GOY Featured Q&A

(Breather) Welcome to the very first dedicated Q&A show for the Get Over Yourself podcast!

It’s been a pleasure to review all the email commentary and feedback. Hopefully this show will increase the sense of community and also give you some practical tips and insights relevant to your own health goals. You will notice very quickly that I have a tendency to provide lengthy answers in the interest of making one person’s specific question relevant to a broad audience.

In this show, I cover topics like blue light blocking eyewear (check out my preferred brand, RA Optics, a cool operation started by Matt Maruca, who’s only 20 years old!) and the energizing effects of a negative ion generating air filter. Did you know that there’s a reason why you feel so energized right after you finish up with a shower? It’s actually because the cascading water generates negative ions.

I also cover questions regarding optimal protein intake and the concerns about under-consuming or over-consuming protein (including some overblown warnings we’ve been hearing). Yes, protein consumption, like carbohydrates, stimulates insulin production in the body, but, as I detail in my explanation, it does so in an entirely different way. I then share the story behind the great work of South African exercise physiologist Dr. Timothy Noakes, who essentially refuted much of his life’s work when he discovered the ancestral/low-carb/keto eating pattern that helped him quickly drop excess body fat and escape type-2 diabetes risks. Enjoy this fast-moving show and feel free to email questions, comments, feedback to getoveryourselfpodcast@gmail.com!


Brad gives recommendations for blue-light blocking glasses and air filters [2:45].

The history and science behind how negative ions impact the body [7:50].

Dr. Timothy Noakes changed his life when he changed his diet to a keto diet [11:50].

How protein stimulates insulin in a different way than carbohydrates[15:25].

Brad shares some basic ketogenic guidelines [19:40].

Are the “keto-approved” snacks in grocery stores really keto? [22:00].

Why it’s easy to meet protein needs on a keto (or any) diet [28:25].



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Get Over Yourself Podcast

Brad: 00:08 Welcome to the get over yourself podcast. This is author, an athlete, Brad Kearns, discovering ways to be healthy, fit and happy in hectic, high-stress, modern life. So let’s slow down and take a deep breath. Take a cold plunge and expertly balance that competitive intensity with an appreciation of the journey. That’s the theme of the show. Here we go.

Brad: 02:31 Greetings. We are live in the Get Over Yourself. Podcast studios in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. This is Brad Kearns. Oh wait, I’m the only one that’s live. Everyone else is listening on recording. Ain’t modern life. Great. We can live life on our own time schedules, pick and choose the content we want. And thank you so much for pushing the play button for this podcast. Yeah, sometimes I feel like overwhelmed at the amount of content that’s coming in and the endless array of options, but it has to be a wonderful, fantastic thing. Uh, people of my age can think back into the early years of our lives. Uh, what was that be the, the, the seventies and eighties, when all we had to choose from, uh, was three network TV stations and the crappy sitcoms that were on during prime time.

Brad: 03:34 There was no such thing as the internet. We had to wait to get our news, uh, for my monthly magazine if we were enthusiast of a, uh, niche, uh, endeavor like triathlon and now man, nonstop content coming at ya. And I guess the big challenge is to curate and pick and choose the stuff that really works best for you. So on my side, putting out content, I’m working really hard to give you the best that I can be unique, interesting, and thought provoking, motivational cover all those bases. And today we’re going to do a Q and A show, which is really a wonderful experience to connect with the audience and reading through these. Oh man. Some of them are like uh, thank you letters, success stories and I’m really touched by reading some of these. So thank you so much for taking the time to click on the button on the website or just type the email to Getoveryourselfpodcast@gmail.com and send us your comments, questions, feedback and we will do these shows regularly in the interest of building community. And I think the questions were very thoughtful. Uh, you did a great job, you that wrote in, uh, on, on putting things out there that are of relevance to everyone. And so hopefully we will all get some benefit from checking in with the audience.

