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A high-powered blender is a real pleasure in the kitchen, but if you prepare your smoothies carefully, you can use an ordinary blender. My favorite high-powered blender is a Blendtec, less expensive than a Vitamix and easy to use and clean.When loading any blender, add ingredients in the order of ease-of-blending. So that’s liquids first, then yogurt, then powder, then hard ingredients like ice or frozen fruit or liver. Hence, ingredients in these recipes will be presented in suggested order. Ice is not mentioned in the recipes, but you can always add ice cubes to thicken and make your drink colder. The range of liquids suggested is based on your personal preference and blender capability.
Note: You may discover that our vanilla flavored Superfuel is of significantly lighter flavor than the typical heavily-sweetened protein supplement. We are committed to offering the most authentic and easy-to-digest supplement, and thus reject intense and/or artificial sweetening strategies. You can certainly optimize your smoothie taste by adding other sources of sweetness/flavor, such as fruit, cinnamon, raw honey, vanilla extract, or even a bit of stevia or monk fruit extract.
This is a super nutrient-dense way to start your day. I experiment with lots of different supplements, so I’ll toss whatever capsules I’m taking at a given time into the blender. It’s important to keep your organ intake consistent, so freezing liver chunks for smoothie is a great way to ensure this. However, liver does significantly influence the taste of the smoothie. You can try using only capsules, adding extra fruit to neutralize further, or consume the frozen chunks directly, heavily salted.
Note: You can just toss the capsules into the smoothie (without opening each one and dumping powder), because the edible gelatin encasement will break down.
Optional ingredients:
A spin on a classic favorite. Pro-tip: using less banana and half of one date helps soften the sweetness and decrease the banana flavor—when combined with vanilla-flavored Superfuel, this makes the strawberry flavor really come through and it really tastes like creamy strawberry ice cream. If you prefer a more strawberry-banana flavor, use half of one frozen banana and eschew the dates.
Frozen banana makes for a creamier texture but leaves a stronger flavor. Dates add sweetness, but without the specificity of a banana-type of flavor, but you do lose that thicker texture.
Optional: flavoring—extra vanilla extract, cacao powder, or even pumpkin pie spice
Research reveals that athletes who drink cherry juice experience improved recovery of isometric muscle strength after intensive workouts. Some believe that the high levels of polyphenols (specifically flavonoids and anthocyanins) found in tart cherries helps lessen the oxidative damage induced by exercise.
Optional: tiny piece of peeled ginger