GOY Featured highlight

(Breather) I am so grateful that I’ve been able to connect with such a wide variety of interesting people through this show – to hear their stories, learn from their wisdom, and gain insight into experiences I never would have had access to.

This show will encapsulate some of the best moments and lessons that have been featured on Get Over Yourself – from Dr. John Gray to Dr. Peter Attia to Amanda Renteria, this episode is packed with some seriously profound insights you will be able to apply to any area of life.


What We’ll Learn From…. 


Dr. Peter Attia:

  • “There’s enough information out there for people to get a sense of what we should and shouldn’t eat.”
  • “People tend to get confused about things that don’t matter.”
  • “The insight is: if you do this for long enough, it matters.”


Elle Russ, author of Confident As F*ck and The Paleo Thyroid Solution:

  • “I was forced to follow my passion.”


Brian MacKenzie:

  • “More is not better, better is better.”
  • “We’re now starting to understand the interconnectivity of the brain and respiration and how your respiration is a part of your central nervous system. In fact, we believe it’s the remote control. Your emotions, your pain, your muscles going to work, stress of any sort, there are dedicated respiration patterns that go off the moment those are happening on an autonomic level.”


My favorite guest/person, Mia Moore:

  • “You have to make a conscious choice not to sweat the small stuff. That’s not easy.”
  • “When someone’s venting, you don’t want to hear [the other person] tell you what to do…they’re probably already figured it out. They probably just want someone to hear them vent.”


Dr. Elisha Goldstein:

  • It’s important to learn how to actively relax your nervous system: “If your body is bracing, the first step is to actively soften your body.”


Mark Sisson:

  • “A calculated risk is still a risk.”


Dr. Wendy Walsh:

  • “When the man makes less than the woman, he is far more likely to cheat.”


Amanda Renteria:

  • “We’ve got to start changing this image of leadership.”


Gitta Sivander:

  • “Being able to be authentic, and being able to be present, will allow for us to be more confident.”
  • “How can we be responsible for ourselves as adults if we don’t learn to be responsible for ourselves as children? We need to learn that from early on.”


Ben Greenfield:

  • “Taking a step back and looking at this bigger picture of enjoying the entire experience of eating – I think it would benefit everyone to focus on that, rather than get into the nitpicking.”


Martin Brauns:

  • “Make sure you check your own intentions.”
  • “Look for the folks who get the results done, but through non-heroic, well planned and paced, thoughtful work.”


Dave Kobrine:

  • “It’s not using willpower, it’s about habit. And habits you just do automatically.”
  • “If you’re not in control of what you feel and what you say, then somebody else – and that somebody else is your fear mechanism – this big part of your brain that reacts for you.”


Enjoy the show, and stay tuned for part 2!



First guest, Peter Attia, emphasizes the simplicity of the basic needs for a healthy lifestyle: nutrition, exercise, sleep.  [01:27]

Elle Russ talks about her comeback from a serious arm injury.  [05:33]

Brian MacKenzie talks about the interconnectivity of the brain and respiration. [11:32]

People need to vent.  At that time, they don’t need advice. (The Mia Moore Show) [16:13]

Elisha Goldstein talks about our addiction to our phones and how detrimental that is. [19:36]

Mark Sisson talks about the proper mindset for an entrepreneurial journey such as his. [24:42]

Psychologist Wendy Walsh puts forth her perspective on relationship dynamics in the modern world. [26:22]

MacNaughton asks why risk the fun of training in order to get in an extra workout and taking the chance to get injured?  [30:43]

Amanda went from modest beginnings to playing an important part in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.  She says anything is possible when you believe in yourself. [33:28]

Chris Kelly says overstressing during training has long term effects. [36:58]

Dave Kobrine has many tips on parenting your children into athletics as well as how he manages his morning routine. [41:37]

Isaac Rochelle talks about turning adversity into opportunity and taking control of his mindset. [46:05]

Kelly Starrett stresses the negative impacts of technology and lack of movement on our lives. [50:42]

You should create a celebratory environment for your family dinners and not get hung up on the macronutrients. (Ben Greenfield) [56:17]

Martin Brauns was a CEO with a leadership style that made people feel empowered and valued.
It’s important to celebrate people who plan appropriately and get their work done in a paced and measured way. [01:00:18]

Dave Rossi talks about our fears and our negative emotions take control of us. [01:04:06]

Teaching public speaking, Gitta Sivander talks about being yourself…be vulnerable and authentic. [01:07:07]

Commercially produced wine has a lot of sugar and has little health benefit. (Todd White) [01:12:50]




