Cynthia Monteleone

Let’s get ready to rumble with Cynthia Monteleone!

She is a World Champion Masters Track and Field athlete and a certified holistic metabolic analytics practitioner. Cynthia comes from the beautiful island of Maui and is full of positive energy and enthusiasm, and our conversation today is interesting and inspiring, and trust me, the minute the show is over, you are going to be ready to sprint! She is a huge proponent of the overall fitness and health lifestyle benefits of sprinting, and at the very end of the show, she shares a fabulous list detailing the 10 reasons why sprinting is superior to cardio for fitness, health, and everything else.

You’ll hear about her background as a college athlete, the 20-year break she took to live real life and raise kids in Hawaii, and then her rapid ascension to winning the World Title for sprinting in her age group. Her time for a 400-meter sprint is 57 seconds! If you need a reference point for that time, it’s an extraordinary performance: I will admit, she’s faster than me! It’s also faster than how she ran in college as a D1 athlete! Cynthia is turning back the clock like nobody’s business, and she has this amazing and unique blend of steep scientific knowledge as well as practical application from being an all-around World Champion jock. We’ll get into some science at the very end with this well-read, well-researched certified practitioner, who also started MAM: Metabolic Analytics of Maui, a company that helps clients reach their nutrition and physical fitness goals. Through analytics, consultation and education, she helps everyday folks as well as elite athletes. Enjoy hearing this lively conversation with Cynthia, and if you want to learn more about her work, click here.


World champion sprinter is here to talk about sprinting, supplements, and the timing of workouts as part of her training. [00:57]   

After running in college, Cynthia took a hiatus to raise a family and then journeyed forward to win a world championship. [03:43]

Your body does a great job cleaning up your system by storing toxins in the body fat. [06:09]

While training with Charles Poliquin, she improved her running skills by 50%. [08:28]

She ran the 400 in 58 flat at age 42, in the Masters meet. [13:11]

When you are going for marginal improvements and you’re already at the elite level trying to get faster, the training is pretty difficult. [19:02]

Cynthia talks about the supplements she has found that works well, especially when traveling. The timing of your workouts is important too. [21:18]

Stop icing and stop static stretching when trying to recover. [27:30]

Cynthia basically is on an animal protein-based diet. Lactate is a valuable energy source. [30:12]

You can tell by the bicep measurement how their testosterone is and the tricep measurement how the estrogen is.  [34:13]

Especially an issue with women is the toxins that reside in the body that come from scented candles, beauty products, lotions, etc.  [39:13]

Dietary optimization is still an important goal, even with elite athletes. [48:19]

Ditch the AirPods! They are microwaving your brain. There is a lot of research on EMF. [54:00]

What percentage of the workouts are working within your capacity so that you can recover and rebuild? [56:35]

Sprinting is better than cardio for fat loss and gut health. There are 10 reasons why. One is you get better hormone balance. [01:03:34]

The micro bacteria in your microbiome is dictated by what foods you eat and what type of exercise you do. [01:07:38]

Sprinters are smarter than distance runners. Number 4 is sprinting makes you happier. [01:09:38]

Overuse injuries are more abundant in endurance training. There is a high risk in endurance for heart remodeling. [01:10:43]

Body fat percentage is number seven. If you are too thin, you have poor hormone health. [01:13:11]

You can damage the DNA in the cells when participating in endurance. [01:15:18]

AQP4 is a water channel which is in your brain like the lymphatic system. [01:17:06]



  • “If you’re in the gym longer than an hour, you are making friends, not progress!”(Poliquin)
  • “Sprinting is better for aging, than endurance training.” (Monteleone)


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B.Rad Podcast

Brad (00:00:58):
Hi listeners, let’s get ready to rumble with Cynthia. Monteleon a world champion, masters track and field athlete, and a certified holistic metabolic analytics practitioner. She is full of positive energy coming to you with a flower in her hair, from the beautiful island of Maui Hawaii. And we are gonna rock with a very interesting, enthusiastic and inspiring show. By the time you’re done listening to this show, you are going to be ready to sprint, and she is a huge proponent of the overall health, fitness and lifestyle benefits of sprinting. You’re gonna wait till the very end of the show and she gives you this fabulous top 10 list list of 10 reasons why sprinting is better than cardio for your fitness, your health, everything else. We talk about her background, where she ran track as a collegiate athlete was a fine athlete division one at UNC Wilmington, took a 20 year break to go live real life, have three kids moved to Hawaii.

Brad (00:02:02):
And then somehow she got inspired to participate in master track and field and had this incredibly rapid ascension to winning the world title in her age group. And her time in the 400 meters is 57 seconds. And I don’t know if you have reference points for that, but it’s an extraordinary performance. And one reference point is, well, one reference point is that’s faster than me. I’m hoping to do a 57 someday. But this woman is for real, but it’s also faster than she ran in college as a D one athlete. So she is turning back the clock like nobody’s business, and she has a really amazing and unique of steep, scientific knowledge as well as practical application of being an all around world champion jock. So you’ll hear her get into some science at the very end. It might get a little confusing when she mentions the metabolic pathways and things, but she is very well read, well researched.

Brad (00:02:59):
And she’s applying all this research to a great success story list of clients, including all the way from Olympic athletes to everyday folks and to other elite masters performers. Her operation is called metabolic analytics of Maui. So I’m hoping you’re going to hit some of these links that we provide in the show notes and listen to what she has to say. It’s so inspiring. You can hear behind all these scientific rationale and these logistics and these technical details about her sprint workouts and performance is a tremendous amount of positive energy. And you’ll get that from her Instagram site too. We’ve been trying to connect for a long time and I’m so honored to talk to the champ, Cynthia Monteleone here we go.

Brad (00:03:43):
Oh my gosh, I have the world champ in front of me on the screen, Cynthia Monteleone from Hawaii, the beautiful island of Maui. Aloha. And my sister down the road recent new resident of Maui. So look forward to visiting their frequently and then coming and doing a track workout with you someday. But I’m gonna have to, I’m gonna have to build up to that great experience because we are talking to a fast super mom here, people, and we have so many important topics to discuss, but I think as we get to know you here, I wanna talk about this incredible journey where, Hey, okay, you’re a track runner in college. Everybody was something back in the day. Isn’t that great. And then you have, was it a couple decades break before you set your site back on the oval and then had this extraordinary performance a couple years back winning the world title. So take us through that, Cynthia.

Cynthia (00:04:38):
Yeah, sure. I love to share my story because I have a passion for helping others thrive. And if someone can be inspired or learn from my story to not give up on their goals or dreams, or just give that extra little bit, that’s why I’m here. So I did earn a scholarship to division one school university in North Carolina Wilmington. And, um, I was actually, uh, 400, 200 meter runner mostly, but I, my specialty ended up being the 500 indoors. I was top five in the east coast in the 500. And I, you know, I would say I was, I was never like conference champion. I was never at the NCAA meet. I wasn’t at that caliber, but I was good enough to still hang with, you know, top five in the east coast. So that being said, so 20 years later I took a break.

Cynthia (00:05:30):
I had got married, I had kids. I have three children and, uh, right after I turned 40, I had just finished breastfeeding, my youngest son. He was about two and, uh, I thought, okay, well it’s time to, you know, get back in shape because I do encourage women not to lose too much body fat if they’re breastfeeding, because it’s really important that they don’t introduce those toxins through their milk. So I would say, Hey women, like don’t look to get into super tiptop shape and lose all that body fat right away while you’re, uh, still breastfeeding because, uh, there’s plenty of for that fat feed child so

Brad (00:06:10):
Quickly explain what you’re talking about when you’re dropping body fat and dumping those fatty acids into the bloodstream.

Cynthia (00:06:16):
Yeah. So your, your body does a great job cleaning up your system. And one of the ways it protects you is by storing toxins in body fat. And we can get into this a little bit more with how I do my analysis and I measure body fat, a little note to that for later. But so just for instance, like you’re, your toxins are stored in your body fat. So if you’re losing a lot of body fat quickly, right after you have a child and you’re breastfeeding, you can actually introduce those toxins into what you do, introduce those toxins into your breast milk. And then that gets fed to your baby, which you don’t want. So if you just do it naturally little by little, you know, that sort of thing, don’t rush it. You need to hold some of that body fat for fuel for, you know, your child, uh, to move fat for fuel to feed them. Then I would just say, you know, tell, be sure to tell mothers not to rush it. I think there’s a, a lot of celebrity culture with, you know, you see whoever it is. I don’t know. I don’t watch the Kardashians, but someone like that and they’re like, oh, look how skinny I got so quickly after my child. And I would like to Anti-promote that. , mm-hmm, uh, because your health of your child is most important, not what your body looks like.

Brad (00:07:28):
Okay. So, um, here you are in your forties, early forties, that’s the kids are, you know, getting going, they wonderful start in life mm-hmm

Cynthia (00:07:39):
And, my daughter, my daughter was 11 at the time. Okay. And she said to me, mom, I wanna run track in college. Like we did. And I said, oh boy, okay, well, you know what, let’s get out on the track and let’s do a 400 and see where we’re at. And we got out there and man, it was the hardest 400 I’ve ever run in my life. we tried our hardest and we both came across the line somewhere around 1 30, 1 40 seconds maybe. And I thought I was gonna die. My whole body hurt. Um, and, uh, we started from there. And so very, I actually, when I, when I then jumped into some track workouts a couple weeks later, my bones felt like they were moving back together. It was very hard on my body. And I like pulled my quad and my hamstring right away.

