
Yeah. And you know, men need help. Men live. Yeah. A hundred years ago, men lived one year less than women. Now men live five years by shear in a hundred years. And men are half as likely to go to the doctor as women. Right. So men need help. And so this book really, it’s not just me, but 60 of my men’s health colleagues, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative> cardiologists or orthopedists, urologists, physical therapists, psychologists, you name it. Every aspect of men’s health is baked into this book. Because I have guys that come into the office with a huge variety of problems that end up causing their erectile dysfunction. Mm-hmm. You know, and that each one of them deserved a chapter. Even think like mindfulness dedicated

Brad (16:49):
To this person, that person love it. Yeah. Mindfulness, yoga.

Judd (16:53):
Yeah. I mean, I could even see, like, in my own mind, like, oh yeah, I remember when that guy came in. We needed a chapter on stretching. Mm. You know, when that guy came in, we needed a chapter on sleep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>.

Brad (17:05):
And how has the, how’s the project been received?

Judd (17:09):
Oh, it’s been, it’s been great. I mean, it’s hard to sell books these days, I’m sure. You know. Um, but you know, anyone that’s gotten the book, read the book really felt like it was like changing for them.

Brad (17:19):
You also do a great job with those videos, so people who just wanna get a, a basic feel for what’s going on. The video’s four minutes long, but you explained everything in detail. And I think on the show too, we’re getting a good understanding of how these pieces fit together. Especially that part about ordering up your pill that gives you, uh, you know, an instant improvement. But we’re looking down the line with those 10 year checkpoints. So again, 10 years, losing the nighttime erections, guess what, 10 years you’re gonna have a problem in the bedroom, and then 10 more years you’re gonna have a cardiovascular problem.

Judd (17:52):
Yeah. I mean, I, I save people’s lives not infrequently here, because someone will come in, they have a family history of heart disease, you know, fa people in their family died at early ages of heart disease. They’ll come in with erectile dysfunction, and I’ll make them promise that they get a heart calcium score. Which is just basically a CT scan of their heart. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and lo and behold, they got all this calcium sitting in the heart mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and they need some sort of intervention, whether it’s a statin or aspirin or angiogram or angioplasty or mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, even some of my patients had heart surgeries that walked in totally asymptomatic, you know, everything’s fine. They look normal, but you never really know what’s going on under the hood. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> until you look.

Brad (18:36):
So we did so much stuff this morning, my head’s spinning. But, uh, thinking back now, one of the things was the ultrasound right on to the penis, which will be posted on Instagram. We took a video and showing the screen, and you show me the artery, the very tiny looking artery, or a couple of them on each side. And those look clear. But I’m assuming that sometimes you see a person with a problem on those peripheral arteries, and that’s a huge red flag.

Judd (19:04):
Absolutely. So, I mean, I, I’ve ultrasound, you know, hundreds and hundreds of men, old men, young men, uh, potent men, imp potent men. And, uh, I can very easily tell there’s not really a scale for a flacid penis, for a number of reasons. But I, I’ve seen enough where I can kind of look at it and say, you know, this guy’s not gonna have a problem, or This guy’s gonna have a problem. The, the lumen of the blood vessel is small, the wall is thick, you know, you got some problems.

Brad (19:33):
And then you’re gonna refer them out to cardiovascular.

Judd (19:38):
Yeah. But I have cardiologists that I sent out to, or vascular surgeons that I refer people out to, or I just refer them out for testing to see if they actually need a referral. But, you know, the, I see men’s health through the lens of the penis

Brad (19:51):
<laugh>. That’s a great quote. I mean, there’s our, there’s our headline caption.

Judd (19:55):
Yeah. Right, right. Um,

Brad (19:57):
And that brings up a really important point, which is, uh, men need help. Men are less likely to get help, maybe ’cause of the tough guy, the macho mentality. But I think also when it comes to this area of sexual wellness, there’s probably a cultural, you know, baseline of being uncomfortable talking about it even with your buddies. And I imagine somehow the people that get through your door have overcome that to call and make the appointment from the friendly staff.

Judd (20:29):
Yeah. I mean, there’s a lot of trepidation. I mean, that’s why we set the office up the way that we do. Oh,

Brad (20:33):
You should see, it’s incredible. It’s like a clubhouse, really.

Judd (20:36):
Uh, you know, we play all sorts of cool music and Yeah. Because there’s a lot of anxiety and shame and humiliation coming in to an office where you’re gonna gonna talk about the fact that you can’t get a good erection anymore. ’cause that’s so central to like a guy’s sense of self, their sense of power, their sense of manliness mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, and when, when you lose that, it, it’s really devastating to guys. I mean, I’ve had guys that don’t even have partners that wanna get their erections back just because they wanna wake up with their morning friend mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. You know, it’s like, it’s just like a, like a check-in. Like things are okay mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, and, and it’s that important to guys. And so, uh, we really make sure that we treat our patients with respect and, and really honor the fact that they’re here.