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Get Over Yourself Podcast

Brad (00:00:00):
Hey, Hey, welcome to the Get Over of Yourself Podcast highlights. Oh, Oh, what fun. What a privilege. What an honor it is to dive into our treasure trove of content archives and make this recording of brief excerpts from interview shows over the last couple of years of the Get Over of Yourself Pod. I’m going to give you a little bit of an intro, a tee up for each one and then you can enjoy these wonderful guests and this experience reminds me of what a privilege it is to be in this position as the host and being able to connect with all these wonderful people and learn so much. It’s a constant education and eye opening mind expanding experience to sit down with these experts in all different areas and here we go. People, enjoy this highlight show. We’re going to do more and more of these and the idea, I guess, is to inspire you to go back and listen to the full recording if you happen to miss it or if you didn’t listen to it on cue as listening to the show, subscribing every week. Hey, guess what? You get a little teaser and a little reminder of the great commentary that you enjoyed from the full length recording. So here we go.

Brad (00:01:27):
So first and most certainly not least, my very first interview recording for the get over yourself podcast with the amazing Dr Peter Attia and what a great guy. He’s so busy, so prominent, but he was nice enough to devote some of his precious valuable time to me starting out my own podcast. He was also very helpful to Mark Sisson and I when we were working on the Keto Reset Diet, welcoming us into his office to give the full detailed explanation about what this Keto thing was, uh, many years ago when it was first starting out. And you’re going to love this clip because he pretty much simplifies the whole question of how to eat healthy. And here’s one of the most complex and highly educated people on the health scene who’s done that extreme self experimentation that he’s so famous for and he just lays it out there. Pretty simple. Here’s a nice clip from Dr Peter Attia, the first interview produced on the Get Over of Yourself Podcast. And still one of the most downloaded recordings of all time. So go listen to the full length show with Dr Peter Attia, host of The Drive podcast,

Peter Attia (00:02:38):
Nutrition, exercise, sleep. Those three things would probably have the biggest impact on your physical health. And it’s, it’s hard to say that somebody who’s, you know, achieving 80% of their potential on each of those three, um, isn’t also achieving about, you know, 80% of their longevity potential. Now, you know, the difference between the 80% and the a hundred percent in terms of effort is significant. It is not a nonlinear effort curve. Um, nor is it a, um, a linear, um, curve of, of, um, you know, achieving a benefit. But, um, a lot of this stuff you don’t need a doctor for. I mean, sometimes the doctor is helpful to measure things, but for the most part, um, I think there’s enough information out there for people to, you know, have a sense of what they should and shouldn’t eat. And I think people tend to get confused about things that don’t matter.

Peter Attia (00:03:38):
So there’s such an amazing, you know, I’m sure you’re more familiar with this than me, but I try to not think about this stuff, but you know, endless confusion about, Oh my God, should I be eating a plant based diet or should I be eating a paleo diet or should I be on a low carb diet? Or should I be under this diet or that diet? I mean, we could talk about those things all day long, but it might be more interesting to look at what do all of those things have in common if they’re being done correctly? And that’s probably the element that one ought to think most about. So, as silly as it sounds, just to say like, what if I had a zero junk food diet or a diet of don’t eat anything that my great grandmother couldn’t have eaten. I mean, something as simple as that. Right?

Brad (00:04:24):
Which number one bestseller right there.

Peter Attia (00:04:26):
Yeah. Yeah. Not the book I’d, write. Um, but something as simple as that would basically take virtually all sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed hydrogenated oils and all the other bullshit that’s, you know, highly permeant within our food system and just take it away. Done. And then, yeah, you could vacillate on whether you should have grass fed beef or non grass fed beef or no beef at all or this type of egg or that type of egg or dairy or no dairy. I mean those things are important to be sure, but they also probably on some level have a different individual outcomes. But if you got rid of sugar, if you got rid of refined carbohydrates, if you got rid of hydrogenated oils and the products that they show up in, cause you don’t buy those things off the shelf. Right. It’s not like I want some sugar, let me go to the shelf and get it. No, it’s get rid of everything that those things exist in. Um, and again, like this has been codified for decades. Like this isn’t, this isn’t like some new insight. The insight is the importance of this. I think the insight is if you do this for long enough, it matters.