Brad: 04:55 And it’s been a while for some of these. In other words, the questions have built up over a long period of time. So I’m sorry for taking a long time to getting to your question, but let’s start with Jeff. Hey Brad, listen to your podcast. Absolutely loved them. Thanks for doing what you’re doing. I’m a regular guy who works a lot and tries my best to take care of yourself. Welcome to the club. Yeah. And Jeff just wants to know what blue light glasses that you recommend and also what UV negative ion air filter that you use. Uh, I have RA optics. My main man, Matt Maruca, the boy wonder this guy. Only 20 years old has been making the podcast rounds. Maybe you’ve heard of him. He’s got a wonderful company that he started and operates a called RA optics RA optics named after an Egyptian God of sunlight or something like that. Something a cool stuff. Check out the website. They have the very highest quality, a blue light blocking eyewear. So I’ve been throwing on assorted pairs for several years now that I’ve bought online or found at the home supply store and quite a few of the pairs, uh, create some type of distortion where I can’t see as well as I can when they’re off. And so they’re very annoying. I’m trying to follow the rules, do my best, be a good boy and put on my orange lenses or my yellow lenses at night. Uh, so I can do whatever I’m doing.

Brad: 06:22 If I’m, uh, uh, possibly, uh, engaging with the screen, it’s even harder because I need the prescription eyewear. And so you’ll see me with them, uh, irregular, literally on and off and, uh, not getting a high score in the blue light blocking in the evening. Uh, now I’ve discovered a really high quality pair. Will let you see really nicely and it’s no problem to keep them on throughout the night. Uh, I got a prescription pair from raw optics, so I have my computer glasses at night and I can, uh, work peacefully. Here’s the thing, I try not to use them, so I have this precious pair. Uh, that’s beautifully styled. Love ’em fits great. The uh, the view is, uh, nice and mellow and I look at them and go, nah, I’m just gonna pass and do something else. So they’re sort of like a disincentive Pfizer to get work done even though I have him there when it is time to do it.

Brad: 07:20 Does that make sense? So check out raw optics.com. Uh, there’s also the UX glasses on amazon.com for like 10 bucks or 12 bucks that actually scored really highly. So you want a quality pair that has a high score in terms of the percentage of blue light that it blocks out. So obviously an expensive pair like raw optics or um, most of the expensive pairs will get a high score. Uh, but even these cheap pairs, uh, UX got a high score. So if you don’t want to invest a lot, but I would recommend, uh, if you go over to RA optics, you can get I think a 15% discount. Just start on the Brad kearns.com shop page and click over to the website, look through what they have and yes, you can send them your prescription, either distance vision or a screen vision, reading glasses and they will make them for you.

Brad: 08:10 Fantastic service. I got mine like two days after I ordered it. A prescription lens came in through the mail. So, uh, this guy Matt, he’s a piece of work. You’re going to love listening to him on a future podcast or you can search for his name. Matt Maruca talking in extreme detail about the health hazards of blue light exposure after dark and all kinds of peripheral topics related to healthy living. And he’s only 20 years old. He had an amazing, uh, self autodidact, his self learning journey starting in high school when he, his health was um, suffering and he finally figured out, uh, how important it was to, uh, optimize his circadian rhythm. So that’s my answer. Long one for that.

Brad: 08:51 And then the, um, the HEPA filter plus ionizer is what you want to look for. I use this brand called ENVION. You can find it on Amazon, E. N. V. I. O. N. I should put a direct link to this machine cause it’s really fantastic. Has different speeds. It has options to do a UV filter as well. And of course the, uh, ionizer is really important because this machine generates, uh, electrically charged molecules into your indoor airspace called negative ions. And these are energized air particles that bring, increase the energy of the air that you’re breathing because typically when we’re in a confined indoor space, the air is de-energized and predominant in what’s called positive ions. A different type of molecule. And, uh, sorry for the terminology, but positive ions are bad and negative ions are good. So the most negative ions are generated, uh, in outdoor environments such as large bodies of water, uh, high in the mountains, in windy areas, and especially cascading water and the explosion of the, uh, waterfall or even the shower. That’s why you feel one of the reasons why you feel energized when you exit the shower is the generation of negative ions by the cascading water.

Brad: 10:15 Uh, it’s fascinating science. There’s some good books that have covered it. Uh, one of them is the Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity by Daniel Reed. Uh, it’s about 20 years old, but a fantastic book that goes into detail. And when they first discovered the power of negative ions, uh, sort of by mistake was during the Apollo astronaut days and these super fit astronauts that of course go through all the testing and the protocols to make sure they’re fit for space. These, uh, pictures of human fitness and health, were getting inexplicably exhausted after spending a short periods of time in the simulated space capsule. So they locked themselves into an enclosed metal space and the poor guys were getting fatigued when they predictably were supposed to be able to last for 18 straight hours for the test or whatever it was. And they discovered that it was because the airspace, uh, becomes devoid of energy, literally, uh, because it’s an enclosed space, especially an enclosed metal space.