Brad (21:28):
And it’s really amazing how we can turn people’s lives around. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, and it’s, I I think I’ve done enough in a, in enough different aspects of medicine in urology, in physical fitness, in, you know, I’ve done my own therapy and all that kind of stuff. So I know enough to be able to look a guy in the face and say, you know, dude, what the fuck are you doing <laugh>? Right. You know, you’re driving yourself into the ground. Yeah. Yeah. You know, or if they need a different approach, you know, approach them differently. But, you know, I’ll talk to people that are CEOs or, you know, big time attorneys, whatever, that don’t have people talk to them in those respects mm-hmm. <affirmative> and say, you know, you’re 40 pounds overweight Yeah. Outta shape, you know, what are you working so hard for?

Brad (22:21):

Judd (22:22):
You know, you need to take care of your day. All

Brad (22:23):
That’s great. Yeah. I mean, um, it doesn’t hurt to have a wake up call. And I think it’s so easy today to just get distracted with the overwhelming amount of stimulation in life and not really realize what course you’re charting on until someone calls you out. And I’ve had those checkpoints in my life where people, you know, stood up to me and said like, Hey, Brad, why are you still racing triathlons you stink, you were, you were great a few years ago. I remember when you kicked all those guys’ and now you’re seventh and you think it’s okay. And I’m like, yeah, well, I might get better next week. But this was a guy who helped me retire from the thing that I loved and I was completely consumed by for a decade. And he was absolutely right. And of all my wonderful supporters and family and friends who said, you can do it, Brad, one guy said he was, I had an Australian accent paid us, so I’m gonna use the accent Kearns, You suck now, mate. You should fucking quit. And it was just the most incredible gift. And I thank him, you know, and, and he meant it. He, he wasn’t, you know, playing a game with me. Yeah. He just said, you think you should move on, get a fucking job. Right? Yeah. Do something else. You know, and, uh, I can, I can get that vibe from you where you got someone in who’s, who’s on top of the world in so many ways, and they can’t get it up.

Judd (23:36):
Body can talk, The body composition scan. Really?

Brad (23:39):
Oh, yeah. Yeah. We gotta cover all those things. That was you, you,

Judd (23:42):
You know, like if you’re, if the scan says, I see a lot of guys that just say, you know, you have a beach body <laugh>. What do you mean beach body? They got strong arms, strong upper body spare to weak abs, no legs. Oh boy. And they’re carrying, you know, 40 pounds of extra weight. Yeah. And I tell ’em, you know, like, what, what happens if you build a building that’s top heavy and has a weak foundation? Hotheads. Right. Yeah. So what happens when you fall? You break a hip. Oh. And 50% of people that break hips are dead in five years.

Brad (24:12):
Yeah. That’s rough. Right.

Judd (24:13):
Those are just numbers. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I mean, so that’s a wake up call. Like, or I tell ’em, you know, like, listen, you got weak legs, you got chicken legs, you’re not gonna be able to get upstairs, you’re not gonna be able to travel, you’re not gonna play, be able to play with the grandkids. So you worked so hard to, to accumulate enough money Yeah. To enjoy your retirement. You’re not gonna be able to enjoy your retirement ’cause you’re gonna be sitting on the couch. Yeah.

Brad (24:37):
And I imagine also like I’m here out of tremendous interest for what you’re doing. And of course I would love to be better on every category of my life, including my sexual wellness, but I wasn’t coming in here desperate and dysfunctional. But I imagine everybody over 40, as it says on the book cover, could probably gets some improvement. Mild to significant, to tremendous from going through the protocols.

Judd (25:05):
Yeah. I mean, the thing is, in your twenties and thirties you can compensate for stuff, right? Yeah. You have enough reserve. Most people have enough reserve that you can go all night drinking or partying or whatever, and the next day show up from work and get through work mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but at a certain point you just can’t do that. Right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and you kind of run out of that extra powers that you have. Yeah. But the problem is, if you don’t take good care of yourself in your twenties and thirties and forties, in the fifties and sixties and seventies, you’re gonna pay the price. Yeah. Right? You want your 65 year old self to say, thank you so much for taking good care of me. Because at 65, you know, I can still exercise, I can still be physically intimate, I can still travel, I can still do all the things that I enjoy doing. You don’t want your 65 year old self to say, what the hell were you idiot, you idiot. You were eating donuts and McDonald’s, you were drinking, you were smoking, you were partying, you weren’t getting enough sleep. And you know, now I can’t have sex. I can’t travel, I can’t, you know, my legs about to be amputated ’cause I’m a diabetic. Mm. You know, you don’t want to have that discussion with your 30 year old self.

