(Breather) Challenging your body through a combination of brief, intense, strength training sessions and all-out sprints is this week’s next MOFO Mission assignment, as it will prompt a spike of testosterone and human growth hormone in your bloodstream, which leads to many wonderful adaptive, anti-aging benefits. Another great addition to your exercise regimen are micro workouts: these brief bursts of explosive efforts really add up over time.

Here are a few key points you’ll want to remember from this episode:

  • HIIT vs HIRT. Check out Dr. Craig Marker’s article, HIIT vs HIRT, (High Intensity Interval Training vs High Intensity Repeat Training). HIIT workouts don’t include sufficient rest, which is why you feel completely depleted after a HIIT workout. The duration of a HIRT workout is much shorter than you might think: just 10-20 seconds, as this delivers maximum fitness stimulation and minimizes cellular breakdown as described by Dr. Craig Marker (check out my show, Peak Performance Without Suffering, for more details).
  • Try using an X3Bar. I’ve been loving this addition to my workout regimen as it enables a very short workout that is extremely strenuous and recruits a lot of muscle fibers. Whatever strength training you like to do, remember the key is to make sure your workout doesn’t last that long (30 minutes is plenty, even 12 minutes is fine). Check out their site here.
  • Keep it short and sweet. You don’t need to put in hours and hours of work, as a few minutes of explosive effort produces dramatic fitness benefits, especially when it comes to weight-bearing sprinting (and it’s ok if this is something you need to work towards). A proper sprint workout includes a gradual warm up (cardio like jogging, jog-walking, whatever breaks a light sweat and gets your heart rate up), dynamic stretching, technique drills, and the sprints that last 10-20 seconds, with a luxurious rest interval that is 6 times as long as the sprint. Each time you step back to the line, you should feel fully refreshed and energized so you can deliver another peak performance effort. When you notice a breakdown in form or muscle tightness, then you know it’s time to wrap it up and you’ve done a good job: remember that you shouldn’t get sore during strength training sessions.
  • Start doing micro workouts. Micro workouts are a great way of breaking up prolonged periods of stillness while delivering fantastic fitness benefits that really add up over time.

To wrap it up: keep hitting it hard with full-body, functional, strength-training exercises, brief, explosive, all-out sprints that include plenty of rest, and micro workouts sprinkled in throughout the day to complete MOFO Mission #6!


MOFO Mission number 6 is Hit It Hard: challenge your body. Brief explosive efforts really add up. [01:33]

Brad reviews the previous MOFO assignments noting that there are many well-intentioned people thinking they are doing the best for themselves, who are maybe not. [02:20]

Many people really overdo the intensity on a routine basis that leads to injury and breakdown. [04:18]

The HIIt Workout (High Intensity Interval Training) can have negative impact without sufficient rest. [06:27]

What’s happening inside your body during one of these kick ass workouts is you are not resting. [08:50]

We want like a five or six to one ratio of work effort to rest period. [10:40]

Weight bearing exercises, when done properly can have truly amazing results. Thirty minutes is plenty. [14:08]

When you can work up to weight bearing sprinting, that’s when you have the maximum signaling for fat reduction. [17:24]

A very short duration workout will have profound metabolic effects lasting for up to 72 hours after the workout. [19:50]

It’s time to leave behind the no pain-no gain notion that has permeated the fitness industry for decades. [22:39]

When talking about no or low impact, you can push to higher duration or 10 to 20 seconds. [24:53]

Miniature workouts can be done throughout your day with little or no impact on your precious time. [25:46]

Keep your fitness contraptions where you can see them and they can remind you to use them. [28:27]