Brad: 11:14 Uh, think of anything relevant? How about your car commute in the enclosed metal space? Why are you so damn tired? After doing a six hour road trip, you’re just sitting there, you haven’t exerted yourself. But I’d tend to fall asleep or you know, have the symptoms of about to be falling asleep at the wheel. I get so tired so easily when I’m driving a likely due in some respect to the de energized air particles. So when you turn on this machine in your bedroom, in your office space, it is emitting the exact same molecule as you get from a natural environment. Because again, this is, uh, electricity, uh, science getting past my, uh, knowledge base. But that’s the truth that you can actually generate negative ions just as you might when you’re outdoors hiking on the trail up in the mountains with a handy dandy little machine.

Brad: 12:05 So it does make a big difference in the air quality and the energy level with the air indoors. So get that thing and make sure to push the negative ion button. There’s switches and buttons on the units that I’ve used over the years where you can choose to run the ionizer or not. So it’s called an ionizer, a negative ion generator, whatever the terminology is, you turn that thing on and run it 24 seven in your indoor environment. Wonderful thing. So look for the ENVION a thing. It’s 120 bucks, something like that. Uh, you can get smaller ones. I used a desktop unit made by homes. They’re a big company that makes a lot of units and they sell the replacement filters. So stay on top of the filtration and keep your indoor airspace clean and energized. Yeah. Thanks for asking.

Brad: 12:56 Next is Nicholas, and he says, I’m 23 year old male from Capetown, South Africa. I’ve been low carb Keto since 2011. I always struggled with stomach issues in high school. My weight fluctuated sometimes underweight. I met up with professor Tim Noakes down there in South Africa, the icon and the exercise physiology world, who’s come to great distinction for theatrically, refuting much of his life’s work. One of the greatest, maybe arguably the, the greatest exercise physiologist of our times, uh, was operating in the carbohydrate paradigm with all his research and all the science about endurance training. And he discovered, uh, the low carb scene, uh, the Keto scene, uh, on his own because his own health was suffering and he was trending into the type two diabetes diagnosis that had, um, stricken his family very severely despite his longterm commitment to ultra marathon endurance running the, uh, Epic comrades marathon that takes place in South Africa every year as a centerpiece of the, uh, the sports culture down there.

Brad: 14:01 So here’s this guy, one of the smartest dudes in the world about exercise science and the role of a carbohydrate and, and dietary patterns and muscle performance and recovery. We’ve learned our whole lives that carbohydrates are the fuel for working muscles. And so this is this guy’s life work, his research. He’s out there dutifully putting in the miles to perform these great feats of running. The comrades marathon is 52 miles. It’s a double marathon and thousands and thousands of people do it. It’s a huge deal down there. And nevertheless, a trending toward type two diabetic. So that’s when he dug into the research and he tells the funniest story. Here’s this prestigious professor, uh, who’s, you know, known around the world for his work and his research. And he said he clicked on like a banner ad on a website that said, lose weight quickly with Keto or something like that.

Brad: 14:52 And that’s when he dove into this world of carbohydrate restriction. Uh, he very quickly righted his health concerns, escaped from the type two diabetic category and, uh, went to town with this epiphany, uh, refuting a lot of this stuff that was published in his books and with his research, uh, there’s a video of him theatrically tearing out one of the chapters of his fantastic book, More of Running, possibly the greatest single work, uh, to learn about the considerations in endurance training, the exercise physiology, uh, 800 page masterpiece that people have referred to for decades, uh, in the, in the, uh, serious training scene. Uh, but one of the sections was pertaining to, uh, the importance of carbohydrate intake to refuel the muscles. And he realized that there was a whole different paradigm that we weren’t aware of yet, which is this fat adapted paradigm for, uh, not just for an athlete, but for living, uh, as a fat burning beast rather than a carbohydrate addict.