Brad (00:05:33):
This clip is from my interview with Elle Russ, author of the sensational new book, Confident as Fuck. And the book before that, The Paleo Thyroid Solution,. Some of you know Elle as the hostess, sort of my shared hostess with the Primal Blueprint Podcast. We each publish a show every week on that channel. I’ve been with her for many years as part of the Primal Blueprint operation, and she took the opportunity of our interview to reveal something in public that she never has before about a severe disability that she’s been suffering from with her arm function for many years and pretty heavy show. You’re going to love the whole recording. Uh, but also this clip here where she talks about the inspirational story of Bethany Hamilton, the surfer who was attacked by a shark in Hawaii. So let’s hear a little bit from Elle Russ,

Elle Russ (00:06:28):
You know, it’s interesting thing and I’ll tell you why Bethany Hamilton, uh, her story means so much to me. It’s because when I was 23, 22, 23, I was working in the corporate world in San Francisco and I was making six figures and I was killing it. I mean nobody my age was, you know, rolling in that dough right out of college. And, um, I was the seventh person hired at a company. I was promoted every couple of months. I was killing it. I’m on there like a couple of years and then my next promoted the company is exploding now and we’re, you know, this is like Y 2 K days, you know, there’s so much work going on. And then, um, I’m about to get promoted to a job where I’m going to be making a quarter million dollars a year and like 23 years old. And I’m like, Oh, and I can just see my whole life ahead of me. I’m like, Oh, there’s going to be like whatever, five Porsches in the driveway. I’m going to have three homes. Like I’m going to be so fully retired by the time I’m 40. Forget about it. Like this is going to be great. And, and one day my arm stopped working

Brad (00:07:25):
just like that. Huh. Speaking of, was that your transition from Bethany Hamilton to Elle’s arm stops working?

Elle Russ (00:07:34):
So, um, I literally stopped working. I couldn’t wipe myself. I couldn’t hold a fork in my hand.

Brad (00:07:41):
One arm?

Elle Russ (00:07:42):
No, both arms with my hands on my shoulders. I had chronic tendonitis. It was so severe. I had iced my arm several times a day. My arms were extremely inflamed. Um, but I was making so much money for the company. They had to kind of keep me around because of my voice of talking to people. I was hiring and you know, uh, account managing people in these big projects for fortune 500 companies. And literally my arm stopped working and I’m 23 and you know, I’m just dumb and young and I’m thinking, Oh, well I guess I’ll just go to the doctor and they’ll give me something like this. We’ll get it fixed. Right? Like right,? Wrong. Um, so what happened was, is it got so bad that at one point, you know, I had to leave the job.

Elle Russ (00:08:15):
They had to put me on workman’s comp. I was rated at 40% disability California court system. So now I’m 23 and now all my prospects for any job you could ever imagine in the world are gone because what job can you not use your hands eight hours a day for? Name one. Just name one other than public speaker, actor, voiceover, radio host. You can’t, you can’t be, I can’t work at Starbucks. I can’t bartend.

Brad (00:08:44):
can’t type?

Elle Russ (00:08:44):
No, I can’t. I use a lot of, has been using voice dictation since 1998 I can type, but I can only do it a couple hours a day. Like I just couldn’t be in a desk job classic, but also couldn’t be in any kind of repetitive injury. So it’s just like an athlete who gets, throws the ball, you know, the pitcher and then he’s out for a year and he’s back then. So it’s a repetitive strain injury. And at the time, um, it just got so severe and the doctors were like, listen, you know, you’re, you’re, you’re going to have this rest of your life and you’re never,

Brad (00:09:11):
what was the diagnosis?

Elle Russ (00:09:12):
Um, chronic tenosynovitis. Tendonitis. Yeah. So then I went on a journey of again, like, Oh, this was the first health thing. So when I got hit with hypothyroidism later, I was like, you gotta be effing kidding me. Right? So then this happened. And so luckily we had an insurance policy. Thank God. Uh, with my company, I was able to make basically a preschool teacher salary, but, but be able to live and then heal. And so right after that, like the moment I got disabled, I mean, you have no idea what it’s like to sit there and go, I don’t even know if I’m ever going to be able to hold a cup again.

Elle Russ (00:09:46):
Like I will start crying now thinking about the thoughts I had, like, what guy’s gonna ever want me? How am I ever going to have kids? Part of the reason why I haven’t, because I know all that it takes. I can’t hold a baby in my arms for more than 20 minutes. Do you know what I mean? So, yes. Can I go play a game of tennis with you or some ping pong or go paddling? Sure. Can I do it every day? No. Am I going to be on the tennis circuit? Absolutely not. Can I go throw game and pick up on horse with you? Yeah, I could be a normal person. I just can’t do those things regularly. So for me to then pursue right away, I was like, what am I going to do? I gotta use my voice. I got nothing else.