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Get Over Yourself Podcast

Brad (1m 33s): It’s time for the MOFO mission assignment number six: HIT it hard challenge your body with brief intense strength training sessions and all out sprints explosive efforts will prompt a spike of testosterone and human growth hormone in the blood stream with tremendous adaptive anti-aging benefits. Brad (2m 6s): A couple formal sessions a week lasting 10 to 30 minutes that’s plenty also include micro workouts. My call for the fitness breakthrough, the century. These are places where you haul off a single set of deep squats in your office. A set of pull-ups when you walk through the bathroom door, whatever it is, brief burst of explosive effort that really add up over time. That is assignment number six. How are you doing so far? We’re halfway through to recap. Remember the first five sleep is number one, then we’re going to clean up your act. That’s ditching toxic foods, toxic substances, toxic relationships, and toxic energy in your life. Number three is to eat ancestral foods, especially sustainably raised animals in a nose to tail strategy and complimenting that with the nutritious foods of the earth as your prefer vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, stuff like that. Brad (2m 49s): And especially zero tolerance for today’s modern nutrient deficient foods or food like substances, grains, sugars, sweetened beverages, and refined seed oils. Assignment. Number four was to pound the MOFO. That’s right, a strategic supplementation program to help re-energize and nourish your cells at the basic level so you can have that energy and motivation to accomplish the other assignments and assignment. Brad (3m 19s): Number five was to move frequently. Just increase all forms of general everyday movement in life. But HIT it hard. This going to be one of my favorite ones because it’s life changing stuff to become a strong, powerful, explosive person. I feel like we’re really messing this one up in general because we have huge segments of the population who are health and fitness minded, but they never seem to open up the throttle all the way. Right? You know, stair master guy, who’s in the gym four days a week, bringing in a magazine to put on the little stand on the stair climber or on the exercise bike and watching CNN with everybody else and getting that nice cardio accumulated of 30 or 60 minutes, but never putting their body under a heavy resistance load or testing out that all out performance. Brad (4m 8s): When you’re doing a sprint, especially a weightbearing sprint, which has the most profound fat loss and bone density benefits. So we have that category of people who are never really doing any explosive exercise. And then we have the other category of the CrossFit freak. Who’s overdoing the intensity on a routine basis and going into breakdown, burnout, illness, and injury repeatedly. So particularly what’s the mistake that I see is people going out and doing high intensity workouts that last too long. Brad (4m 45s): And when you go out there with your enthusiastic personal trainer or go into the bootcamp class at a typical health club or a spin class, and you’re doing 10 times 30 second sprints with 30 seconds rest after you did the first mountain climb at the Tour de France, that took eight minutes and the finish of the workout, 57 minutes later. You’re kind of exhausted, but you’re still able to high five, the person on the adjacent bike. And you feel like you accomplished a great workout and you’re getting fitter and all those great things. But if you do these in a routine pattern, what you were doing is you are chronically overstimulating, the fight or flight response, the stress hormones in the bloodstream. Brad (5m 24s): So your workout lasts for too long of a duration you’re under fight or flight for too long of a duration where more benefits would come. If the workout was shorter in duration and all the efforts were tremendously explosive and performed with impeccable forum because invariably what happens when you’re out there on the track running intervals, or even when you’re doing a repeat sets of lifting the heavy bar, whatever it is, squats and deadlifts. And you’re doing the five times five protocol with the super set added on where you’re doing something for the upper body, and then you’re going and doing it again. Brad (5m 59s): And you’re in the gym for an hour and 27 minutes. This can easily lead to that chronic problem of breakdown, burnout, illness, and injury. I did an entire show on the characterization of HIT versus Hurt. That’s an article title written by my main man, Dr. Craig Marker. One of the great breakthrough articles in many years on the concept of fitness and performing high intensity explosive exercise properly. So I’m just gonna recap briefly, but the HIT workout that is so popular in the fitness scene, that stands for high intensity interval training is by characterization. Brad (6m 38s): It’s where you repeat these high