Brad (26:22):
Yeah. I mean, the effects of stress are cumulative. Jay Feldman made a great point on my podcast interview where we’re jumping into the cold tub, we’re doing a crushing CrossFit workout. We’re, you know, cranking away at work and going from 40 hours to 47 to 53 to 60, so we could get it all done and crush life. And maybe you did get away with it in whatever year it is. 2023. But we are looking down in the future, and hopefully people of all age groups are listening. I think it’s never too late, even if you’re 50, 60, 70. But if you’re 27 listening to this podcast, oh my goodness, it’s time to take corrective action. Oh yeah. And like I’m reflecting on my fascination with high jumping. And I used to jump outta the stands after the middle school track meet was over and run out onto the track and take some jumps. ’cause the, the pit was still there before they cleaned it up. There’s no warmup, there was no pain. I might’ve done it in bare feet. Nothing mattered because I was still resilient at age 40. And now it takes me 40 minutes to warm up to take my first approach because everything’s needing that much more. TLC you know, it’s, and I probably would’ve used it back then, you know,

Judd (27:31):
I think one of the most important slides that I show my patients is the world record for the a hundred yard freestyle in swimming. Right. But you could do the same thing for the a hundred yard dash or whatever. And the, the decline in times is pretty subtle. Age group about 60 by age group. Yeah. After 60, the slope shoots up 60 and after 80 the slope really Right. Accelerate. Got it. Right. And so there’s something about the age of 60 that even if you’re doing things right, yeah. Things begin to fall apart. And like I was, running the other day, I ran three miles at about an eight minute per mile pace.

Brad (28:13):
He’s an old time runner, People, He’s got Roger banister up on the wall. Collegiate runner here. Eight minute Per mile is kind of, it’s Not bad actually. Pathetic. Yeah. I mean, me and you might talk about how it’s pathetic from looking back to Yeah. When we were jogging six minute miles, but it’s actually quite impressive. Yeah. But

Judd (28:29):
My heart rate was 155. Yeah. Yeah. At the, at <inaudible>. Right. So I’m at 94% of a max heart rate. Yeah. Running eight minutes per mile. Yeah.

Brad (28:39):
Huffing and puffing.

Judd (28:40):
Right? Yeah. You know, my son’s running five thirties, you know, and his heart rate’s like, I mean, it’s higher ’cause he’s younger, but,

Brad (28:48):

Judd (28:48):
It’s, you know, I’m beginning to get to that point where it doesn’t matter how much harder I work, I’m gonna see that decline.

Brad (28:58):
Yeah. Yeah. Which is sad. Yeah. You know, I mean, I think especially with explosive things where, um, it’s difficult to maintain that type of high intensity fitness,

Judd (29:08):
Fast Twitch muscles clearly lock better than slow two muscles.

Brad (29:10):
Yeah. And it’s like, to get good at sprinting, you’re talking about a high trauma, high impact exercise that you can’t go do four days a week like your son on high school track team. So we have to kinda work around these Yeah. These problems.

Judd (29:23):
But you know, that’s part of the reason that I do a lot of the things I do. Like, for example, testosterone replacement can’t have a dramatic effect on improving muscle mass and physical performance, mental performance, sexual performance. And then the other thing is the Emsculpt

Brad (29:38):
Oh yes. We forgot to talk about that. Yeah. Another, another thing I went through, before we get to the Emsculpt, the first thing I did was step on the scale. And it was such an amazing, I I’m solely out of the high tech scene. It’s been so long, but I stepped on the scale and I calculated my lean body mass, my body fat percentage and also the, the, the

Judd (29:58):
Right arm. Yeah. Left leg, right leg and trunk. And that

Brad (30:01):
Was, that was the muscle mass percentage, the balance. And so you’re looking at people Yeah.

Judd (30:05):
I mean it calculates the total, the total weight. Yeah. But then it puts it on a, a norm based on your, based on your height and weight. Right.

Brad (30:12):
You get a report, boom, it takes it one minute. And like in the old days, we had to go into a water tank and flow the air out of our lungs to get our body fat.

Judd (30:20):
Now this, it runs electrical microcurrent through your body. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and muscle transmits microcurrent faster than through fat. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so by some whatever crazy algorithm that these engineers put together, their 99% correlated with, uh, like a DEXA scan.

Brad (30:38):
So we talked about the GAINSWave. treatment, the ultrasound to examine the arteries and the arterial health of my penis. And then we went to the Emsculpt. And let’s, let’s talk about what this new high-tech Yeah. This

Judd (30:51):
This Is like one of my favorite machines there.