Elle Russ (00:10:19):
I got nothing else. So I went right back to Chicago, went to the second city, immediately, got my voiceover demo done. I was like, I gotta go some direction here now. It turned out that all that stuff lined up with my childhood dreams. Anyway, I just thought it was a bullshit, ridiculous thing to pursue and there was no way I was going to do it cause I was like, no, I’m going to go for the money. See I did it worked. I went for the money and then that shit got fucking injured, ruined my arms and the universe took off the golden handcuffs and we’re like, guess not. Yes, we’re going back to the original. So then I had to become a broke actor. I mean pretty, you know, making whatever like preschool teacher’s salary, thank God I had it to survive. But at the end of the day I then was like, Oh my God, you don’t understand.

Elle Russ (00:10:54):
I mean, I was looking at a quarter million dollars. So it had to be regulated to making a very minimum,

Brad (00:11:01):
Making zero dollars.

Elle Russ (00:11:01):
a couple of them make a minimum wage type of thing. But again, thank God able to not have to inflame my arms. Then I was able to get better. So a couple of years went by. I did have to go to physical therapy three times a week and you know, I was in physical therapy with people that had sliced their hands off. I was at the bunkie clinic in San Francisco, which is famous for inventing microsurgery of limbs, like how to reattach limbs. So there were people from all over the place talk about a beginning lesson in gratitude, even though I didn’t know. So here I am, my arms are inflamed, but I have them.

Brad (00:11:32):
Here’s a clip from Brian MacKenzie, the creator of the power speed endurance movement. Check out his website. This guy is a visionary in the fitness scene, the forward thinking coach, trainer, designer of workout protocols. He was famed for developing the CrossFit endurance program that shook up the traditional straightforward approach of the endurance athlete to do more and more miles and trying to get better. And now he had people mixing it up and developing into total athletes. And these days he’s on the cutting edge in his use of breathing awareness and cold exposure and novel training strategies like that, putting them in right into the central focus of all the hard work that athletes are accustomed to doing. So let’s hear a little bit from Brian MacKenzie. He was healing from a severe neck injury and stuck in a neck brace for the whole interview, but he toughed it out, man.

Brian MacKenzie (00:12:30):
My job over the last 15, 20 years has been to do something and then go back to the beginning and deconstruct and start over again with a new way of doing that or looking at it and are what we’re currently doing.

Brad (00:12:43):
A good quote for the show right there, man, Might be a nailed down.

Brian MacKenzie (00:12:47):
We need a lot more, we need a lot more than me, but I think, you know, thank you. But you know, and right now the paradigm we’re in is we’re looking at breathing Hmm. And what breathing’s doing.and now we’re looking at how people are breathing not only in performance but in everyday life. And what does that mean? And we’re now starting to understand the interconnectivity of the brain and respiration and how that is absolutely part of the your respiration as a part of your central nervous system.

Brian MacKenzie (00:13:27):
In fact, we believe it’s the remote control. Um, they’re your emotions, your pain, your muscles going to work, um, stress of any sort. There are dedicated respiration patterns that go off the moment. Those are happening on an autonomic level. So if I’m not thinking about it, if I’m unconscious about this, these are things that are happening. But if I become conscious of it, and this is what I kind of alluded to when I had the accident, was I instantly went back to training. I’ve been doing over the last five, six years, right. Where I’m like, I know that if I slow the respiration rate down, I’m not gonna spin myself out. I’m not gonna drop, I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna put myself into this more sympathetic dominance tone that I’m already probably in because I’m in a life threatening situation. Thus I’m giving myself more of a peripheral vision.

Brian MacKenzie (00:14:22):
I’m giving myself more of a, a tone to learn from this and understand this in a more clear, creative fashion. And that might sound a little odd in a life threatening situation, but the fact is is that is how we learn is you go through a very stressful situation and then you need to pull back and be able to go, Oh, what was that? Oh my gosh, that made sense. It’s, you know, if you go watch the action sports community, you’ll see skateboarders and you know, I’ve worked with, I’ve worked with a lot of skateboarders and professional surfers and big wave surfers and they just keep going and going and going and when they’re failing, failing, failing, failing, and then all of a sudden boom, they get it once and it’s, they’ve calmed down, they’ve let go, they’ve repeated something enough to where they’ve stressed themselves out enough to where they let go or they show up the next day and it just happens.

Brian MacKenzie (00:15:11):
And these are very interesting things. If you look at sports like action sports, I mean how much has surfing changed in the last 20 years? How much has skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing changed in the last 20 years? You can’t really put statistics on what they’re doing rotationally and all of these things with the tricks. You go back and look at where that started and you’re going, Oh my God, you go look at running and you know, you’ll go look at working sports. You know, rowing, the times aren’t that different. They haven’t made that big of a change. And so when we start looking at things like that, yeah, what are they doing? And obviously there’s very different things at work here, but what’s happening with these athletes versus the other? And so you know, this is all part of what we’re looking at with even the brain and even respiration, breathing, how it correlates, how it works together, what we can do to help reset or give people tools to use in real time or in time of pre-training, post-training competition, all of that. And what, what it can do.