intensity efforts over and over with insufficient rest, such that at the end of the set, you are pretty much depleted and exhausted or at the end of the workout. And so I made that example of spin class, where they’re asking you to sprint for 30 seconds or we sprint for a minute and we rest for two minutes or whatever it is. We have to realize that the human is incapable of delivering maximum all out effort for more than around 20 seconds. Brad (7m 8s): Then we decelerate, we lose that explosive performance. But if you ask your body to perform maximum intensity for longer than 20 seconds, what’s happening is you are engaging these tremendous cellular breakdown mechanisms in the body to fuel that ATP energy furnace that’s burning so brightly that’s trying to get you around the track for, let’s say doing a full sprint around the track that takes a minute and 15 seconds or whatever it is. Brad (7m 38s): So if that’s your template for a sprint workout, it’s not really a maximum intensity training session. It’s more of a sports specific or competition specific training session. So if you’re running the quarter mile on your college track team or in masters track, yeah, you’re going to have to do workouts that approximate the challenge of your competitive goal, but these should be done very carefully, probably less frequently than most people do them, especially the casual enthusiasts. Brad (8m 8s): And if you want to properly focus on delivering a maximum intensity sprint or explosive resistance training effort with the maximum hormonal benefits, what you want to do is make these efforts very brief in the sweet spot of 10 to 20 seconds, which I talk about in detail on the other podcast, but that’s the spot where you’re going to get a maximum fitness stimulation. And you’re going to minimize this cellular breakdown that I described or more better described by Dr. Brad (8m 43s): Marker in the article. So here’s the quote what’s happening inside your body during one of these kick ass workouts, when you’re pushing it for a longer period of time than 20 seconds, you’re resting, not that long. And then you’re doing it again. His quote your fights to keep up by breaking down the basic components of yourselves, your A-frames through chemical reactions called disassembling and de emanation. This results in ammonia toxicity in the bloodstream, which is especially harmful to brain cells. Brad (9m 14s): It results in a de gradation of mitochondria, diminished ATP, energy production, even at rest, and a disruption in aerobic metabolism, your fat burning, and what’s going to happen translation from the science there is that you’re going to feel like crap for 24 to 48 hours after challenging workouts. And then you’ll stabilize just enough. You know, you’ll rebuildD regenerate, you know, have some protein reassembly through your diet and your recovery. And then you’ll be just in time after a few days of recovery to destroy your A-frames all over again at the next workout. Brad (9m 51s): So the way out of this, the way to conduct a properly structured high intensity repeat training session, that’s the characterization from Dr. Marker in the article is to keep those explosive efforts between 10 and 20 seconds duration. So that might be a sprint down the running track. It might be kettlebell swings, right for you’re going to do a swing for 10 seconds. Brad (10m 21s): And then a big key is to engage in what Dr. Marker calls luxurious rest intervals. So you have plenty of rest and recovery to rejuvenate. You’re going to regenerate some ATP during that recovery period, and then your successive sprints or your successive kettlebell swings or whatever it is, the box jumps, whatever you’re doing for that 10, second period are going to be just as high quality as the first one. So my template sprint workout is eight times 70 meters running down the football field. And that takes, Oh, probably around 10 seconds. I’m not sure, but it’s on the low side of that sweet spot for an explosive effort. Brad (10m 56s): And then after each one I’m taking that luxurious rest interval of at least a minute. So we want like a five or six to one ratio of work effort to rest period. And this was a huge transformation for me because me and my endurance mindset and my willingness to endure pain and suffering to complete a fantastic workout, I would do my sprint workouts where I’d sprint all the way across the football field, a hundred meters. And then I had take maybe 15 or 20 seconds rest and blast out another one and another and another. Brad (11m 28s): And of course I could do it at the time cause I was pumped up and focused and psyched up and excited to do a sprint workout. But guess what happened? 