Brad (30:54):
E M S C U L P T is the machine and

Judd (30:57):
It, you know, it’s made by a company called B T L, which is a huge medical technology company out of Czechoslovakia. And pretty much any Hollywood movie star that you see that has six pack abs is now doing Emsculpt. And even some of the professional athletes are starting to discover it. But really for me, it’s ideal for men over the age of 50. Hmm. When you enter what’s called a sarcopenic phase of life, so you begin to lose muscle, right? No matter what you do, you’re losing muscle, your testosterone’s going down, your level of activity goes down. You don’t absorb protein as well. You don’t sleep as well, you don’t hydrate as well. All the things, your nerves don’t work as well. All the things that used to work really well don’t work the way that they used to work. And so Emsculpt uses high intensity focused electromagnetic waves. So it’s not one of these cheap tens units you’ll see on late night tv. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, those are direct current. This is alternating electromagnetic fields with a two Tesla magnet. And you can set the depth of penetration to the muscle belly. So you get, I mean, I’m sure you experienced a full muscle contraction. Yeah.

Brad (32:05):
It’s a device. It’s like a, you know, bigger than a handheld, but it’s straps onto the targeted muscle group. Then you turn the machine on and what I’m feeling is a very intense muscle contraction. Not painful, but it’s like doing crunches in the case of putting it on my abs.

Judd (32:23):
Yeah. And it’s, it’s purely isolating the muscle. So I see a lot of guys with back issues, spine issues, and it works amazingly for them because they need muscle strength for their core. And they can’t do sit-ups, they can’t do crunches because it hurts their back, but they actually can. I have a guy that used to come in, he was a c e O of this really cool company outta Silicon Valley. And he would come in once a week and he was getting epidurals like once a month. And after I think six or eight treatments, he didn’t need epidurals anymore. He was able to build the core strength to support the spine so that he wasn’t compressing discs.

Brad (32:58):

Judd (32:58):
And so from my back, my spine patients, I usually recommend glutes and abs. So you support the anterior and posterior core. Yeah.

Brad (33:07):
Yeah. So I mean, it’s, it’s presented as a workout, but I was also thinking how valuable it would be as kind of a post-exercise protocol to help clear the waste products out and just get increased blood flow and set you up for a nice recovery period.

Judd (33:24):
Yeah. I’ve never really used it that way that you probably could, but it’s, you know, the micro tears that it creates in the muscle art very significantly greater than you could do in the gym. Mm-hmm. <laugh>. Right. So the, you, the reason is you ever hear those stories where like someone gets trapped under a boulder and they’re able to mm-hmm. <affirmative> some, some hu superhuman strength to push the boulder off mm-hmm. <affirmative> and escape. You ever wonder why that actually happens? Right. They do it. You have a circuit breaker in your brain that says that you can only use a muscle to a certain extent. Right? Right. Because if you overuse the muscle, then you tear the ligament off the bone or the tendon off the bone and then you’re toast. Right. So the squirrels out there, if they, if they tear a ligament or a tendon off a bone, they’re dead.

Judd (34:15):
Right. They can’t climb trees. They can’t go get nuts. They can’t escape from, from the hawks. Right. So there’s a circuit breaker in the brain that says you can only stress the muscle so much, but if you’re in a situation that’s totally life or death, you’re able to summon enough adrenaline that overrides that circuit breaker and you can shove the, you know, boulder off you or I had a, a friend that actually got trapped under a Jeep ’cause he parked it on a hill and it rolled on top of him on his chest. And his wife, you know, 115 pound wife came out and lifted the jeep off of her husband’s chest so he could roll out and save his life. Right. True story. So you’re, you’re, there’s, there’s a limit to how much you can stress among Yeah. Yeah. But with the Emsculpt, you can turn it up as much as you want. You know, you’ve got to 50%, I could probably have gotten up to 60%, but if I had gotten you to 70 or 80%, I would’ve ripped, ripped

Brad (35:11):
James Bond

Judd (35:12):
Wavy. No, I would’ve the muscle off the bone.

Brad (35:15):
Wow. Right. The power you hold on that, on that Console

Judd (35:17):
I mean, I mean, you turn it up as much as, as you want. Yeah. You know, it’s not, it’s not a limitation in terms of how you can stress the muscle. The mu there’s a limitation on the muscle. So if the muscle’s not strong enough to pull the tendon off the bone, but some are so as the rotis muscles. Right. So, you know, that’s why it’s, you gotta be really careful, but that’s also why you build muscle much faster Mm. With Emsculpt than you would in the gym because you get full muscle contraction, you’re there for half an hour. Yeah. Uh, you drive out the lactic acid so you don’t get any soreness. And I usually recommend about three, four days of recovery after those.

Brad (35:59):
Wow. Um, yeah. Your, your description is really amazing. It makes me think of Dr. Timothy Noakes, central Governor Theory. This is actually true. That the brain is the limiter of performance, not the muscle. And the, your, your friend lifting, lifting the Jeep is a great example. Like, we can go way farther than we think, but there’s a really good reason for protecting us. So when I was doing my VO two max test, which we’ll talk about, I probably could have gone another segment of wattage if you had a gun to my head, for example. I certainly could have and I’d still be in there. Well,

Judd (36:33):
I mean that’s the, that’s the beauty of VO two max Right. Is there’s a point where you actually can’t. Right. And that’s VO two max.