Brad: 15:53 So there you go. Professor Tim Noakes, if you haven’t heard of him, look him up, see what he’s been doing. He’s actually been coming under fire in recent years and actually had to face trial on South Africa, uh, for telling people, uh, that, uh, processed carbohydrate intake was bad for your health. And some, uh, mother sued because she stopped feeding her child enough carbs to some ridiculous story, sensational ridiculousness of putting this poor guy, uh, wasting his time with a, an actual trial to make sure that he wasn’t harming people’s health with his advice, his ancestral based advice that humans have been a thriving on for two and a half, a million years. Anyway, not to editorialize there, but anyway, he went to professor Noakes. This is Nicholas who wrote the thing and, uh, every, a lot of health improvements loves the lifestyle. Uh, really stoked to see how ancestral eating, uh, has evolved since it was first hitting the mainstream media.

Brad: 16:51 I think he’s talking about all the controversy in South Africa. And then getting to the question, Nicholas says a question, carbs and protein have the same effect on insulin levels, right? You guys have worked out the rough estimate of 50 grams of carb intake per day to stay in Keto, but where then does protein fit in the picture? I know the recommendations are to keep protein moderate to low, but oftentimes I’ve been finding myself going varying low protein on some days. Uh, first it was intuitive, then I started playing around with my approach,. My question is, would it still be Keto if my carbs are well above 50 grams, let’s say 80 to 120, while my protein intake is about 30 to 50 grams per day, he goes on more with the question, but we better jump in here before we get too confused. So the first question, carbs and protein have the same effect on insulin levels, right?

Brad: 17:45 Should I tease you for ending a question with the word right question? That’s like when you start a question with, don’t you think, don’t you think we should take the freeway instead of the surface streets? It’s, yeah, it’s called a closed ended question instead of an open ended question. So I have to uh, uh, answer that. I think what you were alluding to, uh, which many people might not be aware of is that protein does stimulate insulin, just like carbohydrates. However, protein also stimulates glucagon, which is insulin’s counterregulatory hormone. Glucagon’s job is to take nutrients out of storage and dump them into the bloodstream to be burned for energy. So glucagon is involved with taking a glycogen out of the storage depots and the muscles in the liver and putting it in the bloodstream to burn glucose for energy and also taking triglycerides, the storage form of fat, out of storage and dumping into the bloodstream as fatty acids to burn.

Brad: 18:46 So glucagon is your energy go getter. And of course, insulin is the storage hormone. So insulin’s job is to remove nutrients from the bloodstream, particularly glucose, because excess glucose is very quickly toxic to the body. That’s what diabetics experience when they don’t have their insulin shot handy, right? They’re pretty soon into very deep medical trouble, uh, without that insulin response. So insulin is a storage hormone that takes nutrients and delivers them into the depot, such as the glycogen tanks or the fat storage areas. Uh, so when we talk about insulin in a negative context, often it’s because, uh, the standard American high carbohydrate, grain-based diet, uh, entails wildly excessive insulin production, which itself can be, uh, inflammatory, uh, toxic, uh, promote disease states. And there’s universal agreement in the scientific and medical community that excess insulin production is the driving factor behind the number one health problem of modern times, which has metabolic syndrome, that’s a collection of health markers indicating the overfeeding of the human, the lifelong accumulation of excess body fat, the adverse blood values, and all the things that lead to obesity, type two diabetes, cancer, heart disease, uh, the major killers of modern humans. So we want to get our insulin production into the category of optimally minimal insulin production to do the job that it needs to do and keep it that way for the rest of your life. Uh, Dr Peter Attia, uh, stated, uh, on my very first show on the Get Over Yourself podcast, I think it’s still the most popular show, uh, in terms of downloads on the channels. So there you go. It went downhill from the very first show, but Hey, what a great way to kick it off. And that was just before he kicked off his own show called The Drive, which has become very popular. So, uh, go listen to Dr Peter Attia on Get Over Over Yourself podcast episode number one, good stuff. But he said that his favorite, uh, longevity marker, maybe his single favorite marker would be insulin area under the curve.

Brad: 20:54 Insulin AUC, that’s a scientific concept, meaning, uh, essentially that you produce an optimally minimal amount of insulin to get the job done, to store the energy that you need to repair muscles, give them the nutrients that they need, but never, uh, into that category of excessive insulin production. Uh, that turns you into a carbohydrate addict that you need your energy from your next meal rather than from, uh, the vast stores of energy that you have on your body. Because when insulin levels are high and when they’re chronically high from eating high carbohydrate meal or snack one after the other for the rest of, for, for decades on end, uh, then you essentially lock your fat away in storage inaccessible because of this chronic hyperinsulinemia is the condition that it’s called. So if we can get insulin down, Oh, mercy, you’re going to have a health awakening, uh, most likely, very noticeable because you start burning off excess body fat. So the answer is that protein stimulates insulin, but not in the way that carbohydrates do, which, uh, carbs stimulate insulin only and then give you that a blood sugar crash and that appetite a trigger when you are living on carbs.