Cynthia (00:08:28):
I, cause I just jumped into it. I didn’t know what I was doing really. Right. And so I stopped and I said, okay, you know what? I started to learn from this mentor, Charles Poliquin, one of his students, I’m gonna go to him, him himself, and I’m gonna learn from him. And I started my journey learning from Charles directly. And he kind of took me. I was very lucky cause it’s not always warm and fuzzy. I dunno if you’ve ever seen any, uh, videos of Charles or heard about him, but not, not always the warmest and fuzziest, but if he liked you, that was great.

Brad (00:08:58):
So listeners, this guy is a legend in the strength training community. I believe he passed tragically recently.

Cynthia (00:09:07):

Brad (00:09:08):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that, that was really rough in his fifties. But he put out so much wonderful content is so highly respected amongst all manner of power, explosive athletes for his unique training methods. So you’re telling me, you, you traveled, you traveled from the islands to go to go hit this guy up and, and see if, see if he would, uh, he would, he would help you out. Yeah.

Cynthia (00:09:27):
I actually started off taking one of his classes and then took more and basically connected with him during class. I think heed my questions’, what happened, started sending me messages was like every time he would send a message, I’d revered this man because like every single, single thing that Charles taught me when I put it into practice with my clients or myself, it works 100% of the time. How many things that, you know, work 100% of the time. Like every time it works, what Charles said, and he was years ahead of the research, like 20, 30 years ahead of all the research. And so it is tragic that we’ve lost him because we lost our, our Oracle into the future basically. because things that, uh, you know, Andrew Huberman and different experts are talking about now is new discoveries. Charles already knew and taught us 20 years ago.

Cynthia (00:10:27):
So he did have a genetic heart issue. I don’t, I can’t say I’m on his family, so I can’t say exactly positive death and that sort of thing. But he outlived his genetics by at least 20 years. I believed, you know, doing his little bio hacks as well. Um, now he also did a lot of experimenting and that sort of thing. So his personal journey is his journey, but what he taught works 100% of the time. And I am so fortunate that I was able to take that and build myself from that knowledge. And then now continue to change people’s lives, whether it’s, uh, an Olympian or whether it’s someone with autoimmune issues, that sort of thing. So there I was on the track and I started to learn everything the right way from Charles and started to implement that. Uh, and I got a fourth place ribbon at my first national championships. And so

Brad (00:11:17):
This is how long after you started,

Cynthia (00:11:19):
This was at age 41.

Brad (00:11:21):
So a year or some later you went to the nationals

Cynthia (00:11:25):

Brad (00:11:25):
Fourth place before. That’s incredible progress.

Cynthia (00:11:28):
Thank you. I ran a 61. So I went from a 1 30, 1 40 to a 60.

Brad (00:11:33):
Nice. Just what is that? A 50%, uh, improvement rate in a year.

Cynthia (00:11:38):
Yeah, it, it’s just amazing that I, but I dedicated a lot of time to it, you know, um, three times a week training, still the same kind of schedule I have now three, uh, four times a week training training three times a week. So, um, but the, the keys were, and we can talk about more where, what I was putting in my body for fuel and things like that. Mm-hmm so there I was with my fourth place ribbon and man, I wanted to throw that thing in the trash cause I lost my 0.1 and I thought, you know what? I never want a fourth place ribbon again. And so I hung it up in my gym for years as a reminder that I don’t wanna.

Brad (00:12:12):
So I’d

Cynthia (00:12:13):
Vow have

Brad (00:12:14):
A dark contest.

Cynthia (00:12:16):
Yeah. I vow I will come back next year and I’ll win the national championship. And

Brad (00:12:20):
So, and this stuff, people you’re talking about USA track and field masters meets, and this is like the, the level of performance is incredibly high when you’re, you’re talking about the people that are dedicated to it and, and come to the nationals and fly, there is a really serious people. A lot of them have a strong background like you did, or maybe even beyond that we’re talking about former national level runners. Right. Mm-hmm okay. So you’re going back the next year with, with revenge in your heart.

Cynthia (00:12:45):
Yeah. So I show up for indoors. I don’t run indoor track really, you know, like I did in college, but this is, I hadn’t run since college indoor tracks. I showed up at indoors and I won the 400 and the 200 to my surprise. Um, and then, and you know, the relays with my club and then I came back outdoors and I won again. And that’s the same one that I believe that was Spokane. So I believe that’s where David Pitts was, who

Brad (00:13:11):
One of your clients who won the my division and who I initially, uh, was, was so captivated by and just seeing the level of performance. Um, and you know, we, we joke about being in the older age groups, but, um, tell us your time in that, in that national title in the 400,

Cynthia (00:13:27):
Um, that, that time was a 50 flat.

Brad (00:13:31):
So yeah, if you’re not familiar with that, people, it might be fun one day to go to your local running track. And you know, it’s 400 meters, the straits are around a hundred, the curves around a hundred. So try to run just a straightaway at 58 flat pace. And you’ll see what I’m talking about. That would be a 14 something, or let’s say 15 seconds is giving you a 60 second pace

Cynthia (00:13:51):
Would be a,

Brad (00:13:52):
Yeah, it’s, it’s an astonishing speed for, uh, for anybody. Uh, let alone a, a 42 year old female. Who’s had 20 years off and is coming back having a little fun with the flower. I don’t think you had the flower in your hair when you were running 58 flat or did you?

Cynthia (00:14:07):
I did. Yeah.

Brad (00:14:08):
That’s your signature? Can’t, can’t let it.

Cynthia (00:14:11):
One of the other ladies who is very competitive in my age group, who said, I wore a flower in my hair first. Why is she wearing flower and her hair?

Brad (00:14:18):
Woo. The drama track time.

Cynthia (00:14:21):
I graduate high school back again.

Brad (00:14:23):
right. That’s right. Your times are as good as college. And so are the emotions from the competitors. That’s hilarious.

Cynthia (00:14:29):
Yeah. So whatever I said, I’m from Maui. I don’t know why she does it.

Brad (00:14:33):
Yeah, that’s right. Come on.

Cynthia (00:14:35):
Yeah. So, um, yeah, so I ran that 58 and then I went to Spain that year for the world championships. And I actually, I wasn’t sponsored by my supplement company yet. And so I wasn’t on all of the supplements that I now believe in and put people on and that sort of thing, I was kinda just finding my way at that point with that, with my education. And I got a stomach bug on my let’s say Wednesday, I ran my semifinal on a Wednesday and my final was on a Friday. And I had basically waterfall diarrhea for two days. So I was depleted, I showed up. I didn’t even know if I could show up to my race. I called Charles. He was in the air actually to Estonia at the time and he called me back right away. And he said, immediately take go to the nearest pharmacy and take, um, 10 charcoal pills every hour until symptoms subside.

Cynthia (00:15:30):
And I ended up taking that whole darn bottle. It was like 80, 90 charcoal pills throughout the course of the evening. Don’t try this people. I was, I was able to show up to my race. I could barely eat anything cause I ate would go right through. Right. So I think I ate like, I don’t know, one piece of fruit or something. And I immediately felt like I, I showed up to my race and um, and I ended up with a bronze. So I ended up running 58 low. I ran all my rounds in 50 eights and I was feeling fantastic. I was like jogging across the line in a 58, you know, like felt amazing until that. And so I believe it was from some contaminated lettuce now that I traced it back. And so I actually blacked out a little after the race.

Cynthia (00:16:15):
They had to come bring me some water and food because that’s how bad I was off, but I still got bronze cause I was determined. So I got a bronze and I remember saying to the winner like, Hey, like I only lost because I got sick and she was like, oh yeah, yeah, whatever. You know, and again, I vowed I’m coming back and I’m gonna win. And so six months later I went to the world indoor championships and I won and I beat the same lady who had beaten me at outdoors, which I told her, Hey, I was just sick. I’m coming back better than ever. So that’s uh, what happened in that race? I ran a 58.1 indoor, and I also ran a 57 outdoor right before that, um, that following spring. So that was when I was 43. So it was three years ago.

Cynthia (00:17:00):
And I ran that 57. This is you’re, you’ll appreciate this. I ran, that was 50 at my Alma mater track in North Carolina. I was there for an alumni meet. I showed up to, you know, just be a special guest. And I ran that my coach was there. He wasn’t coaching there anymore, but he was coaching another team and he had happened to be, bring his team for, uh, for the race. And he got my splits, which was great. It was just like college. It was so much fun. So here I was 22 years later running, I think I ended up third or fourth and I think I ended up fourth in the race. All the girls were running 50 fives, you know, 56, that sort of thing. And I came across in 57. I was so proud, uh, of myself and my coach was there game.