Brad (00:16:13):
Oh my gosh, the next clip. Such a nice voice. As I’m reviewing the material and I recognize it, it’s the Mia Moore show. My favorite podcast guest and favorite person. And she’s talking about partners needing to vent and what you’re supposed to do, which is to not give advice. Just be supportive. A nice little clip from our wonderful show talking about healthy relationship dynamics with much more to come as Mia Moore has some future appearances slated. But let’s hear what she’s got to say in this nice clip.

Mia Moore (00:16:53):
You have to make a conscious choice not to sweat the small stuff. It’s not easy. Most people by instinct, you know, want to get their way are, you know, they do get upset over just the minutia of life, you know.

Brad (00:17:10):
Well the, the other part of that is what do you deem to be small stuff. And it gets a little tricky because if a partner comes through the door and gives you a bunch of shit cause they had a bad day., And then we read articles from Chris Gage on the medium, one of the best relationship commentary short and to the point and memorable. And she says emotional control and emotional self stability is the number one priority for a winning healthy relationship. And everything else is secondary. If you don’t have that. So do you draw a boundary or do you say this is just small stuff that this person’s venting and saying things that they don’t really mean and I’m going to forgive them when they calm down? That’s a tricky issue to navigate.

Mia Moore (00:17:53):
Well it depends how that person’s venting. If somebody has venting cause a bad day because of a bad day at the office, they’re not going to B directing it at their partner. They’re going to come in and say, Hey, I had a bad day and can I vent? That’s how I would do it. I just need a vent. And something that I think men in particular, maybe even maybe women, I’ve, I’ve had girlfriends who have talked about this before too. The other partner who’s listening to their partner event has to remember, they’re not to give advice when someone’s venting, they don’t want to hear you tell them what they need to do. They probably already figured it out. They just want to have someone hear them vent and someone say, Oh wow, what a day, you know, can I rub your feet or can I make you a cocktail?

Mia Moore (00:18:48):
Or you know, or just come sit here, let’s watch TV. Or just, but they want to just hear they want to say it. And th, and I know it helps me sometimes when I’m venting, sometimes I’m just in my car driving home and I can vent out loud. And that’s enough to just get it out of your system, but we don’t need anyone to tell us, you know, advice in the end. I mean that works with both sides. You know, the husband or the wife, it doesn’t matter. Oh, when you’re venting to your girlfriends, any type of relationship. It doesn’t have to be, you know, your spouse. It could be your sister, it could be your parent. Regardless when someone’s venting, they just want to vent. People need to stop trying to fix other people’s lives in that situation. Well, actually in any situation,

Brad (00:19:36):
Here’s a clip from Dr Elisha Goldstein, clinical psychologist and co founder of The Center for Mindful Living in Los Angeles. And yes, I popped into the center. This was sort of a random connection. I didn’t know anything about this guy and we sat down and he rocked my world. Man. I still think about many of the insights he provided during this show about being mindful. He’s talking in this clip about our tendency to brace and that is not a good thing. That when we get stressed we get reactive. And here’s some tips about what we can do about it. Listen to the whole show for much more from Elisha Goldstein.

Elisha Goldstein (00:20:16):
Viktor Frankl was a psychiatrist in the Holocaust survival. You’re familiar with him, who, he has a great quote that’s been attributed to him that said, between stimulus and response, there’s a space and that space lies our power to choose. Our response in our response lies our growth and our freedom. And so really, um, the first step to be able to step into that space and get more familiar with it between the stimulus and response, cause the stimulus space is like tiny can be, it can be quick. It’s not even there.

Brad (00:20:41):
It’s like bah bah Hey, you asshole, you just cut me off.

Elisha Goldstein (00:20:46):
Or there’s my phone. We pick it up and check. Right? Even though I just checked it 15 seconds ago, I think that the statistic right now is the average person is on their phone 11 hours a day or something like that.

Brad (00:20:56):
I saw that. .the kids, um, they were referencing the, the, the number of text messages, the average teenager sins is mindblowing. Yeah.