Brad: 22:10 Now further down into the question, um, the ketogenic guidelines, the widely stated ketogenic guidelines are to limit your overall gross carbohydrate intake to 50 grams a day or below. And that is to prompt the liver to manufacture ketones, to fuel the ravenous energy needs of the brain, uh, in place of dietary carbohydrate. So if you keep your carbs down below 50, which is pretty tough challenge for many people accustomed to, uh, the carbohydrate based diet. What you’re talking about there, practically speaking, is an allowance for a abundant intake of vegetables still, especially the high water content, the leafy greens, the cruciferous vegetables. So you can have a nice plate full those at your meals.

Brad: 22:58 Uh, but basically you’re going to be passing on, uh, fruits. You’re going to be passing on starchy carbohydrates, you’re going to be passing on any sort of sweetened beverage or any sort of added sugar into your diet to keep yourself down under 50. So that’s been the Keto guideline for a long time. Uh, I like the other a direct pathway to Keto, which is to emphasize fasting in your daily dietary patterns, skipping meals, going long periods of time without eating anything, uh, as opposed to, uh, this kind of fat based approach to Keto where you’re stuffing your face with fat all day long in the name of being Keto, uh, and possibly in conflict with a very strong goal for many people, which is to drop excess body fat. So Keto uh, is best based in a fasting paradigm rather than a stuffing your face with fat paradigm.

Brad: 23:51 And that’s a critical distinction. As keto becomes more and more popular, exploding into mainstream prominence. Here’s a checkpoint. I can’t believe this. I was pumping gas yesterday and hanging on the hose of the adjacent a gas pump was in little a cardboard sign that they have fixed to the actual frickin hose of the gas pump. And it said, uh, Keto friendly, a convenience store, go inside and you’ll find some keto snacks. It was like dang, Keto’s come a long way when there’s a sign hanging on your gas pump. That’s kinda funny. All the symbolism they’re going to point I just made that your main source of energy when you really want to optimize your metabolic flexibility is the stored energy rather than needing to go to the gas pump. Even if it says Keto approved, you’re going in there, you’re snacking. And in the case of these high protein snacks, uh, you’re still stimulating insulin and arguably a Dr Cate makes this point to anything you eat is going to shut off internal fat burning.

Brad: 24:59 So even these approved snacks, you’re kind of bypassing the gravy train, which is the graceful ability to burn, stored body fat and manufacture ketones in the liver. And being a closed loop system as Mark Sisson calls it, meaning that you can take or leave, uh, the meals, uh, as you go through daily life. If you don’t eat, you’re just fine. You don’t notice anything different. And these extreme enthusiasts that we can learn so much from like Todd White, you can listen to our show. Uh, early on in the podcast, he’s the purveyor of dry farm wines. He is locked into a pattern of fasting for 23 hours every single day. So basically he has, has a lavish dinner meal, uh, most often a Keto aligned, so he’s not consuming a lot of carbs, even when he does eat. Some people do it differently. Uh, Ben Greenfield’s had some interesting concepts because of his athletic ambitions and his heavy training, uh, where he banks a lot of hours in a fasting state eating these key to align meals and what have you.

Brad: 26:02 Uh, but then in the evening, uh, during family time, the celebration aspects kick into gear and he might be consuming a substantial amount of carbohydrates at an evening meal, which serves a couple of cool purposes. One of them is that it ensures he recovers and restores glycogen from his ambitious workouts during the day, but he’s still getting all these benefits of being a fasted, being Keto aligned and then, uh, killing two birds with one stone. In other words, not compromising or not suffering those potential negative consequences. Then a lot of people talk about from restricting carbs too much and possibly compromising performance recovery, maybe even some hormonal concerns, especially with females. And we can talk more about that. Uh, but yeah, so when you, uh, or banking a lot of hours in a fasted state, you’re getting some good wins there for your health and don’t have to worry so much about these numbers.