24, 36, 48 hours later, I’m walking around. My calves are sore to the touch. I’m limping around the house. I feel like crap. I have to take an afternoon nap cause I’m just wiped out from what happened that disassembling and de emanation and that ammonia toxicity in my bloodstream, that’s frying my brain cells and allowing them to, you know, fall apart rather than stay focused during the afternoon blues period. Brad (11m 60s): So it’s really, really important to do those sprint workouts crisply and not staying out there too long. So maybe a, the range of four to 10 reps is fine for almost everyone, even high performing athletes. You just go faster, right? You don’t have to do 14 sprints or 20 sprints anywhere from four to 10, the sprints lasting between 10 and 20 seconds with a, let’s say a six to one recovery interval. So that’s a great model to do a sprint workout, correct. Brad (12m 31s): And of course applies to any form of explosive effort, kettlebell swings box jumps. What have you now, when it comes to strength training and putting your body under resistance load, the idea here or the optimal way of doing this is to choose a few body functional movements. These are things that correlate to what you’re doing in real life, in sporting, in fitness activities and in just a basic everyday chores and routines. Brad (13m 4s): So, so this can be all manner of explosive exercise and it really comes down to your preference. So don’t listen to anybody who says that free weights are better than machines or the, the pole ropes and the TRX is, is the superior to everything else or to the talk about the necessity city of muscle confusion, where you have to choose a different workout every time. And that’s why when we show up at the CrossFit studio, the workout is dramatically different from the day before and different from the day before that, if you feel like doing the same thing every day, right? Brad (13m 37s): Guess what? You’re going to be a pretty fit machine. If you go and do like Jack LaLanne did whatever, a thousand pushups and a thousand sit-ups every morning, same exact thing every day. I don’t think it hurt his fitness quotient, that he was able to perform that amazing work without the variation or the muscle confusion, his muscles weren’t confused. They were Hting the ground for a thousand pushups. How did you do when you were 58 years old? Okay. Point taken, right, but the strength training modalities are numerous all kinds of great stuff in the gym. Brad (14m 8s): A thumbs up to everything, including CrossFit, as long as it’s done properly and maybe curtail the duration of the template workout squats and deadlifts, things that are functional and bringing in huge muscle groups and going across a wide range of motion, squats, deadlifts, leg presses, box jumps, pushups, pull-ups all that body weight stuff, overhead presses, things like a rope climb or a kettlebell swing. And of course all the great stuff you can do with cable straps, stretch cords and much more. I’m a huge fan of the X 3 bar. Brad (14m 40s): I just discovered this amazing new workout modality promoted by Dr. John Jaquish. I Had him on my podcast, learned a lot from him. He’s a free thinker and has a lot of ideas that are contrary to mainstream fitness. And I believe really advancing the dialogue accordingly, but check out X 3 bar.com. It’s truly an amazing philosophy here because what you’re doing is you’re using these heavy resistant straps, like these heavy, thick, rubber bands attached to the bar, the X three bar. Brad (15m 14s): So what happens is you’re allowed to, you’re enabled to apply maximum resistance at the point where you can achieve maximum force production. That’s when the strap stretches the most at the end of the move. So for example, you can see this stuff on the videos on the website, but when you’re doing a chest press, you have the bar in front of you, the straps behind your back, and you’re extending the strap as you raise your arms off your body. And so the toughest part of course, is when the strap is stretched to the maximum. Brad (15m 48s): And the easiest part of course is when the strap is pretty much slack and you’re lifting the bar off your chest, same with doing a deadlift where the strap is on the ground at the bars in your hands, and you’re lifting the bar further and further off the ground, stretching the strap further and further. I hope you can understand I’m talking about otherwise, you know, click over and watch the video. But the key takeaway point here is that this ability to apply maximum resistance at the point of maximum force production is the opposite of what happens when you’re lifting heavy bar. Brad (16m 22s): So when I’m trying to bench press and I can bench press about 130, whoop de do, less than my body weight, not super impressive, but I’m constrained by my ability to lift that bar off my chest, the first six inches, right? So I can only lift 130 pounds off my, off my chest. That’s as much as I can use. Now, if I were able to have a bar handed to me when my arms were almost fully extended, of course I could move the bar that final six inches, even if it were 200 or 230 pounds. Brad (16m 52s): And in fact, that’s, what’s happening. The correlation between stretching the, the X 3 bar strap. Those final six inches is effectively working with a 230 pound bench