Cynthia (00:17:49):
My parents were there cheering for me. It was awesome. So it was a lot of fun. And um, yeah, so then I had got right after that went to, uh, indoor and then that 58.1 was faster than my indoor best. So I ran faster than I did in college, 20 credit. Um, and I believe I could even go faster. Like I, I definitely, we can talk about this, but I’ve been working on my speed more, I’m consistently developing, I’m consistently finding new ways to make myself stronger and faster. And I always joke, like one of these years I’m gonna get slower, but not this year um, so, uh, yeah, I’ve been concentrating a little bit more on my speed and my 200. Um, and I went, uh, 25, a couple times in practice this year, which I was very pleased at. Um, about three times I’m 25. I didn’t get very good optimal conditions in any local meats. You know, I had to win against me, pouring rain, all the good stuff. So I ended up with like 26 low to mid for my times, uh, officially, but I’m still like, I know that that 25 was in me and I, you know, it happened a few times and my coach was on it. So I’m very happy with that, that I’m working on that speed, continuing that speed as I get older,

Brad (00:19:02):
Listeners can understand how excited I am to talk to you about all this stuff. Cuz I talk all the time about the importance of setting these distinct goals and having that competitive intensity carried with you throughout life and how that gets you up in the morning. And uh, it keeps you positive. It has so many, uh, you know, mental health and hormonal benefits to your life. But one thing to understand is like when you’re going for these marginal improvements and you’re already at the elite level you’re world champion and you’re trying to get faster, um, the training is, is pretty difficult. So I’m wondering, uh, you know, to handle that kind of load and to do those workouts that are necessary to excel at that level can be really difficult. And I’m wondering if you have any problems like injuries that I complain about all the time or just the fatigue or the rebounding necessary. And I know we’re gonna talk about supplements and diet and all those things that you have a tremendous level of expertise.

Cynthia (00:19:59):
All of that as my coach likes to say, you have to have all the pieces of the puzzle. So you have to have the strength training. I have a certified strength coach under training I’m Charles, but I am not at the advanced level that my strength coaches. So I, I do write programs for people, but I rely on him to write my programs because we’re, I think we’re better when we give ourselves to another coach, honestly, because they know us, they can see things that we can’t see ourselves or some people might stop before the workout is done. Meaning they might talk themselves out of finishing the workout or they might do the opposite. They might do too much themselves. So I feel like really having a coach is important or having someone at least a training partner to keep you accountable. Either direction is really important. So that being said, I have a Malcolm from source performance. He was one of Charles’ top students. He handles a lot of professional athletes as well. He’s in Arizona. Um, and then, uh, I have had zero injuries, Brad. Zero, since I started running. Since that first time I told you I pulled my bottom of my hamstring. Why?

Brad (00:21:11):
Except your ego was injured in Spain when you got third and they didn’t think you were gonna go smoke ’em the next year, right?

Cynthia (00:21:18):
Yeah, man, that was, I wanted to throw that medal in the trash too, but third place what I came here for gold, but no, I, well, you know, again, like I said, I was, I was a little, um, uh, early in my education with the supplements and things like that, but I, I don’t really, after that, I dove into the research I dove into how can I prevent this from ever happening again? And I got a great supplement company and sponsored me HP labs. I’m now sponsored by both ATP labs and designs for sport. I wanna talk about that too. Um, the quality and supplements after this, but, um, so I started doing things like, um, prebiotic fibers at night with probiotics, especially when I travel to make sure that my gut bacteria are armed against foreign bacteria. Because when we travel to other places, even if it’s Europe, it doesn’t have to be sketchy place like Mexico or Indonesia or something like that.

Cynthia (00:22:12):
It could be just that our bacteria is not used to the new bacteria. And so our immune system takes a little bit of a tank from that. So we gotta make sure that we’re, we’re supplementing with all different things that we need. Um, foundational supplements, like magnesium and sync. But I also do take the prebiotic fiber and probiotics at night, uh, before I go to bed, um, to make sure that I’m OK with that. And so the supplements and then, um, uh, the timing of the workouts, I think a lot of people get this wrong. Um, I, they think that I train every day and I don’t

Brad (00:22:50):
Super hard every day. She’s out there puking on the side of the track. No,

Cynthia (00:22:55):
Yeah, I am very protein forward. I consume 200 grams of protein a day minimum. And so people have asked me is that because you train every day and I’m like, I don’t train every day. I actually only run three times a week, um, at the track. And that workout is usually done within an hour to an hour and a half, depending on what’s going on, you know, but you know, starting from the warm-up to the finish. Um, but really within an hour that workout set, I strength train four times a week, but as I get closer to season, it drops two, two to three times a week. Sometimes even once a week, if I’m really, you know, close to peaking. And that is only an hour because Charles used to say, if you’re in the gym longer than an hour, they’re making friends not progress. we had some really great one liners,

Brad (00:23:45):
I think, important behind that. And you’re also mentioning that your track workouts don’t take that long. And I think people have a lot of flawed notions about this, that like this lady on Maui must be living and breathing and, and just obsessing about, uh, track day and night in order to become world champion. But you just, you just rattled off your entire time commitment and it’s certainly within reach of almost anyone, not that your times are, but it’s, it’s interesting to know

Cynthia (00:24:10):
Seven hours a

Brad (00:24:11):
Week. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, um,

Cynthia (00:24:14):
Maybe maybe eight with like a little few minutes here and there, you

Brad (00:24:17):
Know what I mean? Maybe watching, watching video analysis of technique or whatever. Uh, but when Charles, uh, made that epic quote, I think, uh, what we’re talking about here is if you are prolonging these workouts that are intense and explosive by nature, um, you’re gonna overproduce stress hormones, and it’s gonna be a recipe for breakdown, burnout, illness, and injury. And unfortunately it’s a very common thing, even among recreational exercisers where they’re going in. Uh, we know some, some ladies at the local health club will go and do back to back classes. So they’re out there yeah. With heart rates jacked through the roof, uh, because they’re not super fit to begin with, and they’re pushing their bodies literally harder than the world champ on the screen and on the, on the mic. So I’d like to dig in more to,

Cynthia (00:25:06):
Yeah. And lot of optimization of that. Oh, like, you know, um, you know, you’re, you look so great, you know, you look so muscular and your abs and this and that. Like, I, I recently had a picture up on my story or something like that. Some, you know, I live in a bathing suit, so I live on an island and, um,

Brad (00:25:23):
Another excuse. Okay, just got that hair, the flower in your hair, cuz it’s Hawaii. Live in a bathing suit cause it’s 86 degrees all the time. Why not? Why Not?

Cynthia (00:25:32):
Like exercise clothes or bathing suit is pretty much my uniform. Um, but yeah, and they said, oh, you’re so jacked and this and that. And I thought, how funny, because I haven’t even lifted weights and like four weeks, this is all from intense sprinting because as I taper my lifting, I intensify my sprinting. Um, so that sprinting is a full body workout. And because I haven’t been lifting, I can feel the, um, the full body soreness after I have a really like, you know, solid day of sprinting of the track the next day, uh, in between my shoulder blades are sore. And that also tells me like where I need to work on too. Sometimes my triceps. Um, sometimes I get, um, like lactic here in my, in my, uh, chest

Brad (00:26:17):
Chest. You’re pointing too, if you’re

Cynthia (00:26:18):
Yeah. A lot of people think sprinting is all lower body, but the upper body, so very important for sprinting. Um, and then let’s see, my, my quads are usually a little sore. My hamstrings are not usually sore sometimes mys, so I can tell the full and my abs are sore. So the full body workout from sprinting. And, um, we can go over it too, but the top there’s, I have a top 10 of why sprinting is better for aging, than endurance training, but yeah, so I, I basically back to your question, I’ve got the strength training, the supplements, and then, um, also the, um, the cycling of the workouts. I think that is very, very important to make sure you have enough recovery, because as you mentioned there, these stress hormones, the cortisols through the roof. Well, as Charles pointed out, our species was designed that if we’re getting chased by a tiger, we’re not really in interested in reproducing, although he used a lot of other . So, um, we’re not interested in that. And so because our, our testosterone tanks, when we, and our, uh, reproductive hormones tank, when our stress hormones are increased, so,

Brad (00:27:23):
Or starving over the winter in our ancestral example, when there’s not enough food yeah. All the hormones are gonna tank.

Cynthia (00:27:30):
Yes, exactly. So we wanna keep our, or our hormones balanced and at optimal levels. And one of the best ways to do that is through, um, this cycling and making sure you have enough recovery because, you know, we tear our muscle tissue when we train, but then we need to go back together strong. So my nagging hamstring issue that I first had Charles taught me, you know, within that first year. So, oh, Hey, uh, stop icing after you run and stop stretching. He had me stopping static stretching, and it went away like that. And so I was, I couldn’t believe it cause all these years, and even my coach was like, oh, make sure you ice, make sure you ice, you know? And so I would leave the track and I would sit there on the drive home with an ice pack on my ham and it was not getting better.

Cynthia (00:28:20):
And I went to the physical therapist I went to and it took me until Charles said, Hey, stop icing and stop static stretching. And I was like, oh, OK. And I did. And it went away within a couple months and I never had an injury again. And that I believe is also due to, uh, the proper strength training techniques that Charles teaches. And that I learned through like my strength coach, uh, Malcolm, uh, a lot of people are really into this mobility training right now, but this is incorporated into proper strength training. Mm-hmm . I also think it’s important to note that I have never done an Olympic lift. Every all these sprinters are doing all these power Olympic lifts. We don’t do that. I do eccentric training a lot and variations. I vary my cycle about every four weeks, at least. Um, and so all of these little tiny lessons that again are just all the way back to Charles and his teachings keep me healthy.