Brad (36:42):
Oh, right, right.

Judd (36:43):
So think about it this way, like you’re walking, you use a liter of oxygen a minute. Yeah. Then you’re jogging, you use two liters, you’re running, you use three liters. You’re sprinting, you use four liters, then a bear jumps out behind a tree and you take off at a dead sprint. Maybe you get to five liters and then the whole bear family runs after you. Right. And you’re running even faster. Maybe you get up to 5.1, but that’s it. Right. And then you don’t have enough oxygen to match up with the glucose. And so you start anaerobically burning glucose into lactic acid and ubic acid, and you only get two ATPs instead of 36 eps. So you start to build up lactic acid that burns in your leg and you don’t have enough at t p to keep going.

Judd (37:31):
So, you know, you had beautiful curves in your study, you know, you should post those on your, your, your site where you can see all of a sudden your, your PO two was going up and up and up and then all of a sudden it started to go down. And I looked at cat, my, my, my nurse and I said, this guy’s cooked 10, five seconds later, <laugh>, you know, like you’re interviews, like finish the, finish the protocol. Yeah. I mean, you did really, really well. You’ve actually had one of the highest <laugh> I do a lot of firemen. So we get some pretty high VO two maxes. I do testing on firemen, but um, ’cause they’re low oxygen athletes. Oh, sure. Right. Especially wilderness firefighters. They have to be able to perform under low oxygen conditions. Yeah. Um, but I think you were, you were definitely up there with them.

Brad (38:15):
Um, Patrick Une authored the Oxygen Advantage. He talks about how many elite athletes are over breathers because they’re accustomed to just sucking in a lot of air that they don’t need and they have poor carbon dioxide tolerance. It’s fascinating. So I’ve been working on nasal breathing when I’m pedaling at a comfortable rate and trying to get better with, you know, uh, minimized oxygen consumption, better carbon dioxide tolerance. But for the VO two max test, I should have set it up, uh, a little better. But, um, you got this cool thing in your clinic. You said you got it for the fun factor, but now it’s being really highly regarded as a metric for, um, fitness and for aging gracefully. So maybe you could describe what the machine does and what it, what it’s measuring.

Judd (38:58):
Well, you know, like, so I was talking to the fire chief and he said, oh, you know, well I get a stress test every year mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I said, that’s the most useless test for someone like you. Oh, right. You know, it’s good if you, you know, it’s good for grandpa,

Brad (39:11):
You’re talking about the treadmill test at the cardiologists. This where Yeah. You know, like you’re breathing through that.

Judd (39:15):
Basically what you see when you do a stress test is, is there the chance of ischemia, right. Is there a chance that the blood flow is and the oxygen is not getting to the heart muscle. Right. And if that happens, then the electrical current, the electrical axis of the heart changes. And if you see those changes, then you’re like, huh. You know, maybe there’s some blockage in blood vessels. Right. But, you know, for a 30, 40, 50 year old guy, it’s not gonna show anything. Right. Right. I mean, I think my personal opinion is so many stress tests are done really with no, no benefit. But you get a test like VO two max, you get a number, <laugh>, that number gives you, uh, you know, we’ll send you your, your, your test results. It gives you a physiologic age. Right. So you may be 60, but your cardiovascular system is 55. You know, I, when I did my test, I think it was 55, my cardiovascular age was 47 mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. So it gives you a real indicator. I have a patient who is 38 and it said his cardiovascular age was 42 mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. He’s coming in next week and I’m gonna have a talk with him. Mm-hmm. Right. Because the thing is, it’s good.

Brad (40:30):
Try to get that down to 38. How about that

Judd (40:32):
<laugh>? You know, I mean, guys respond to numbers. Yeah. Right. If I show someone their InBody and say, listen, you got 40 pounds of fat you gotta get rid of, or your legs are weak, you gotta get them stronger. Like, what are you gonna argue with me <laugh>, you know, argue with this. Yeah. Right. Right. And, and make an intervention and then come back in in three months and let’s see if, let’s see if the needle moves, you know, VO two max, same thing. It gives you a very, I mean, it is the single most sensitive indicator of someone’s cardiovascular fitness. Hmm. Right. Like if you wanted to give me any one piece of data that would help me understand how someone was gonna live from a cardiovascular standpoint mm-hmm. <affirmative>, VO two max by far and away would be the best. Hmm. And it also gives you an opportunity to improve it. And the way you improve it is through high intensity interval training. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. Because when you do HIIT training, you get your heart rate up to the max mm-hmm. <affirmative> right to your lactic acid threshold. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, hold it for as long as you can and then drop it down mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so you’re training your body to push that VO two max higher and higher.

