Cold plunging is the biohacking sensation, but the practice is often misunderstood and misappropriated. It’s not about suffering and overstressing the body. The correct protocols and progressions must be followed to experience the health benefits.
This course provides step-by-step guidance to custom-designing an appealing, appropriate, and sustainable cold therapy practice for you. You’ll learn how to start with showers, and progress to ice baths, custom-designed units, and open water plunges.
“Brad Kearns’s cold therapy material is the most comprehensive and informative I have seen anywhere. He takes detailed scientific research and explains it to the casual user. You will learn everything you need to get going with a successful cold therapy practice and do things the right way!”
Dude Spellings, Austin TX
I have been an enthusiast of cold-water therapy since 2017, and have tried every possible venue and protocol there is to try. I’ve learned more about the science and best practices over time, with lots of trial and error. I am pleased to guide you to experiencing the awesome physical and psychological benefits of cold therapy. However, cold exposure is no joke, and you have to do it right to appreciate the experience, build a habit, and avoid the potential drawbacks of adding more stress to an overly stressful lifestyle.
Many people misunderstand what this is all about; it’s not a macho contest nor a suffer-fest. You have to dial in a protocol that works for your daily schedule, environment, and overall stress load. The videos and the detailed eBook will give you everything you need to succeed, and we offer email support to address your personal concerns.
Don’t worry, I’m not gonna play you by pounding my chest and jumping into near-freezing water saying, “This is fun!” Cold exposure takes focus, intention, discipline, and resilience, but I promise you will grow to appreciate the experience. This course is the real deal, and you will learn how the profound benefits of persevering through such a challenge can be life changing. Oh yeah, and the hot tub or warm shower is especially pleasurable afterward! I appreciate your trust and interest, and guarantee that you will have a wonderful experience with the Take The (Cold) Plunge! course.
From improving your stress tolerance to optimizing the functioning of your body AND mind, proper cold exposure contains a treasure trove of benefits. Now is your chance to learn the proper protocols to maximize your ability to reap those benefits. I invite you to take the plunge—literally—today!