Cynthia (00:29:16):
They, it keeps me from having some weird, you know, quirk in my, my twerk in my pelvis or something like that. I do get treated by a therapist sometimes, but like all these, these, um, important strength training exercises, keep my mobility, keep my stride length, keep my, uh, velocity, keep my, um, like my, my, uh, what am I saying? My maximum force to the track. Because when you sprint, you wanna put maximum force down as, as you’re pushing off, this all comes from proper strength, training and proper track training. So my coach also knows, uh, he, I used to show up and give him the list like, oh, um, I’m a little tired, a little sore from lifting. I’m a little, this I’m a little that, and then he’d go, okay, uh, you’re gonna do a 500, you’re gonna split 59. Um, I want you to come through one 16, you know, and I was, I’ll be like, oh, okay.

Cynthia (00:30:12):
Like I learned very quickly. He doesn’t care. And so I stopped giving him the list and I, I ended up performing in practice a lot better because I just showed up. And I was like, instead of thinking what felt a little off with me, I felt like, okay, I’m gonna dominate this workout no matter what, because let’s face it on race day, whether it’s, uh, your work is your performance, like a meeting or something like that on race day, performance, day in life, nothing is ever gonna be perfect. And the sooner we learned that, and we just learned how to tackle the obstacles in our life, the better off we are all around. So whether that’s a track workout or a meeting or your job or whatever, it may be, um, best to concentrate on what we’re gonna be good at and have that optimism and that positive attitude to think about, oh, I might feel little freaky. I’m old, I’m this I’m that, you know, don’t give yourself an excuse. That’s what I would say. Uh, so those are the major elements. I also went to an animal protein based diet. I eat steak, uh, an hour before I run 400. It, the buffers, it used to be lactic acid. Right. But now they say it’s not lactic acid. It’s, uh, a calcium ion,, issue. So

Brad (00:31:27):
Right, right, right.The minor nuance, it’s what everybody thinks. Yeah. Um, but it’s the, the lactate is used for fuel. And so the burning sensation is not from, it’s not from lactate. Lactate is a valuable energy source, but it’s from the, uh, yes. Something about the, the acid accumulation in the, say it again,

Cynthia (00:31:47):
They believe it’s possibly the lack of calciums. They actually don’t even know. They just know that the lactate coincides with the fatigue. So now I say fatigue, like I said, lactic acid here earlier, but really it’s just the fatigue. So now I try to say fatigue. Um, but yeah, so the, um, the Carotene B to fatigue, um, I have all that B12 fully, all the really, you know, all the Carotene, all the things you need for power and explosiveness and a little bit of endurance because red meat has that fat and I have become more fat, fuel adapted and protein adapted. So I get, I kind of get my parts through protein because of glucogenesis. I do have a little bit of, uh, starchy carbs at night, um, to wind down and make sure I still have some serotonin for restful sleep. That’s important for people to know.

Cynthia (00:32:36):
I think a lot of times people make the mistake and have, have their carbs in the morning. And then they wonder why they’re a little bit having a little slump midday or even mid-morning. And it’s because your neurotransmitters are firing off of what you’re eating. So if you eat red meat for breakfast, for instance, you’re firing acetylcholine and dopamine, especially if you’re, uh, adding some, you know, some nuts with it or maybe an egg that’s high in protein keeps your brain firing. So you really wanna stimulate that for, uh, longevity and energy throughout the day, and then start to introduce your, tryptophan from poultry and your serotonin later in the evenings, as you wanna wind down to sleep. Uh, so I mean, again, Brad, like, there’s like so many things, little things that go into, what, how did this happen? How did I end up running faster at age 43 than I did in my twenties? Like, and it’s all of these little things and how do I keep getting faster and keep staying healthy, not getting injured. It’s all of these little things. Um, so yeah, I that’s the long story. ,

Brad (00:33:40):
Let’s go a little more detail on your animal based diet. Listeners can hear you on some other podcasts. I heard on Peak Human with Brian. That was a great show. Another track guy, geeking out a little bit on track and all that. And, um, uh, you’re, I’m assuming getting, uh, an appropriate level of carbs to replenish glycogen because you’re training so hard. And

Cynthia (00:34:04):
So I under 80 gram a day.

Brad (00:34:07):
Okay. So you’re in that of, um, you, you’re definitely gonna call that low carb by comparison to anything, especially

Cynthia (00:34:14):
It’s like keto, where it would be sub 20. So it’s like keto, carne, blend, blend. Um, I do eat vegetables still. I do believe in, uh, polyphenols from berries. The anti antioxidants whole from blueberries, I think is very important for everyone. Um, uh, sometimes depending on my, sometimes they have to supplement REL. If they’re starting to get the man boobs, where they have sufficient amount, I can tell by their body fat, I can tell by their bicep measurement, how their testosterone is really tricep tells me estrogen. One of it’s one of the Estrogen

Brad (00:34:48):
What the, the actual circumference relating to body weight or height or, or what are you looking for?

Cynthia (00:34:54):
It’s the measurement of the body fat mm-hmm so

Brad (00:34:58):
You’re measuring, you’re measuring bicep circumference against what?

Cynthia (00:35:02):
No, I’m just measuring the millimeters and I, oh, I can tell by, so for instance, I’m about a 2.5,

Brad (00:35:09):
2.5 millimeters of pinch or something.

Cynthia (00:35:13):
Yeah. It’s yeah. So you know, the calipers measure. Yeah.

Brad (00:35:16):
Yeah. So you have to have calipers,

Cynthia (00:35:19):
Right? I measure. So you, I find the peak of the bicep. Yeah. And then we punch it and pull it. So as Charles said,

Brad (00:35:25):
Just pull your bicep on camera, people,

Cynthia (00:35:27):
All of your, um, measurements should look like penis, skin. that’s what Charles said.

Brad (00:35:34):
Oh, there goes our pull quote for the show on Instagram. Yeah.

Cynthia (00:35:39):
So for instance, men, when their pecs are too high, when their ratio is too high from their pets and their triceps, I can tell what they drink. If they drink, I can tell what they drink from their tricep to pec, to ratio and meat and their knee. I can tell how much they drink from their knee. And I can tell what they drink from their and their, if it’s beer or alcohol, or like

Brad (00:36:07):
The martini shaken, not stirred like James Bond, you can tell what they’re drinking.

Cynthia (00:36:11):
It’s not exactly, you know, the brand, but , I can tell if it’s beer or if it’s either fact wine drinker, I can tell if they’re a wine drinker, a beer drinker or a cocktail drinker, and I can tell how many drinks per week they have, watch out it’s based in Chinese medicine. And then Charles basically figured out this algorithm to, um, measure the ratios because the ratios matter. Um, so for instance, if they have the, the men have a, a very good testosterone measurement, low meaning low, uh, on low measurement, and then their pec is a little bit out of range. Um, it’s out of proportion. Then that means that they have the enzyme aromatase that is converting their testosterone to estrogen. And so then I will give them dietary, um, uh, you know, saying like, okay, for instance, for that, I’ll just give your listeners a little clue as to that. Uh, if that’s happening, if you’re, you know, someone who’s getting man boots, they need to start eating zinc, rich foods, which boost testosterone, but also, um, helps balance hormones. So shellfish like oysters, muscles, and shrimp, that sort of thing. That would be their number one protein even before red meat, which is also high. And then, um, I would put them on certain supplements, like, is there a trial and different things to detoxify the estrogens and to stop the conversion of tase? So if that makes sense,

Cynthia (00:37:38):
All these things matter and everything’s individual. So I have an individual protocol. And when I just worked with Emma McGowan. She is phenomenal. I dunno if you follow her, but she’s the she’s 53 or 54. And she just won the 100, 200 and came in silver in the 400 at the recent world championships. She ran fasting food and she ran three years ago. She ran a low 26. She ran a, um, a high, 12, 12. She was sub 13. And then she ran, um, a 60 in her 400

Brad (00:38:10):
As a 53 year old female.

Cynthia (00:38:12):

Brad (00:38:12):

Cynthia (00:38:13):
And so she called me in January and for instance, and we did a whole consultation and she was, she was having menopausal issues. She wasn’t sleeping well, this sort of thing. And so I put her on a specific protocol to her issues. And so people are always asking her, what are you taking? What should I take? And she like, Cynthia, she just health. And my performances as a result got better. Like I’m not taking any performance stimulants. That’s not what’s going on here. I’m just taking care of my health and my body. And I think that’s a really valuable lesson for your listeners is that you don’t have to be a world champion seeking track athlete to be a champion in your life and health. Like what matters is that you take care of your body, all of the energy and all of the feel good, you know, the, anti-depression the motivation to get things done in your day, the love for your family, all of those things come when you take care of your body. So my passion is to help other people take care of your bodies.

Brad (00:39:13):
So Charles, you call him your mentor and he was teaching you all these tips and tricks, but as far as your coach, specifically, for track preparation, that you you’re talking about a different coach, are you working, uh, directly or is this a remote relationship?