Brad (41:44):
So this is the volume of oxygen that you can consume and you can process in your body per kilogram of body weight. So it’s a function of body weight. That’s why if you are 40 pounds overweight, you’re gonna have a shitty VO two max. That’s another reason why it’s a great proxy, but it’s the, the volume of oxygen you can process per minute per kilogram of body weight. Right. Okay. And so the reason that’s so important, you’re pushing yourself to the maximum. I’m on a stationary bicycle with a mask so they can measure my oxygen exchange through the mask, which was kind of annoying. I was making this gesture like, can I pull this off? Can I pull this off? And the doctor’s going, not yet. We’re still measuring after I’m done, I’m like, let me get this thing off. Ha. But, um, you’re, you’re measuring the, the gas exchange while I’m exerting myself steadily harder and harder until I get to that point that you described where I’m processing as much oxygen as possible and it’s still not enough to hold 360 watts for five hours like the Ironman guys.

Brad (42:45):
So I did it for a minute, but, it’s a pretty mind blowing thing. And improving that is literally reversing the, the aging process by any definitive measure because you, you talk about the people that had the number, your number was 47 when you were 55, whatever. There’s no better measurement for that. It’s not just funding games. Like you go on the internet and get your, your, your age put in and see if it’s younger. It, it’s truly a, a high functioning cardiovascular system that’s showing protection against the disease patterns that are the major killers. Yeah. And

Judd (43:20):
You know, it’s an amazing indicator for athletic prowess. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. So ard, I mean

Brad (43:26):
Tour de France champion. Yeah.

Judd (43:28):
If you look at the time trial, he beat, um, paker by 3%. Yeah. Yeah. And Paker beat the field by 3%. Yeah. Right. But ATP at a rate that’s just off the chart. So of course he’s got, he’s got a enormous advantage. It’s almost like he’s got an oxygen to tank mm-hmm. <affirmative> that he’s got strapped to his back. Yeah. Compared to some of these other guys.

Brad (44:04):
And this has been around exercise physiology for decades as a really important number for high performing athletes. And they’ve tested all the great runners of old times. Steve Prefontaine had a high VO two max and Lance Armstrong and so forth. And it’s really cool to see it now coming into mainstream medical science where we wanna look at someone whose VO two max is 27 and we need to get it up into the healthy threshold. Forget about the, the 80 and 90 elite performers. But it is, in many ways a genetic gift. But it’s also highly trainable, especially if you’re inferior. And, you know, I should have lost some more weight. I I shouldn’t have eat so much last week ’cause I stepped on the scale and I was like, oh no, my VO two max calculation is gonna be, but you described that it’s really important to, to correlate the VO two max with lean body mass. Yeah.

Brad (44:54):
I mean, if you, if you really do it scientifically like that, like the super academic people would correlate it with the total lean muscle mass. Like we talked about, um, the Mark Bell people and you mm-hmm. The bodybuilders, like they have so much muscle mass that their VO two max probably wouldn’t be a, an an adequate indication of. Um,

Brad (45:19):
So nice man, it would suck. Yeah. SEMA would suck. Mark Bell would suck. Yeah. But it does bring up an important point, which was

Judd (45:25):
Actually like skinny guys, like you and I would actually for sure a

Brad (45:28):
Wave those guys test

Judd (45:30):
Them. Yeah.

Brad (45:30):
But then we look at all the attributes that represent total comprehensive functional fitness. And so VO two max is a really nice, beautiful pie slice. But then we should also look at explosive strength and power and how badly I suck on pulling a deadlift bar off the ground or, or holding a squat bar Mark Bell doing a thousand pounds and running the Boston Marathon. Achievements like that are extraordinary. It’s the age of the hybrid athlete, which is so fascinating to me to see these people that have these tremendously varied skills. And I think Vanguard, he would probably get blown out of the super training gym probably couldn’t lift up anything in there. But he’s built for one thing, which is endurance in the mountains and times

Judd (46:12):
T-Rex. Right.

Brad (46:13):
That’s right. Big neglect those poor cyclists. Yeah. So it’s nice to emphasize something like VO two max and then put those other pieces in there that are also so health boosting. So Yeah. I

Judd (46:24):
Mean, I’m not training professional athletes here. I’m training guys to live really good, healthy, long lives. Yeah. I mean that’s, I mean, I do see some athletes, I do see some ex athletes, but most of my patients are 40, 50, 60, 70 year old that just wanna stay in good physical condition, good sexual health, have their hormones, you know, optimized, and wanna live the best life they can.

Brad (46:51):
Now, is there a psychological component where someone might come in here and look good on the ultrasound and have good vascular health, but still be complaining of, you know, unsatisfying sexual function or something?