press instead of 130 pound. So hopefully you get that concept. And what you’re enabling here is a very short workout. That’s extremely strenuous and recruits a lot of muscle fibers and does a great job in a short time. So whatever strength training you like to do, the key is that you want these explosive full body functional movements. Brad (17m 24s): You don’t want the workout to last that long, right? So 30 minutes is plenty. And if you do a total accumulated work amount of 12 minutes or 14 minutes or whatever, that’s plenty, you’re sending the genetic signals to your body to flood the bloodstream with these adaptive hormones. Like I talked about in the description and to build or maintain muscle fiber, it does not require a two hour workout. Yeah. So short and sweet. You can get so much done in a short time, which makes the objective, the assignment doable to anybody, especially the people that are out there putting in hours and hours on the roads, trying to keep up their 30 miles a week. Brad (18m 6s): If they’re a longtime runner or a bike rider putting in that seven or eight or 10 hours of pedaling every single week, a few minutes of explosive work will produce dramatic fitness benefits, especially when it comes to weight, bearing sprinting. So back to say a little bit more about that particular workout, and if you can work up to that, that’s great. If right now you can’t very much handle running on flat ground. You can progress there by doing sprints on a bicycle or on a cardio machine. That’s non-weightbearing, you’re still getting the explosive output with your muscles. Brad (18m 40s): You’re just not taking that, that impact and that jarring. But when you can work up to a weight bearing sprinting, that’s when you have the maximum signaling for fat reduction. Think about it this way, the penalty for carrying excess body fat, when you’re sprinting at maximum speed is huge in contrast to when you’re jogging along for a five hour marathon, and you’re carrying 10 or 20 pounds of excess body fat, which marathoners routinely carry because their training program is not calibrated to stimulate fat reduction. Brad (19m 13s): It’s calibrated to eat more food in direct association with how many calories you burn when you’re out there running. Especially if you’re running at slightly above that aerobic maximum heart rate and burning a little bit more glucose and less fat than you could be. If you were honoring the 180 minus age calculation that you heard about in assignment, number five show. So here, what we want to do is just sprinkle in these brief efforts and even a workout lasting, let’s say 10 minutes or 15 minutes sprint workout, including the drills, and maybe adding more time for warmup and cooldown, right? Brad (19m 50s): But a very short duration workout will have profound metabolic effects lasting for up to 72 hours after the workout. Your body is getting a profound signal to upregulate fat burning, improve all other functions, such as immune function, cognitive function. It’s known to stimulate things like brain derived neurotropic factor, BDNF miracle grow for the brain, the Harvard doctor who coined that phrase calls it. Brad (20m 20s): And this maximum workout efforts really have a tremendous effect on overall health, bone density, fat loss, signaling, all that great stuff. ,So just to recap, the necessary elements of a proper sprint workout, you do a gradual warmup, and that’s just cardiovascular exercise, whether it’s peddling on a bike or jogging or dog-walking, whatever your fitness capability is a, you just want to be breaking a light sweat and notice your respiration and your heart rate well above normal. Brad (20m 53s): And then we go through some dynamic stretching and you can look on YouTube. Pre-workout dynamic, stretching Brad Kearns, and you’ll see a bunch of great drills. And then you’re going to do some technique drills. These are things that help your central nervous system get ready to execute good technique during the all out sprint. And they also kind of exaggerate the various elements of a good technique for sprinting. So you’re going to do like lifting your heel high and doing the heel kicks or you’re doing the high knees or the hamstring kick outs. Brad (21m 26s): So these drills are really, really important to get yourself primed your nervous system and your muscles primed to produce energy during the main set of the workout. You can also do some wind sprints that lasts only a few seconds. So you kinda just start out and pick it up to high speed and it only lasts for three to five seconds. And then you decelerate. So it’s just kinda like testing out the engine, forming the gas pedal for a couple seconds and then letting up off the pedal. And then the main set, of course, to recap are intervals lasting sprints, lasting 10 to 20 seconds, luxurious rest interval, lasting six times as long as the sprint. Brad (22m 6s): And then each time you step up back to the line, you want to feel fully refreshed and energized to deliver a, another