Cynthia (00:39:30):
Um, yeah, so, um, and regarding Charles, like I got the foundational tips and tricks from him. And then I continued that research onto even, um, further go in depth on things. So I read about 50 medical journal articles a week, at least, uh, I try to read a couple of books a week. Uh, Charles said, one of the best things you can do is one of the speed read. So, um, so I try to intake a lot of information. I’ll pick like one subject, like Alzheimer’s, or mm-hmm the, to triangles or something like, you know, and I just dive into all of the research. I read all of it, the pros, the cons, you know, which, how the mechanisms are working. And I start to read the patterns. And I think that’s where, um, I found that my specialty goes above and beyond just general metabolic that Charles taught is because I really dive in, I read the patterns per individual, that being said, my track coach, um, is amazing. His name is Rudy Huber. And he, I think is Satan reincarnated because , he just tortured. He loves to torture me on the track. No, but I, I love it too. I love, um, the challenge of the workouts. And, uh, he’s a former de uh, former division one runner himself. I believe he is. Um, what, what age group are you? I think he’s turning into the 55 age group,

Brad (00:40:47):
Actually. I’m 55 to 59

Cynthia (00:40:49):
Age group. Yeah. I think he’s going into that group, uh, next year. And so he’s thinking about having to come back, but, um, he won a couple master championship back in the day, years ago. Uh, when he, like, I think late thirties, early forties. Um, but he’s mostly just passionate about, uh, coaching kids. He’s a high school coach. He’s coach Olympians. He’s just, he knows track inside and out, and he’s got the perfect coach’s eye in my opinion. And when, if you dunno what that is, it’s when you look at an athlete and you can tell immediately when they start running, uh, what their issues are, how they can become stronger, what workouts they need, uh, what type of runner they’re. And, um, you can see pretty much the future, how they’re going to develop if they do these things right. Am I, am I correct? Have you experienced that before?

Brad (00:41:37):
That sounds like a pretty awesome coach. I can’t say I’ve had any masters like that. I, I appreciate Phil Maffetone’s work a lot with the endurance athletes and he proclaims that his 180 minus age formula was originally devised by looking at the change in the athlete’s gait when they hit a certain heart rate, indicating that the metabolic stress was increasing. And so it’s a non-scientific calculation, but, you know, so relevant. And then you can go recalibrate that, or, or validate that in the lab, when you look at, um, gas exchange and indeed the person’s aerobic maximum is around 70 to 70, 73% of max heart rate, which oftentimes corresponds with a change in gait. And so those nuances that the coaches notice, I read Dan Fasts’ newsletter, I’m sure you’ve heard of him. And he talks in those, in those terms where it’s way beyond the mechanics and the logistics.

Brad (00:42:31):
And I think anyone listening that’s in the personal trainer realm, where we have this, you know, fixation on the mechanics of athletic training rather than on the nuances. And I think it’s great to hear the content from you and people, if you don’t believe her about reading all these journals, just go hit her Instagram for a moment, and you’ll see these really thoughtful and detailed commentary with scientific reference and same with on your website. So it is, uh, going in, going in deep here, and then walk your talk too with the, uh, performances.

Cynthia (00:43:04):
Yeah. And, you know, and with my clients’ performances. So, um, mm-hmm, Annie Koons for instance. She, uh, was when I met her, she was having like a and performances and she was a little bit concerned about losing her money and things like that. And the nutritionist that they were working with with the training center was saying things like, oh, you’re doing everything right. Was clearly, I’m not, I’m almost body fat and my performances aren’t getting better. And so, uh, you know, I kind her mind to everything did analysis, she bought in, she did everything, um, and within see her issue was, um, and this is, I said, let’s put a pin in talking about the body fat and toxins. So her issue was she was having a type of estrogen dominance, um, due to toxins held in her hamstrings due to environmental factors that scented candles, beauty products, lotions, all of these, um, these chemicals were getting stored in her hamstrings as toxins.

Cynthia (00:44:02):
So this is one of the ways that women especially have issues where they’re, they will store their body fat in their lower legs in their butt area. Um, so with, we did the whole like basic, um, flush of these toxins and changed her, uh, her eating habits and got rid of all of the toxins in her environment. And within I came back, I think eight weeks later, um, she had gone from 19% body fat, 18 point something maybe 19 to 12 and half percent body fat that quickly because of eliminating these toxins and her performances started skyrocketing. I dunno if you know the photographer, Jeff Cohen, he takes all the pictures of the track athletes. You should follow him, Jeff Cohen photo. Um, he’s, you know, he knows all the athletes cuz he’s constantly taking professional pictures and he’s, I remember she told me, he said to her like, I dunno what you’ve been doing, but your body has totally changed, you know?

Cynthia (00:44:57):
And she was like, I have this great metabolic practitioner and this and that. Um, she went on win the national championship and go to the Olympics. So, and then my other, um, client that year, Maggie Malone, which other, both still my, but that year, particularly, um, they’re thriving. Um, Maggie, when I met her right after Annie, she was having autoimmune issues and she was in a cycle of all kinds of antibiotics and this and that, and nothing was getting better. She was like fatigued to the point where she didn’t wanna get out bed. And so be a former Olympian and she’s Jalin thrower. And then to feel that way and have gained all this weight and this and that like, gosh, that must be crushing. You know? And I said, oh, well, I can fix this. Like we just need to do this, stop doing this, take this, start eating this.

Cynthia (00:45:45):
And um, she broke the, she came back not only to win the national championship and go to her second Olympics, but she broke the American record twice last year. Um, so for me, that’s why I do this. I love, love when my clients, win medals way more than even I do. Um, so yeah, that’s a example of what I do with being a metabolic practitioner and how do all of these things matter in our life and why can’t we all be this way? Right. Well, a lot of people are stuck in the federal guidelines of the food pyramid and now this ridiculous guidelines. I dunno if you’ve seen it, uh, I forgot what it’s called. There’s a new name for it, but it’s saying basically like a score frosted wheats, it’s frosted mini wheats. You should eat a lot of,

Brad (00:46:26):
Oh, I saw

Cynthia (00:46:26):
That. You should not

Brad (00:46:28):
About that. Yeah. They were scoring different foods. Yeah. And it seemed pretty random and maybe influenced by marketing dollars or something, but yeah, frosted mini wheats was, was way up there with a high score and then yeah. You know, red meat was getting, disparaged just the same old stuff that we’ve heard for decades. Yeah.

Cynthia (00:46:45):
Yeah. And so, uh, I just come in and I, you know, I talk about the benefits of red meat and um, you know, I just really, again, I pinpoint it per individual, but there is a general idea that frosted minis are not gonna help your athletic performance. And I, I take this all the way down to my high school kids, ones who will listen. Um, my husband’s been a wrestling coach for 20 years. We had the, uh, she’s the basically one, the best high school wrestler, award of the whole nation. She’s a four time state champion here in Hawaii. She actually just signed with Iowa for the first D one women’s wrestling program. She just won PanAms last week. Um, she won the US open this year. She’s one of my clients, but she’s like a daughter to me, me, we, she actually lived with us and we’ve fed her for two years and trained her right here in my gym, um, and taught her all of the things, same things that Charles taught me that I get to pass.

Cynthia (00:47:41):
And, uh, you know, she eats the steak before she competes as well. And you look at like, uh, popular wrestling, nutritionist accounts and stuff on Instagram, and it’s like the opposite again, it’s like thing. And I thought, gosh, no wonder these kids are not thriving. So it’s really special for my husband and I to be able to share this with the young people, because they then tell their families and then their families get healthier. So we’re making a difference just by this one, you know, this one seemingly drop in the ocean, but it’s creating a, a movement current to helping other people, their whole future generation get healthier. And they, they influence their family and friends.

Brad (00:48:19):
I wonder what your awareness is of the dietary practices of the elite athletes. Um, I had a guest on my podcast, Lindsay Berra, her podcast is called Food of the Gods and she studies how elite athletes fuel and train for peak performance in all these different sports, golf, race driving basketball, baseball, and, um, you know, I’m familiar a little tiny bit with athletes here and there in different sports. And it seems like they have a long way to go to get dietary optimization. I think they’re still, uh, trafficking and some of the processed stuff that, that most humans eat. Um, I’m sure there’s some other examples, but she also referenced an interesting point that there was little or no examples of elite athletes engaging in these restrictive dietary practices that are so popular in the ancestral or the progressive health movement. So there wasn’t a lot of keto athletes, uh, competing in the world championships in Oregon last week or racing cars at Indy 500 or people, you know, really deep into intermittent fasting in some of these things. And that was an, uh, something, I wonder,

Cynthia (00:49:22):
How was she finding that out? She interviewing every single athlete because I can tell you that my athletes that were there, they definitely eat that way. And not only do they eat them and they’re thriving that way, and maybe they didn’t, she didn’t interview them. Or, you know what I’m saying? Like maybe they’re not getting asked or maybe they don’t wanna tell sometimes they don’t wanna tell. Um,

Brad (00:49:41):
Well, I, I imagine there’s, you know, percentage ofathletes who are deep into this, right. With, with coaching and, um, evolve coaches rather than your nutritionist every day down the street. Um, but I wonder if it’s just a matter of time before they catch on or, I mean, in your case, I’m, I’m,

Cynthia (00:49:59):
That’s a good question. They, I can tell you from my experience, they’re, how’s the, with the it’s coming down from the tops coming from the government guidelines, mm-hmm those government guidelines then are set to teach, um, nutrition, head nutritionists at schools, what to teach. Then those head nutritionists teach in their universities, the nutritionist, and then the nutritionists are hired at these programs to teach the athletes. And so that’s how you end up with something like the Olympic training center, serving rainbow, sprinkle pancakes to the athletes. What kind, what kind of pancake would you say? Rainbow sprinkles, rainbow sprinkle pancakes for breakfast at the Olympic training center. Yeah. And I was like, my husband’s like, are Russians working in the kitchen with going, like we trying to sabotage our athletes? They’re they they’re so into their Powerade slushies there, which I’m very anti Powerade, Gatorade needs to be consuming all those artificial ingredients, inflammation, corn syrup, you know, or even if it’s natural cane sugar, it’s still too much artificial colors.