Brad: 26:56 I should finish the question and finish the show quickly here. So that’s what it’s all about. With that 50 gram limit on carbs. And then with protein, the ketogenic guidelines are that, you know, Mark and I researched this and talked to the world’s leading experts and kind of ended up conveying this 0.7 grams per pound of lean body mass per day in protein consumption. So, uh, my quick example, if I weigh 164 and I’m a 8% body fat, so let’s say I have a somewhere around 150 grams of lean body mass and then a 0.7, so a little over two thirds of that, I’m just over a hundred grams of protein per day as my, uh, optimal intake level. And that of course is plenty to ensure that my basic needs are met. You don’t want to go under consuming protein because it’s the building block of life in the body and you can quickly and easily feel like crap if you’re under consuming protein. So somewhere around that 0.7, uh, is the, um, uh, optimal area.

Brad: 28:02 Now people in the carnivore scene and other enthusiasts that are experimenting with increased protein intake might significantly exceed that number. And for a while, uh, there was some stark warnings about that, that if you over consume protein, guess what, it’s all going to turn into sugar and you’re going to be back into a high carbohydrate eating pattern even though you’re not eating many carbs. Uh, it’s also going to overstimulate these growth factors in the bloodstream, like IGF one and M Tor. And these are things that if they’re chronically overstimulated, can promote accelerated cell division, uh, accelerated cell growth, unregulated cell growth and all these things that are indicative of cancer. Uh, so who scary stuff, don’t eat too much protein now in, as the science continues to get more refined and uh, the message continues to crystallize, it seems like we may have, uh, overdone some of those dire warnings that have come across in books, messages, videos, podcasts in recent years. And especially if you’re an active, healthy person, uh, it’s probably not going to hurt you to exceed that 0.7 number. Uh, even if you exceed it by a significant amount, we’re still not talking about a ton of extra calories here. Look, I said that my guidelines would be 110, 115, 120 grams of protein per day. So if one day I eat 200 because I’m diving into these, uh, sardines and salmon or whatever the, the high protein foods that are coming in and I’m having big servings, uh, I think I’m going to be okay. It’s not all going to get converted into glucose. Uh, the gluco -neogenesis, the conversion of amino acids into glucose is a believed to be a demand driven process.

Brad: 29:50 In other words, your protein will only be converted into glucose if your body is ravenous for glucose. Otherwise, this excess protein consumption, uh, your body has assorted ways of dealing with it, uh, exceeding it, uh, without too much stress and pressure on the kidneys or the liver. Uh, and of course this is, um, something that could fluctuate on a day to day basis where the next day, because you’re fasting or whatever, you’re having different meal patterns, you’re not over consuming protein past your guideline. And unlike carbohydrate intake, which your liver ketone production is so sensitive to, so you really have to lock into that low carbohydrate intake, uh, day after day are going to get knocked out of ketosis for however long it takes to return to it with fasting or keto aligned meals. Unlike that with the carbs, the protein intake can be looked at as an average consumption over time.

Brad: 30:46 So if you’re getting your protein needs met over the course of a month of eating patterns, even though you’ve fasted for two days here, you didn’t eat much protein there, yet way more than your number on another day, it’s all gonna even out and be just fine. So the bottom line here, I guess to kind of, uh, get it into a user friendly format is don’t worry too much about your protein intake guidelines. It’s pretty easy to achieve your protein needs even on a restrictive diet like Keto, even on a vegan type pattern. A lot of people criticize, uh, the, uh, extreme plant-based as maybe potentially under consuming protein. But the cool thing about, uh, protein because it’s so important, uh, to your basic health, is that if you under consumed protein, you are going to experience intense cravings for protein and you’re also going to feel like crap very quickly and even become emaciated in the extreme example very quickly.

Brad: 31:48 So not too many people are out there walking around a chronically under consuming protein because of the intense cravings that occur and because of the extreme penalty that you get to health and the sensations that you get that will easily kick you back into going and eating the high protein foods. Now, Chris Kresser was the one that conveyed that idea that you’re going to get those intense cravings for high protein foods. And if you listened to him, uh, talk about the controversy surrounding the recent documentary, uh, promoting veganism, uh, for the athletic performance and for, for everyone by extrapolation, uh, he tears that apart pretty well. There’s a great show on the Joe Rogan podcast where he talks for a couple hours, uh, step-by-step, methodically taking apart many of the, uh, messages that they conveyed in the documentary. And one of the concerns he did have is that if you limit these nutrient dense foods and some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet Earth, the foods from the animal kingdom that fueled human evolution and human brain growth for the last two and a half million years, if you systematically eliminate those from your diet, you will have a risk of under consuming protein and having all these adverse health effects.