Goldstein (00:21:04):
Yeah. And it’s intense. It’s stressful to be interacting that much. It’s brain overload. But so the number one thing we can do as a precursor to support us and to widening that space is really to learn how to actively relax our nervous systems. And you know, one way of a very simple way of doing that like that anyone can do anywhere, anytime without taking like 30 minutes out to sit and do a meditation is um, is to or go get a massage or something is to just be on the lookout. It’s very simple. This is one of the, um, first things I teach people in this six month immersion online, um, uh, course called a Course in Mindful Living is look, be on the lookout where in your regular life you are, your body is bracing. So where is your body tensing? Cause your body, your body is now holding the patterning of and the programming, the automatic programming. Um, and so where is it bracing cause that’s telling you that you’re stressed in that moment. And so if you’re stressed, you’re going to kind of make more mistakes. Typically. I mean, a little bit of stress is okay, a lot of stress. That’s where we get into trouble, right? And so, um, and so if your body is bracing, the first step is to actively soften your body. If you do this like let’s say three times a day, you just do it three times a day.

Goldstein (00:22:22):
And this again, this takes no time out actively or maybe there’s tension in your shoulder, you notice it’s really intense. And so you actively choose to just stretch that area to open it a little bit. Um, you’re going to notice some big changes. You’re going to be a little bit more aware in your day. You’re going to start widening that space between stimulus and response to be more open to the choices and possibilities that are there for you in the moment. Like, do I really need to check this again after I checked it 15, 30 seconds ago? Um, or am I, do I want to pay attention to my kid who’s trying to talk to me right now? Or my partner who’s trying to like talk to me right now telling me something really emotional? That’s an important part of their day, you know, or whatever it is.

Goldstein (00:23:00):
You’ll get better at paying attention to what matters. And that’s the, in order to hone our attention, the first step is learning how to relax are really relaxed, our bodies.

Brad (00:23:08):
So noticing those times when you’re bracing, you’re like, Oh, there I go. Bracing. I guess I do that in traffic a lot or [inaudible] tough conversations on the phone or something.

Elisha Goldstein (00:23:20):
Some people do that. The moment they wake up in the morning, their body is bracing from the alarm. Uh, they, if they have kids in the house or a partner or a tough conversation, it’s right there in the morning, some bad news in the morning, whatever it is, or the, yeah, the anticipation of the traffic and getting out on time. Um, the email, the mountain of emails. Sometimes when you think you’re having fun and getting soothing through, check through, flipping through the variety of apps, really kind of check in with yourself and see how your body’s doing in that moment.

Elisha Goldstein (00:23:48):
Your body might be kind of stressed trying to get out that, you know, 10 line text that you’re trying to kind of beat out before you have to go somewhere else or whatever.

Brad (00:23:59):
Til the light changes.

Elisha Goldstein (00:24:00):
Before the lights, exactly. So, you know, we just check in. Your body’s keeping score a bit and it’s kind of telling you, okay, you know, how you’re, how you’re doing that you’re in a way that your thoughts may not realize in that moment. And the, and the first step is to just actively, first of all, what you start noticing as you’re doing it is it’s enjoyable. You start really enjoying relaxing your body. Uh, either of your car rides are better, your relationships are better. Um, you feel better in your life when you’re more relaxed. It’s our natural state and feel kind of more calm and balanced. Uh, we just happen to live in a very frenetic world, um, that, um, really activates our nervous systems in major ways. Right now.

Brad (00:24:42):
Listen to this Sisson. People, here’s an excerpt from the ultimate Mark Sisson interview. Yes, I’d pin that busy guy down and we talk for almost two hours about his life journey that’s got him to the point where he is today a leader in the health space with an incredible following and his amazing business success with the primal kitchen enterprise. But it’s been a wild road and Mark has some tremendous insights to provide about the entrepreneurial journey and the proper mindset, our willingness to tolerate risk and what that says about our personalities and how we have to align that with our decisions. So an interesting clip here from my main man, Mark Sisson,

Mark Sisson (00:25:28):
I take calculated risks, but there’s still risks. I mean, I’m willing to take a risk. That’s what an entrepreneur does. An entrepreneur is willing to take risks, willing to risk capital or time, uh, in order to, uh, achieve what that person thinks is, um, you know, an outcome, a product, a service or something that will benefit, uh, the marketplace and con contribute to the economy and in a way that is meaningful. So I don’t think I’m, I’m, I’m, I have this particular, you know, risky gene. I’m in fact probably quite the opposite, but in business you just sort of look at the data and you say on balance this something, this is something that looks like a good idea. I’m willing to invest time or money or whatever, uh, in it and you know, prove the model and see if it works. And if it does, great, I’ll scale it. If it doesn’t, I’ll move on to the next thing.