Cynthia (00:51:08):
That sort of thing. Even artificial sweeteners if it’s unsweetened, but they have the, the sweetened power slushie machine in the Olympic training center. And not only that, they brought it with them to Doha and they were forcing it on the, all the athletes. Of course my athletes and not having it they have a different protocol. They don’t touch any of the food that that’s given to them at, uh, foreign competitions. They don’t touch, um, they control their food through restaurants and things like that. Right. Um, but yeah, and I’m going really power slushie. We really think that that’s, what’s gonna send them or, you know, to the next level. So I think that what’s happening is, uh, the corporations are spending so much money in these nutrition programs and I’m, and I’m not saying this out of just conspiracy theory, I’m telling you that one of my Olympians told me at his college, he knew there was something wrong when the head nutritionist was pushing Poptarts on them.

Cynthia (00:52:02):
And he’s like, I don’t know a lot about nutrition, but it seems like Poptarts was not the best thing. And she said, we need the sugar, we need the Gatorade with the sugar and we need the Poptarts. And it turns out that she’s one on the board for Kelloggs and they’re donating so much money to the millions, to the nutrition program. So then you have these nutritionists that graduate from that program and then they get hired. And then this is where all of this information’s coming. So Charles used to say, I remember in one of the metabolic classes, he said, is anyone here, a registered dietician or trained nutritionist and a people raised their hand. And he said, you have to unlearn everything that you’ve or get the hell out, and so they were like, we’re learn, you know? So that’s how strict my upbringing through Charles was.

Cynthia (00:52:50):
And that’s how strict I am with my athletes. And that’s how strict I am when it comes to people telling me stupid crap. Like you need Poptarts, and sugar’s not bad for you. Cause I’ve seen the, the detriment, the detrimental effects of these sugars. Now I, I keep my sugars under 15 grams a day, and that includes the berries I might be eating. Um, and that’s, you know, if you start counting sugars, it’s not a lot. Uh, and so, and I keep my, like I said, I keep my star two carbs till later in the day. And it’s usually something with fruit, vegetables. Um, so yeah, I, I think that it’s really important that there is a revolution in the food industry and people like you and I are here to help, uh, say, Hey, it does work for athletes. And, uh, you know, maybe game changers, isn’t the way because

Brad (00:53:40):
That’s the name of a documentary people that we terrible. We, we don’t want you to see food lies. Intro. I’m gonna put that link in the show notes too, from Brian. Yeah. Cause that was a fantastic, intro to the great work that he’s been doing, working on it for many years and kind of dispelling some of this nonsense that especially is delivered through propaganda type documentary.

Cynthia (00:54:00):
Yeah. So when you, I think what a lot of people don’t have time to do their own research, but when you start doing your own research, uh, you find a lot and you find a lot of, like, for instance, EMF, my athletes aren’t allowed to use AirPods. So anytime I see an athlete using AirPods, I just shake my head like,

Brad (00:54:17):
Dang, you’re you’re really now you gotta convince me to ditch those cuz um, they’re pretty convenient. I used to go with a wire,

Cynthia (00:54:25):
A wire, so that’s good.

Brad (00:54:26):
Yeah. I mean, uh, I, I do that in the car now, but when I’m working out, it’s, it’s just so inconvenient to have the wire there. I’m gonna hit it with my hand or something doing running drills. And so, yeah. Um, let’s give a, so let’s give a big plug here. We gotta, we gotta ditch these wire. Are they so bad? It,

Cynthia (00:54:41):
The AirPods, you know, your microwaving, your brain and the, the thing is is that if you start, if you listen to any of the media in the United States, they’re not gonna, you’re not gonna find anything on it. Rarely, rarely anything,

Brad (00:54:54):
But oh, you’re gonna find at studies, you’re gonna find studies saying they’re just fine is what you’re gonna find. Yes. Yeah,

Cynthia (00:55:01):
Yeah. But if you look at, uh, you know, research outta Europe, oh my gosh, they’ve been tons of research, Germany and that sort of thing. And that’s one of the things, uh, you know, my mentor taught us, he actually spoke 12 languages. So he was able to do research in the other languages. I only speak a little bit of German, a little bit of Spanish, but uh, I try to still stick to the English reading cause scientific terms are challenging as they are. But, um, uh, yeah, so there’s tons of research on EMF and uh, uh, Bluetooth, all of it. Tons if you just start looking. Um, and the other thing is one of my clients I had here Maui, her sister was on the team that created Bluetooth. And she told me when I started telling her, oh, I don’t want you to use Bluetooth.

Cynthia (00:55:43):
Oh yeah. You don’t have to tell me, my sister was on the team that created Bluetooth and none of them were using Bluetooth after the studies that they did. And I was like, well, that’s pricing on the page for me, you know, straight from the horse’s mouth. I’m not that’s. Yeah. Besides all the research that I’ve done. So things like that. I, I really try to, to help people, whether, again, they’re local clients having had issues or someone’s trying to get pregnant. I get a lot of people who are trying to conceive. I help make babies. That’s the best or it’s an Olympian. I’m like no AirPods, uh, you know, make sure your room is dark, like a cave and you sleep. So there are a lot of other lifestyle changes that we can make. And I love that Brian is, uh, putting that documentary out because we are very aligned in our thinking and our beliefs. And, um, I can’t wait for it. Yeah.

Brad (00:56:35):
So, back to your workouts, you’re under the tutelage of the coach. And so they’re designing you, you mentioned that you’re, uh, you were instructed to hit certain split times at one of the workouts that you mentioned going through in 59 and doing a 500 now, um, are these calculated to be percentages of your absolute best racing time? You could run a 57 in the 400, but you’re not going out there and doing that, uh, during training, uh, rarely or if ever. And so give us some idea of like the percentage that you’re working within your capacity so that you can recover and rebuild and head back to the track three days a week.

Cynthia (00:57:14):
Yeah. Um, great question. So, uh, with anything again, the cycling matters, we call it periodization and strength training, same with track. You really need to periodize your workouts. Um, even if you are not, let’s just say for the, the person listening, who’s not going to compete and not planning and competing, but they just wanna sprint for their health. I highly highly recommend periodizing your strength training and your running workouts. So you’re gonna go a little bit more, um, longer distances with less rest in the fall, um, in the, you know, early season, uh, you kind of basically take that and you start to taper the distance and give yourself more rest, but increase the intensity. So my coach does that pretty quickly, especially if I am running indoors, I only have a certain amount of time. I have to do a double peak if I’m running indoor and outdoor.

Cynthia (00:58:07):
I had a nice time this year, really not competing, just running to run for the sake of having fun. It was great. Um, so I didn’t have to worry about those peaks really. Uh, but I still periodized it two peak, um, you know, somewhere around may outdoors. And then, um, I did a mini peak, like recently that it wasn’t, wasn’t too crazy. So, uh, basically you’re gonna increase the intensity as you get approached summer and you wanna maybe Midsummer cause that’s, when, if you did wanna compete, that’s when you compete and then you take it, uh, some time off, maybe August, September, and then pick it back up again. Um, but off means, you know, just kinda do whatever you wanna do to, to relax and get some training in. I do some strong man training, that sort of thing, but that being said, my speed coach friend from Canada found it very interesting when he analyzed me workouts, but I mostly run my workouts within 90 to 95% of my race pace for whatever distance it is.

Cynthia (00:59:05):
So it’s 500 or 400 or 300, 200 and 100, I’m running at 95%. I’m not ever really running at a hundred percent because that promotes injury as well. I think that you can do some, a few accelerations of that, uh, and that, you know, know maybe a few accelerations you’re properly warmed up and then you can hit maybe some short distance day with some maximum velocity. But even then if you’re doing repetition, you’re doing intervals, you’re not doing a hundred percent. I think that’s how you get injured. So keeping it within the nineties, I think is a great way to spark, um, all your calomine, your dopamine, you know, all these great, uh, uh, neurological elements that help you burn visceral fat, that help you increase BDNF. Um, these are some of my top 10 reasons why I’m getting into already increasing BDNF, which is brain derived neurotropic.

Cynthia (00:59:59):
It’s what you’re, it’s like for protein that’s fertilizer for your brain keeps your brain active. It keeps it neuroplastic. It keeps you learning. Um, so this increases more during sprinting than endurance training. So when women turn 40, for some reason, they’re like, oh, my hormones are shifting and starting to gain a little weight. They think automatically, oh, I’m gonna start training for a marathon. And what happens? They they’re riddled with overuse injury. They’re doing this long slow shuffle job, uh, and not losing their, their belly fats, not losing visceral fat, their hormones start to get out of balance because they’re, um, increasing the stress hormones by running too long, working out too long. Um, all of these things, they’re not getting muscle mass because they’re, uh, becoming catabolic. Their protein’s getting eaten by doing too much for too long. Whereas the sprinting, you, if you look at a sprinter and a distance runner, it’s clear as day, you maintain muscle mass.