Judd (47:04):
Yeah. I mean, there are anatomical issues, right. I had a 17 year old kid with really bad erectile dysfunction. Right. And he has what’s called a venous leak. So as the arteries pump blood into the penis and fill the penis, it blocks the veins from returning blood back to the rest of the body. Kinda like an ice cream sandwich squishing the ice cream.

Brad (47:28):
Right. And is that the, Is that the ones that pass out? Is that one of the symptoms? I felt like, well,

Judd (47:28):
I mean, my penis isn’t that big. <laugh>. If you gotta, if you holding up blood penis, brain penis that you pass out, we gotta, uh, yeah. Room four then you’re probably in my p long protocol. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but, uh, and so there are folks that have anatomical issues in the penis that make it more difficult for them to trap blood. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> in the penis. And so, you know, like I get to see those guys. ’cause those are the guys that have problems. You’re 17 and you’re get normal erections. You certainly don’t come in to see me. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>,

Brad (48:08):
I’m asking like, uh, is there a psychological component to where someone is anatomically healthy? Oh, yeah. I mean, into the clinic and saying, can you help me? And it’s really, because, you know, psychological

Judd (48:18):
No, no. So the half of it’s physiology and half of it’s psychology. Right. So there’s a sympathetic nervous system and a parasympathetic nervous system. Right? Yeah. So sympathetic nervous system is you are a caveman, right? And you’re with your cave woman mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and you’re hanging out in the cave and there’s a saber tooth tiger that’s just pacing outside, waiting for you to come out to eat you. Right? Two days go by, three days go by and your cave woman’s like, dude, what the hell’s wrong with you? You know, get out there and kill us. Saber tooth tiger. Too tight. <laugh>. And I, another day goes by and she’s like, you are the biggest wuss. My previous cave boyfriend would’ve taken care of business. What the hell’s wrong with you? Another day goes by and finally you’re like, I would rather take my chances with a Saber Tooth Tiger than spend one one minute in this cave.

Judd (49:10):
Right? And so you charge out of the cave with a, with a spear, and you’re in full on sympathetic nervous system overflow. You’re just like in kill mode. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? There is no blood going to the penis, no blood going to the kidneys, no blood going to the intestines. Every ounce of blood, every drop of blood is going towards killing the Saber Tooth Tiger. So you kill the Saber Tooth Tiger, you know, and then you drag the Saber Tooth Tiger back into the cave. You skin it, you got the Saber Tooth Tiger rug on the ground, you got the <laugh>, you got the tiger on the spit and the fire. Right? Now you go from sympathetic mode to parasympathetic, right? Parasympathetic mode is relaxation. Blood goes to the intestines, so you can digest food, goes to the kidney so that you can produce waste, and then it goes to the penis so you can procreate, right?

Judd (50:03):
And then when you reach climax, what happens? Climax that is like sympathetic kicks in. And why, because, you know, humans are an act, you know, we’re out of the evolutionary phase. But if you’re a squirrel out there and you’re having sex, you’re standing still, and there are all sorts of hawks and other animals that are looking to, to take you out for dinner when you stand still. So as soon as you, ejaculate, you get a sympathetic outflow, blood vessels contract, and you start looking around to protect yourself, boom, boom. Right? Okay. And so if you have anxiety, if you have, you know, stress-related issues, then you’re gonna have difficulty getting erections because you have adrenaline and cortisol floating around in the bloodstream. And that adrenaline cortisol is gonna work against erections.

Brad (50:59):
So you have to chill out to get aroused, and then you’re going to climax and, and kick into the other, the fight or flight momentarily I suppose. Right? But I

Judd (51:12):
Mean, if you’re in the moment and you’re, you’re doing it and then all of a sudden you think about work or you think, oh, did I leave the, the, the, did I unlock, did I lock the door or not? Or, you know, last time things didn’t go so well. You get adrenaline and then guess what happens? Instant, the blood goes away.

Brad (51:32):
So is it literally a function of blood flow when you’re talking about this?

Judd (51:39):
A hundred percent blood flow. There’s a threshold, right? If you get enough blood pressure, then you lock the blood in because you block those veins, right? So like, think about it this way. You’re on the roof of a burning building and there is another building six feet away. If you jump six feet, it’s a good day. If you jump five and a half feet, it’s a really, really bad day, right? So if you get enough blood pressure to trap the blood in the penis, it’s a good night. If you don’t get enough blood pressure, and so you get a full penis, but you don’t get a rigid erection mm-hmm. <affirmative>, then it’s not such a good night. Right? And that’s where gains wave and P R P and Affirm and and PD five inhibitors and all those other things come in is to help raise the blood pressure inside the penis. Mm-hmm. So that you can trap that blood

Brad (52:31):
And then the rest is up to the rest is up to you to maintain that calm, confident disposition, you know, wind down from the stresses of the day and enjoy a chance for an encounter and so forth

Judd (52:46):
And work out right. Hydrate, bring

Brad (52:49):
Your eight people,

Judd (52:51):
You know, keep your cholesterol low, don’t smoke, don’t drink, stretch, meditate, get good sleep. I mean, all the things.