peak performance effort, high intensity repeat training. How many should you do between that four to 10 suggestion? Well, guess what, when you’re out there, invariably, you’re going to find on your fifth or sixth one or wherever it’s at, you’re going to notice a little tiny bit of a breakdown and form, maybe some muscle tightness that wasn’t there on the first couple. Something’s going to happen to give you a little warning signal that you’ve done a great job for the day. Brad (22m 39s): And you want to leave a little bit extra in the tank. This notion this struggle and suffer, no pain, no gain notion that has permeated the fitness industry for decades. It’s time to reject that once. And for all. And I talk about a lot of the great leaders conveying this idea, the HIT versus Hurt article by Dr. Craig Marker. Dr. Phil Maffetone has been saying for years that you shouldn’t really get sore during your strength training sessions. In other words, if you’re waking up the next day after your deadlift session, and you got aches and pains and soreness, you overdid it. Brad (23m 12s): And now that protein assembly is going to be devoted to repairing muscle tissue rather than growing it or preserving it. And so we don’t want to have those interruptions to the flow, to the progression of fitness that are caused by overly stressful workouts. Look up on YouTube. Joe Rogan Firas Zahabi. Don’t get sore. And you’ll see this video clip of lasting eight minutes where this noted MMA trainer Firas Zahabi was telling Joe Rogan that he doesn’t like his athletes to ever get sore, during and Joe Rogan was tripping out on the air. Brad (23m 48s): Like what the F you talking about, man, I get so after every single workout I do. What do you mean? You mean for a beginner’s? He goes, no, no. I mean, for everybody, including world champions. And so we’re having this great awakening that I want you to become a part of, as you, especially as you venture out to do these explosive high intensity workouts, we don’t want them to be too strenuous to muscle soreness producing and by, by way, becoming discouraging because they’re too tough. So just going out there and put it up a throttle a little bit feels fantastic. Brad (24m 19s): It’s so much fun. And I’m telling you this from as long endurance athlete who spent decades, of course, immersed in my career, racing on the pro circuit, where we were doing a tremendous over distance work. And of course going fast once in a while, but it was mostly about the hours and hours of training. And now with my new hobbies, like trying to break the speed golf world record for the fastest hole or going for the extremely explosive event of high jump, where the effort basically you’re basically spending one second in the air and you’re spending, I don’t know, three or four seconds on the approach. Brad (24m 53s): So I’ve gone from a racer on the Olympic distance circuit racing for two hours to doing something that takes five seconds. It’s a, it’s a great awakening. And it’s a great new challenge. And I feel like it’s vastly more correlated with healthy life, anti-aging longevity than the extreme endurance stuff. So we have talked about a brief explosive all out sprints, and I talk mostly about running, but if you have to do it on the bike honor, those same parameters, like doing some warm warmup, wind sprints, and then getting into the 10 to 22nd sprint efforts. Brad (25m 29s): Now, if you’re going on a no or low impact, you can kind of push it to the higher duration of the 10 to 20 second range. And if you’re doing running sprints on the ground high impact, you can kind of stick toward that ten second duration. That’s plenty for a proper sprint. And then the final thing I want to add to the assignment here is this wonderful, exciting new concept of micro workouts. So these are where you’re going about your busy day, but you take a nice little break to haul off a set of 20 deep squats in your cubicle, and then back to work. Brad (26m 4s): .Or I’ve given many examples on different shows devoted to this topic, but I have the pullet bar that’s hung over my closet door. So whenever I go into my closet to go get a posted note from the storage drawer or get a garment or whatever, I haul off single set of pull-ups, it’s not a big deal, right? It’s not going to make me tired or compromise my performance in tomorrow’s important strength training session. But if we talk again, 365 days later, and I say, yeah, you know what? Brad (26m 36s): I haul off a set of pull ups now. And then when I go through my closet door or my other famous example, I have a hexagon deadlift bar in my side yard. And it happens to be on the path from the kitchen to the garbage barrel. So whenever I throw away a bag of garbage, I go over there and I do a single set of deadlifts. Maybe it’s six reps of 200 pounds. Maybe sometimes I’ll feel like doing two sets while I water the plants out in the yard, or what have you. But these are these miniature workouts that aren’t that strenuous, that kind of fly under