Cynthia (01:00:53):
Um, and muscle, as we know from Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is the organ of longevity. It’s what keeps us young. It releases Mykines that are good for us. So we really need to keep this muscle, uh, through resistance training and sprinting, uh, back to sprinting. Again, sprinting is like one of these miracle things that people are afraid to do. But if you just prepare your body a little bit with, uh, walking up pills, strength training, you can do it, right.

Brad (01:01:20):
You can sprint on a bicycle.

Cynthia (01:01:23):
Yeah. A 95% is basically to come back to where I, where I live my life. And sometimes that’s extremely difficult depending on the rest period. My coach like sometimes gives us this nutty. I remember just thinking like you are crazy. One of these workouts this spring, he gave us, uh, us, my training partners from Canada. He comes down in spring, uh, and he runs he’s actually, I think about your age too.

Cynthia (01:01:47):
And he runs the hundred, 200 doesn’t wanna have anything to do with the 400 . Um, but, uh, and he ran A2 six mid this or 26 low this season. So he was really happy about that. But, um, we ran a workout for instance, and we do variations on the multiple two hundreds. So you run one of my favorite workouts is that any of your viewers can do at home is, uh, run a 200, which is halfway around the track and then walk a 200 now better to time your rest to make sure you’re not walking for like six minutes, one time and three minutes. Another time, usually it should be around three minutes. So let’s say you have like two and a half to three minutes rest between the two hundreds you could do, like six to eight of those, for instance, a good solid beginner workout to see where you are and challenging.

Cynthia (01:02:33):
So we do variations on that. Sometimes he has this to 10, two hundreds, and sometimes he, and sometimes we have only a minute rest. Sometimes we have two minutes rest. So this particular workout we had to do, uh, 200 in flat in flat, which means, uh, you know, the spikes gonna make us go faster for those listeners. Little challenging adds a second two time at 29 to 30 seconds with one minute rest. Okay. How many of those can we do? I think I managed like five and I thought I was gonna die. We had to do six. I died him last one, but I just couldn’t even like, that’s insanity to me. And I was looking at him like, you’re crazy, but so he’ll challenge us as to how many, but again, we’re still at that 95% range because maybe I run like A2 six, seven, you know, usually maybe five, if I’m running fast to that point. Uh, but it’s that same percentage we’re living at that, but he’s changing the periods to give us the challenge.

Brad (01:03:34):
I think that’s gonna us right into your top 10 list of why sprinting is better than cardio for fat loss and, and gut health. And you’re telling that story about the, the hypothetical 40 year old that wants to go get in shape and immediately the brain and, and society and our cultural programming, uh, puts this, uh, completing a marathon on a pedestal or I’m from the triathlon scene. And everybody was always aspiring to do an iron man. And it’s important to second guess that and say, why don’t you try to go fast on a shorter race and be more of an athlete rather than just shuffling along. Not to denigrate, you know, if that’s your passion and you wanna finish that marathon, and it’s a bucket list item, ideally you would be a bucket list item rather than an every year over and over putting your body through that.

Brad (01:04:20):
Um, but, uh, what you were saying about Dr. Gabriel Lyon’s work and, uh, I’m sure you’ve seen John Jaquish and his posts about how, um, there’s a lot of research that cardiovascular, you know, endurance training promotes fat storage and strength, training power, sprinting promotes fat reduction, none more so than sprinting because of the, the impact, the high impact nature. There’s a strong message sending to your genetic signaling to drop excess body fat because the penalty for running along and doing one lap or doing half a lap with excess body fat is severe. Unlike the penalty for riding around a hundred miles with a lot of extra body fat, as we, as we see all the time with those endurance training people.

Cynthia (01:05:03):
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So number one, and we’ve talked about a few of these, but I’m just gonna go through the top list. Number one is better hormone balances. So again, you’re a woman, even a man, you you’re hitting middle age. Um, your hormones are starting to change. This is just, you know, the, how the nature is natural cycle of things. Your men are losing testosterone. Women are losing estrogen. We want a better transition into midlife, whether it’s menopause for women and you need better hormone balance. So sprinting, um, gives a better hormone balance through not having so much cortisol and then stress hormones, as we talked about, you’re increasing your natural reproductive hormones by not having this cortisol from long continuous training. Um, OK. So number two.

Brad (01:05:47):
Oh, wait on number one, to be clear people, when you go and do a high intensity workout, you are getting a profound spike in these stress hormones, but it’s the way that our bodies design like Charles Poliquin said when you’re the, the lion is chasing you, you want all those stress hormones to be flooding your bloodstream. And then because Cynthia’s leaving the track within an hour, the hormones go down, you recalibrate back to homeostasis and you had what’s called an appropriate fight or flight stimulation versus going and doing back to back exercise classes at the gym where the stress hormones are floating around too long. And then they become catabolic and have those after effects. So it’s the, it’s the short duration of high stress workouts. That’s the hormone balance magic number two. Yeah,

Cynthia (01:06:34):
Exactly. And that actually helps you deal with stress in your life.

Brad (01:06:38):
Mm good point. Right? How so? Like how so,

Cynthia (01:06:41):
Like short practice, you’re, you’re that little bit of that cortisol that’s raised when you’re doing that intense exercise, it prepares you for cortisol spikes that might become from stress in your life. So you’re able to deal with it better and you’re, it’s not prolonged, so it’s not becoming a problem. It’s not, uh, chronic cortisol. It’s short, like you said, short duration. So it actually better prepares you. Um, so yeah, there’s so many scientific mechanisms that we go into, but it’s just, you know, gets to be too much, but that’s the basic message. Is that duration exercise better, also better prepares you for, you know, when life comes at you so that

Brad (01:07:19):
Yeah. You finish your track workout. Yeah. You feel great. And then you get a traffic jam on the way home, and you’re just chilling with the flower in your hair. You don’t care. We’ll see what happens when we get up to the site and go Jam. Now you come from, when people look at the whale, so that’s not too bad. Yeah. But then you just look out in the wheels of reaching, but, okay.

Cynthia (01:07:38):
So number two, a lot of people dunno about this one, but microbacteria in your microbiome is dictated by what foods you eat and what type of exercise you do. So if you are doing long endurance training, your bacteria changes in order to create vitamins and fuel to keep that, keep you alive and keep you going. So the longer the ultra endurance type athletes are the worst with their microbacteria. Um, and when I go deep into the studies, it, it seems that the, uh, one microbacteria called Prevotella is abundant in endurance athletes. And that one, if it’s, um, over and overabundance actually leads to degenerative diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, um, even worse responses to respiratory illnesses like, uh, so if you look up pre overabundance, a lot of really bad things.

Cynthia (01:08:33):
The other thing that comes from Prevotella is if you look it up, what types of foods increase Prevotella it’s vegetarianism or vegan. And so plant based foods and ver, and over fibers, like you’re eating too much fiber, too many fruits. That’s actually gonna create a Preva over abundance too. So if you know anyone with rheumatoid arthritis, they absolutely do not need to go near a prep based diet because there’s huge research between between Prevotella and rheumatoid arthritis, but any type of joint pain as well. In athletes, we really wanna look at the bacteria that we’re fostering. So sprinting actually creates a better microbiome for, uh, fighting off these illnesses, which is amazing. So we have these things called factor, which comes from, uh, foods like animal protein and also from sprinting in high intensity work. So it’s really fascinating then, but microbacteria change according to what type of training it would. Um, okay. Number three.

Brad (01:09:31):
Geez. I’m already convinced that too, but we will go through the 10, but before we let you go, um, this is fantastic. Yeah.

Cynthia (01:09:38):
Oh, good. Number three. Um, sprinters are smarter than distance runners. Okay. Don’t get mad at me, distance runners. That’s only because of B. So brain derived neurotropic, again, it’s a fertilizer for your brain when given cognitive tests, the researchers showed that the sprinters answered the questions with more knowledge and retained knowledge after sprinting rather than after intern training. So there’s actually a, a specific study on this increased knowledge through BD F. Um, okay. So, uh, sprinting makes you happier. Number four. This is because of BDNF as well. So the research research shows that BDNF is correlated to anti-anxiety and anti-depression, and this is again, increased more through sprinting than it is through endurance training. So if you wanna get happy, there’s again, specific research for depression and sprinting. If you look it up in, uh, pub, if you wanna get happier, start doing some high intensity sprinting, uh, okay.

Cynthia (01:10:43):
Number five, overuse injuries. We talked about this a little bit. Um, my physical therapist, uh, when I interviewed him, he agreed with this. Um, and the research shows that, uh, overuse injuries are more abundant in endurance training. So you’re repetitively overusing tendons, uh, you’re abusing joints, that sort of thing. And in sprinting, a lot of people are afraid of pulling a hamstring and that sort of thing. However, if again, if you start slowly and progress and you do this proper strength training so that you don’t have these imbalances, you don’t have to worry about that. Um, okay. Number six, heart health, really interesting. There’s this, um, term called cardiac remodeling. And it used to be that some people thought cardiac remodeling was a good thing. And this meant that your heart muscle got harder as you did endurance training. But what they’re finding is the more cardiac remodeling you have from endurance training, actually the worse your heart risks are for, um, for heart attacks and art, sorry, Arthur sclerosis can tie in on that one, but, um, so your heart health, actually, sometimes people are shocked.