Brad: 33:01 And it might take a while. So it might play out that you feel okay for a while, feel okay for awhile, but you’re in a depletion mode due to your dietary choices, your extreme dietary restriction. And boy, that’s really bad news because that’s when you read the stories of people where their hair was falling out and all these adverse health effects were occurring. Denise Minger’s, a big promoter of um, they are transitioned from raw veganism to an ancestral style diet because she was having crazy symptoms. So don’t mess around with under consuming protein. And back to Nicholas’s letter. Uh, when he’s talking about keeping us experimenting with this protein intake down to 30 to 50 grams a day. That’s definitely a way below your basic needs as a six foot 361. Pretty active surfer, mountain biker, hiker, trail runner, tennis player. So that’s most likely not going to work out very well for you if you, uh, first some uh, ill advised reason try to restrict protein in the name of Keto or in the name of trading up for more carb intake.

Brad: 34:09 Remember his question was if I keep my carbs at 80 to 120 and then lower my protein, consequently, is this going to help my Keto goal? So I would try to wipe that whole thing away and uh, prioritize protein and for all of us, yes, protein intake should be prioritized. That’s the number one most important need from the diet is to get those essential amino acids that are the building blocks of life and all the cells and especially in your, your muscle mass and you’re recovering from exercise, stress and life stress. Okay,

Brad: 34:40 How’s all that? Thank you so much for listening and we will have plenty more questions come in later on the get over yourself podcast. Join the fun email, getoveryourselfpodcast@gmail.com and if you can join the fund even more. I would love, love, love. If you can take the time to leave a review on the podcast platform that you listened to. I know it’s a huge hassle, especially iTunes because you have to go to desktop, iTunes and navigate to the place where you see the reviews of the show. And then click on write a review and then you can uh, put up the number of stars between five and five and your comments on the show. And the more reviews we get, the more elevated the podcast is in the search areas and more people get to find it. So, um, take one to two minutes. Oh, be a huge help and a huge favor. And if you listen to podcasts on other platforms, like I’m using this app called overcast because it helps you, uh, sort and a playing list. The shows really efficiently. You can play the show at different speeds, you can go all the way up to 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, and 1.7 whatever it is. And sometimes I put it up there and then I have to slow it down if people are saying something really important. If they’re just blabbing about promoting the show or something, then I can speed it up really fast. Yeah. So go on Overcast, leave a review or go on those, uh, whatever he altered his Spotify. Thank you so much.


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Peter Attia

Peter Attia: Longevity, Diet, And Finding The Drive

I head to San Diego, via Mexico (relevant shortly) to catch up with one of the great health leaders of ...


B.rad Superfuel is the choice of health-conscious, athletic people!



B.rad Superfuel has quickly become a fixture in my daily workout routine and lifestyle. I always take a couple scoops right after a strength training session, just shake up a water bottle and chug it – goes down easy. I also love preparing a Superfuel smoothie, with ice, frozen banana, other performance supplements, and a couple scoops of Superfuel. The peanut butter flavor is out of this world!

My attention to detail with protein intake has helped me to achieve a 605lb deadlift, more than triple my body weight of 198 pounds! 

31, Union Grove, AL. Marketing director and powerlifter.


“I’ve been taking B.rad Superfuel for several months and I can really tell a difference in my stamina, strength, and body composition. When I started working out of my home in 2020, I devised a unique strategy to stay fit and break up prolonged periods of stillness. On the hour alarm, I do 35 pushups, 15 pullups, and 30 squats. I also walk around my neighborhood in direct sunlight with my shirt off at midday. My fitness has actually skyrockted since the closing of my gym! However, this daily routine (in addition to many other regular workouts as well as occasional extreme endurance feats, like a Grand Canyon double crossing that takes all day) is no joke. I need to optimize my sleep habits with evenings of minimal screen use and dim light, and eat an exceptionally nutrient-dense diet, and finally take the highest quality and most effective and appropriate supplements I can find. There is simply no better whey protein supplement than B.rad Superfuel!


53, Austin, TX. Peak performance expert, certified health coach, and extreme endurance athlete.

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bard kearns

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