Brad (00:26:22):
Here’s a spicy clip. What other kind could there be from Dr Wendy Walsh, the 2017 time magazine co-person of the year for her role in the me too movement. She’s the one that called out Bill O’Reilly and kind of triggered his downfall for all the nonsense nastiness he was engaged in. And Wendy Walsh is got a great show of her own called Mating Matters on iHeart radio. You can find it on all the podcast channels. Always clever and riveting insights about relationship dynamics in the modern world from her perspective as an evolutionary psychologist. And in this clip she’s talking about the top three attributes that men are looking for in a woman. And likewise that are women are looking for in a man. Pretty interesting stuff. You’ll never forget it when you hear the list. Okay, so back to the biology we had the men, one, two, three was they’re looking for youth and beauty maybe around seven years younger or so, or if you insist on a peer than someone who looks young. The second was loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. I want to give like cues for the listener to remember we’ve got Kendrick Lamar, loyalty number two. And then finally kindness. I love that one.

Wendy Walsh (00:27:43):
Uh, and kindness because in the end of the day, if you’re, you know, love evil, love is real. It’s a combination of hormones that affect our psychology and it evolved to keep people together long enough to raise some kids and get them out of the nest. Um, so, so monogamy is natural for many of us, at least for a period of time to help kids get up and out. Now, women on the other hand, Ooh, here we go. You tend to look at, well, if you had to guess, what’s the number one thing women look for in a guy?

Brad (00:28:12):
Oh, okay. I wouldn’t guess something to do with.

Wendy Walsh (00:28:16):
It’s shallow. It’s true.

Brad (00:28:18):
Status. A display of money. Yeah.

Wendy Walsh (00:28:20):
Money. Right. Resources. Resources. So again, back in our anthropological past during the

Brad (00:28:26):
Mercedes-Benz number one, our survey said, ding, ding.

Wendy Walsh (00:28:32):
Now women can buy their own. Uh, but back in our end, the political past, um, during the vulnerable years of pregnancy and nursing, we needed a guy to bring us back protein and bring that Willy mammoth and get that and protect us during that time. So having status, power, resources, that’s what’s even the most successful women. So sociologists have coined a phrase called the George Clooney effect, which is the more educated a woman becomes, the more money she makes. She still wants a man who’s a little older and a little richer.

Brad (00:29:06):

Wendy Walsh (00:29:07):
Because it’s the George Clooney effect. She, she’s wired to go for resources. Right. And it gets hard when you’re the woman making the most money. Right? They don’t, women don’t like to date down. Financially they don’t. So that’s the first thing women look for,

Brad (00:29:21):
but they do frequently, especially a high wealth woman who is, maybe you see examples. Maybe that’s, maybe it’s troubling, but I know examples of a stay at home daddy where the woman’s a high income earner and everything, everything’s great. It’s, it seems like maybe they’re switching roles so you could say like.

Wendy Walsh (00:29:41):
so those examples exist but they’re not necessarily what we evolved to have. Right. Looking at an anecdotal example is not the same as looking at a culture wide trend.

Brad (00:29:51):
So you’re saying there’s this huge pressure, there’s this huge force inside the woman that is going to be.

Wendy Walsh (00:29:57):
to still look up resources to still look up from her place of point.

Brad (00:30:02):
even though she don’t need it cause she’s rollin. ,

Wendy Walsh (00:30:03):
Right, exactly.

Brad (00:30:05):
You got carte blanche from dollar bills. Now I’m pumping in rubber bands.

Wendy Walsh (00:30:08):
What happened sexually to that couple?

Brad (00:30:10):
What happens? That lack of desire because the wiring, you’re not hitting the right wiring?

Wendy Walsh (00:30:15):
Plenty of these men, not all. Again, there are lots of happy marriages where the woman makes more, but because our culture associates wage earning with manhood and a lot of men are trapped in these man boxes is not necessarily a good thing. I’m not saying it’s good, but it exists.

Brad (00:30:31):
I’m good qualifier.

Wendy Walsh (00:30:33):
When a man makes less than the woman, he’s far more likely to cheat. Oh. Because he needs to get his manhood somehow needs to prove his self identity.

Brad (00:30:43):
Let’s listen to the Mac attack. Talk some smack. This is my, my old friend and triathlon compatriot, Andrew McNaughton, one of the greatest triathletes of all time with his wonderful career back in the eighties and nineties and then he’s been coaching athletes with a unique and evolved approach that I think is second to none with comparison to all the offerings that are out there that are overly focused on the technical aspects of training and competing in triathlon. So here Mack attack is trying to set your mind straight a little bit, talking about what really is fun about training and racing. It’s not really the suffering, it’s actually going fast. And when you think about it in that perspective, you start to hopefully improve your decision making processes and get out of that trap of that type, a highly motivated goal oriented mindset that leads to overworking, struggling and suffering instead of making the best decisions for your athletic potential. Andrew McNaughton,