Brad (52:59):
Be a 21st Century Man

Judd (53:00):
Yeah. Just a 21st century man. And then, and keep your relationships in good shape, right? That’s,

Brad (53:08):
I mean, if there’s relationship dysfunction, mattering over all these matters,

Judd (53:14):
Uh, and that, you know, sometimes that’s the hardest thing to do. Sure.

Brad (53:17):
Yeah. Yeah. And it seems like, you know, sexual intimacy is one of the first things to go with relationship dysfunction, which, arguably it should be kind of the thing to stay strong and as a foundation. The

Judd (53:32):
Other chapter that, in that book that’s amazing, is what men need to know about menopause, right? So if you’re a guy and your wife is hitting mid fifties and things are starting to get strange, you have to read that chapter. It’s really, really well written. A friend of mine at Russ Bartels is a really excellent gynecologist, also a guy around our age, and it’s a, he does an amazing job describing what’s happening to women in menopause. You have to, if you’re a guy and your wife is going through menopause, you have to understand what’s happening.

Brad (54:11):
You have to care enough

Judd (54:12):
That read that check. Yeah. I mean, like, understand. Yeah. I mean, not just care enough. I mean, it’s like, it directly impacts your spouse, but that directly impacts you.

Brad (54:23):
So it would be nice for people in the area to come to your clinic, failing that they can get the book. And how else can we connect with you?

Judd (54:33):
Yeah, so if you go to the 21st Century Man.com, so they’re all written out in letters. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, you can get the book there. I have a bunch of chapters out there for free on the book. I also have my own personal medical practice website. Brandeis md.com. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, your

Brad (54:51):
Videos are there.

Judd (54:52):
Yeah. And then I have a YouTube channel. I have an Instagram and then I have I’ve claimed science. So that’s my supplement company. So we have a nitric oxide boosting supplement. He had a supplement for premature called Pre Prolonged. That’s a huge problem for men. A quarter of men suffer from premature ejaculation

Brad (55:13):
Why is that? Uh, what’s the cause of that?

Judd (55:16):
You don’t because of that is that it’s a good thing to prematurely. Right. So if you’re a squirrel,

Brad (55:26):
Back to the squirrel, be back to the squirrel. And it’s funny ’cause we’re looking out the window, there’s Yeah. Of squirrels.

Judd (55:31):
Um, he’s

Brad (55:31):
Got all that squirrel now. Yeah. I got, as he’s reflecting, when he takes a pause from his writing jaws, he looks out the window and sees squirrels screwing or whatever,

Judd (55:39):
Can learn about squirrels a lot. Um, if you’re a squirrel, you wanna do your business and, and, and get back to defending yourself. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. And so you’re fighting a biologic propensity to ejaculate and protect yourself. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so that’s why it’s so difficult, you know, guys sort of have to train themselves to delay gratification. Mm-hmm. And so premature, Pre long is, uh, St. John’s Ward or it’s an extract of St. John’s Ward, which is a natural selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. Mm-hmm. And SSRIs are known to delay ejaculatory function

Brad (56:15):
And would’ve been on the flip side, like the inability to finish the job. Is that, yeah.

Judd (56:21):
So that machine that you were on the Emsella

Brad (56:23):
We forgot to talk about that. Emsella was putting this room, that room, this thing, that thing. Okay. Emsella that and me between the legs.

Judd (56:31):
So I, I did the original research to show that the Emsella is the first and only treatment to improve ejaculatory function. We’re actually writing that paper up now, but I presented it at the Sexual Medicine Society meeting. Uh, there’s another medication called Cabergoline that, will help with ejaculatory function. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but it’s much better to do it with, with the Emsella So that’s

Brad (56:57):
A function of insufficient muscle.

Judd (57:03):
Yeah. it’s a weak, it’s a weak bulbo chanos and isho chanos muscles. So like when you’re trying to contract your pelvic floor and you feel that sort of pump Yeah. That’s those muscles. And so it strengthens like you experience strengthens those muscles like a kegel exercise, but, you know, 20 times stronger

Brad (57:23):
<laugh>. Oh, boy. Well, it’s been, it’s been great to, um, connect with you and go through all the protocols here. I strongly recommend taking a trip to San Francisco Bay Area to see this, this clinic in person and experience all the, all the value here. Same with the book Dr. Judd Brandeis doing his thing.

Brad (57:43):
Thank you so much for listening to the B.rad Podcast. We appreciate all feedback and suggestions. Email podcast@bradventures.com and visit brad kearns.com to download five free eBooks and learn some great long cuts to a longer life. How to optimize testosterone naturally. Become a dark chocolate connoisseur and transition to a barefoot and minimalist shoe lifestyle.




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