Cynthia (01:11:59):
They’ll say, oh, I have this friend he’s so fit. And he does marathons all the time and he had a heart attack. How is this possible? I thought that’s supposed to be heart protective, but in fact, your heart likes these short bursts of intense activity. And then rest your body in general likes the short burst of intense activity and then rests, um, talks about this, his podcast a lot. Um, and I think that, uh, he has got more of the scientific with the studies, but it just seems that once you like that, that hour, hour and a half threshold, when you get past that your body is starting to become under too much stress. And so this thickening of the heart, sometimes it’s called athlete’s heart actually makes, um, you more at risk for heart problems. So you really wanna watch that with the training. And I, unfortunately I have a friend who who’s just in his forties and he’s experiencing that cause he a lifelong triathlete and he likes to do Spartan races and things like that. So he’s constantly doing this training and he just went to the doctor because his heart, um, started having arrhythmia and started bothering him. And they said, yeah, you have athletes heart. So, uh, we really need to watch that. Okay.

New Speaker (01:13:11):
So number seven body fat percentage. Um, now if you look again at body Texas sprinters and endurance athletes, endurance athletes might be skinny due to calorie restriction and, um, burning calories, but they’re not holding a significant amount of healthy muscle, uh, tissue. And that muscle tissue is what keeps our, our hormones balance and that sort of thing. So we see, uh, for instance, distance runner girls, a lot of times are missing their periods. Um, they have poor hormone health. They don’t know why they have acne. They have these mood swings. All of these things have to do with, um, the, the type of muscle that they’re carrying and the body fat percentage. So they might look skinny, but they might be like skinny fat as we call it. And I’ve found this many times. So the body fat percentage, if you’re looking to lose that little bit of, uh, body fat percent and be in the optimal range, which Charles discussed as between 12 and 15% for a female and six and 10% for a male, no matter what your age, this is where you need to be living for optimal health and wellbeing and performance. And I, I can attest to that under 12 and start getting into for women a little bit of the, uh, thyroid and thyroid issues. Um, and under six for men.

Cynthia (01:14:30):
But if you’re living in that range, you’re doing well. If you’re above 15 for a woman and you’re like 18, you’re just borderline, you don’t really wanna be in that 12 to 15% range. And the best thing to do is sprinting for this. Why? Because sprinting and research, they show it burns body fat for two hours. After you’re done sprinting, the distance running, you have to run for two hours and burn the body fat. And then when you’re done running, it stops, but sprinting, you run for 20 minutes, you burn that body fat for two more hours. This is why, doctors have done a lot of work with visceral fat scans. And he shows that sprinting is the best thing to eliminate visceral fat as well, which is their Atticus. That is what I measure on the outside. And the visceral fat is the organs sprinting he says is the best way.

Cynthia (01:15:18):
OK. So body five percentage number seven, number eight. Um, we talked about helps cold muscle mass as we age. So just not too much to go into there. We just, we need that muscle mass. If you look at the hundred year old sprinters and master track, or my friend Christa Bortignon, who’s 85 and crushing world records in the 60 in the hundred and long jump, even she’s just crushing it. She’s just, uh, incredibly mobile. And, and just on it, all of the things we just mentioned, she’s smart, she’s happy, all of those things. And she lifts weights. She doesn’t existence training. So, um, the sprinting and the resistance training help her, uh, both help her hold muscle mass. So muscle mass as we age very important. Mm okay. Number nine, reactive oxygen species, ROS, oxidated stress. These are the things that damage our DNA and our cells.

Cynthia (01:16:09):
And this is more abundant in endurance training. So they measure the ROS in endurance athletes, and especially the longer you go, marathon, they measured it. It’s still really, really high, hard to mitigate through antioxidants endurance for ultra endurance athletes. There’s research that says there’s, there are no amount of, there’s no amount of antioxidants that can reduce the damage from the oxidate stress of an ultra marathon. Um, so the longer you train, the more mileage you put in the more you’re damaging your cells. And if you’re not pounding the antioxidants, which again, can, what are you taking for that? Is it fruits? Is it fruit juices that come with high sugar and cause inflammation like this? Again, this is like a, a formula for injury in my eyes. If you just do the short duration with the animal protein that leads to the overall wellbeing and the, the happiness, and then the less cell damage actually. So you’re, you’re repairing yourselves better. Your mitochondria is repairing faster. Um,

Cynthia (01:17:07):
OK. Number 10. This is one of my favorite things to talk about AQP four, A Q P four is APRO four. It’s a water channel which I’ll just say right here, I have a very good friend who says there are no water channels. It’s a whole uproar in scientific community that maybe there it’s actually proteins, not channel water channels. So we’ll just leave it at water channels. Uh, it’s a channel that’s at the end feet of your astrocytes in your brain. And what happens when we sleep is our brain cells shrink our glial cell shrink and the cerebral front spinal fluid comes through and cleans out all the junk in your brain. It’s called the lymphatic system. And scientists really only discovered it about 15, 20 years ago, UX.

Cynthia (01:17:56):
Um, we know about the lymphatic system that does that through our body, but the lymphatic system is the one in your brain. So when it flushes all those, um, amyloid, beta proteins, and all the plaque and jumped outta your brain, the metabolites, it has to go somewhere and it gets flushed into your lymphatic system at your a four channel. What they’ve found is that even if you eliminate the beta plaque that still does not cure Alzheimer’s or dementia. And so for Alzheimer’s type of dementia, right? So dementia, uh, illnesses. But if you keep the polarization of the AQPP four channel, correct, that will eliminate the Alzheimer’s. So I’m not saying if the cure for Alzheimer’s, but I’m saying there’s a lot of research that needs to be honed in more on this, AQP four channel. And that is because if the polarization’s not correct, those plaques met junk, can’t be sent to your lymphatic system to be eliminated by your body. I hope that makes sense because that’s the more scientific one,

Brad (01:19:01):
Um, yeah. Get enough sleep and sprint, and then you’re you get the, uh,

Cynthia (01:19:04):
The things that keep your AQP four polarized properly are sprinting, uh, and, uh, limiting toxins. Alcohol is the number one way to depolarize it . Um, but if you exercise and you sprint specifically, your AQP four channel is properly polarized. So brain that’s one of my favorite things. Oh, my tough,

Brad (01:19:28):
I, oh my gosh. I knew we were gonna go deep. And, um, that’s, that’s, what’s so great about you. You’re, you’re hitting it on, on all levels, deep into the science and also that, that personal peak performance, it’s a rare combination, really. And so it gives you tremendous amount of credibility cuz um, you know, someone might come on tomorrow to challenge some of your top 10, but it’s like, Hey, the girl’s running a 57. So shut up and listen to what she’s saying and uh, working with so many great clients too. So, um, people we gotta, we gotta get, um, connected with this girl. So tell us about your two awesome Instagram channels and elsewhere how we can, learn about your services, especially the consultations and the offerings that you have for anybody.

Cynthia (01:20:10):
Yeah. Mahalo. I appreciate it. Um, so Fast Over 40 is my Instagram, my main Instagram and then ma eight, eight, a matron eight eight is my, uh, business Instagram. I have an assistant that runs it, but I interact with it of course. And she tells me on the messages and things like that. Um, but she’s, uh, mostly likes to concentrate on posting, like what supplements, uh, she likes and you like, and that sort of thing. Um, so matron, and then my website is, either one. So And that’s when you can schedule a consultation, I’m booked for July, but I have some available for August. I don’t always have availability. Um, and I do in person in Maui, occasionally I’ll pick a city and I’ll take like four or five appointments in that city. Nice. Um, and so sometimes I might be in your neighborhood, you never know, uh, for, in person consultations, which are the most accurate, but I can still get a very good picture through phone consultations.

Cynthia (01:21:10):
Um, and those I schedule on my website as well. So yeah, I just, again, my, I hope that your listeners have learned something today and have something with them that might inspire them and um, you know, teach them that you’re never too old. It’s never too late. My parents are in their eighties, just turned 80 and they are making differences. My mom’s lost, you know, 15 pounds in a year just by taking away her candy and placing with protein, like just little, little steps, you know? Um, and they’re, they’re really enjoying their quality of life now that they’re, they learned how to take care of their bodies. Just put it that way. Um, so it’s never too late and anyone can do whatever they want. If you wanna become a world champion, I’d be happy to help. If you just wanna script for your health, I’m happy to help with that too. And I definitely share a lot of information on my Instagram

Brad (01:22:00):
And positive energy all the time, the Aloha spirit, Cynthia Monteleone. Thank you so much for joining us. I think we’re gonna have to get you back on and, and do time and there’s tons of other topics we could talk about, but today, lots of learning, lots of inspiration. Thank you. Thanks for listening to everybody.

Cynthia (01:22:16):
Yeah, absolutely. Aloha.

Brad (01:22:18):
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