the radar of that fight or flight response that I talked about, overstimulating it, and the great dangers and risks that occur from being a fight or flight junkie when you’re doing these hour and hour and 20 minute workouts. Brad (27m 21s): So when you’re going hard for one minute, it’s basically like nothing to your body, but if you add it up over time, the fitness benefit is absolutely phenomenal. And perhaps the number one benefit of doing these micro workouts is that they break up these prolonged periods of stillness that are so prevalent in daily life. And by doing so, you’re delivering tremendous metabolic benefits to the body. You’re enhancing fat burning, you’re getting more oxygen and blood delivered to the brain. So your cognitive function, your productivity at the workplace is improved. Brad (27m 54s): And, Oh my goodness, there’s no excuse not to try these things because they’re, they take so little time and have so much tremendous benefit. They also raise the platform from which you launch these formal workouts, where you are going into the gym, or you’re doing a home strength training session. That’s lasting for 15 or 20 or 30 minutes because you’ve done those pull-ups over time. When you do a proper session, it’s way easier and your injury risk is greatly reduced. So the thing about this is you gotta make it simple and convenient. Brad (28m 27s): I favor putting contraptions in your home environment or your work environment that are begging to be used. A kettlebell over there in the corner. Maybe you could paint a smiley face on it with a magic marker and even graffiti on it saying, lift me, swing me, please. I love, I love the attention. My colleague at primal blueprint, Lindsay Taylor, a social psychologist by training. She, yeah, always is blending wonderfully the insights between her fitness interests and her background. Brad (28m 58s): And she says, quote, all of our behaviors are triggered by something, whether we’re conscious of it or not. We can improve our goal setting and decision making capabilities by optimizing our environment and making behavior triggers obvious. So, Oh my goodness. My home environment is so set up now, especially during quarantine with all these fitness contraptions everywhere the eye can be found and they don’t take up a lot of space, but I can do so many things in my living room. It’s absolutely fantastic. The X three bar is sitting there, strapped up, ready to go. Brad (29m 29s): I have my stretch cords hanging from the ceiling. I have my little mini bands on the ground. I have a kettlebell sitting there. I have a chair, a folding chair that I can do my Bulgarian split squats on. And it’s so simple, but the visual reminder is super powerful. So that about wraps up the assignment. People to HIT it hard with full body functional strength, training exercises, brief, explosive all out sprints with plenty of rest, high intensity repeat training, and finally the wonderful world of micro workouts sprinkle them in to your busy daily schedule. Brad (30m 7s): Thanks for listening to MOFO mission. number six: HIT it Hard. Thank you for listening to the show. We would love your feedback at getoveryourselfpodcast@gmail.com. And we would also love if you could leave a rating and a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts, I know it’s a hassle. You have to go to desktop iTunes, click on the tab that says ratings and reviews, and then click to rate the show anywhere from five to five stars. Brad (30m 39s): And it really helps spread the word so more people can find the show and get over themselves because they need to thanks for doing it.



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My attention to detail with protein intake has helped me to achieve a 605lb deadlift, more than triple my body weight of 198 pounds! 

31, Union Grove, AL. Marketing director and powerlifter.


“I’ve been taking B.rad Superfuel for several months and I can really tell a difference in my stamina, strength, and body composition. When I started working out of my home in 2020, I devised a unique strategy to stay fit and break up prolonged periods of stillness. On the hour alarm, I do 35 pushups, 15 pullups, and 30 squats. I also walk around my neighborhood in direct sunlight with my shirt off at midday. My fitness has actually skyrockted since the closing of my gym! However, this daily routine (in addition to many other regular workouts as well as occasional extreme endurance feats, like a Grand Canyon double crossing that takes all day) is no joke. I need to optimize my sleep habits with evenings of minimal screen use and dim light, and eat an exceptionally nutrient-dense diet, and finally take the highest quality and most effective and appropriate supplements I can find. There is simply no better whey protein supplement than B.rad Superfuel!


53, Austin, TX. Peak performance expert, certified health coach, and extreme endurance athlete.

brad kearns
snow skating
bard kearns

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