Andrew MacNaughton (00:31:47):
Most people who are doing these endurance sports, um, doing because they love them and if they don’t, they’re too long and tedious to do. So. I can’t imagine why you would be doing it if it wasn’t out of love. Uh, and so why would you risk that fun? Um, to get in an extra workout when you’re taking the chance of getting injured or sick? or bored, you know, or fried or fried or whatever. Um, when you could, you know, continue to do this. And as we know with endurance sports, it’s consistency over a long time that makes you better. It’s never one workout. You know, one workout can ruin you, but it can’t make you. So, um, yeah, it says you keep those things in mind and I understand that it’s hard for the, for the go getters and the people who, you know, like to write things down and accomplish their goals.

Andrew MacNaughton (00:32:39):
Um, but you have to realize that when you write down workouts to do those aren’t necessarily your goals. Those are the steps that you believe that will lead you to your goal. But if time doesn’t permit on one day, then it doesn’t mean that that step is necessary to reach your goal. It quite often means that including that step now will actually interfere with reaching your ultimate goal, which is doing better at your next race or, or the next one or whatever it is. Right? So, um, uh, that’s something that’s something to keep in mind with, with busy bodies and, and travel for work or, or sick children who are keeping you up so you can’t sleep or whatever, whatever it might be. Understand that. Go with the flow.

Brad (00:33:28):
Enjoy this excerpt from Amanda Renteria. I hit her up cold call because I saw this incredible news article about this woman who ran for the governor of the state of California. I think she took seventh place or ninth place, but her unlikely ascendance into a high profile political role. She was the national director of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and my gosh, from her modest beginnings as daughter of migrant farm workers in California, central valley off to the hallowed halls of Stanford. And you’re not going to believe on this extra how she talks about paying for her education by becoming a scholarship athlete on the Stanford women’s basketball team, the number one team in the nation, perennial number one at that time. And Oh man, anything’s possible when you dream. you believe in yourself and here it goes. Amanda Renteria telling you all about it. Did you say you were, you were a college athlete?

Amanda Renteria (00:34:29):
I was. I played basketball and softball at Stanford.

Brad (00:34:34):
You played basketball and softball?

Amanda Renteria (00:34:36):
I did. I um, strangely I didn’t actually intend to really play sports. Um, when I got to, when I got to college, when I got to Stanford, cause I knew how difficult it was going to be, uh, just to make it through academically coming from the school and the place that I came from. Uh, so when I went in and talked to my academic advisor, I, I happened to mention how am I gonna pay for this thing? Right? Um, I was so fearful that my parents at any moment would have me go back cause it was a big stretch for them. Right? A Mexican immigrant, uh, father mom was in the schools, pretty conservative Mexican parents. And the idea of me going four hours away was quite scary. Especially cause my dad like had this rule that if we went to prom, you had to talk to our dates for at least a half an hour. It’s a cultural thing.

Brad (00:35:22):
Well, I mi novia no, no puede ir lejos. She went to SAC state, she lived at home with her sister getting a four year degree and she, she could have gone to UCLA or wherever she wants. So the stretch was like sort of this emotional cultural thing too, where you’re living in extended generation families and all these kinds of things.

Amanda Renteria (00:35:42):
That’s right. And so it was incredibly far away.

Brad (00:35:44):
financial stretch too, because I thought that these days, tell me the difference between when you went and now, cause I thought there’s a big difference.

Amanda Renteria (00:35:52):
Huge differences. Schools are making really great strides on helping kids through. Um, it wasn’t quite like that. Um, when I went it was $22,000, $22,000 a year, which was the biggest number I’d ever heard of. And you know, for me, I also just didn’t understand that when you graduate you have loans. Um, and I was so fearful that I was so blessed that my parents did let me go and then I was so fearful at any moment they would make me come back. Um, and when I heard that I was going to have to have loans or that I was going to get the tuition and it was going to, I was going to end up graduating with loans. I thought if my parents find out about this, then I’m going to have to somehow go back,

Brad (00:36:36):
here’s their daughter at Stanford about to get in big trouble because she pulled some loans.

Amanda Renteria (00:36:41):
Right? But I just, it was more naive, right? I didn’t know. And um, and so when I asked my academic advisor, well, how can I pay for this whole thing? And she sort of looked at me a little bit like, don’t worry about it. You’re going to be fine. You’re going to have a Stanford degree. I was like, you don’t understand. In order to get the Stanford degree, I have to figure this out.

Brad (00:36:58):
Hey, enjoy this interview with Christopher Kelly, the founder, the proprietor of the wonderful Nourish Balance, Thrive health testing and consultation program. And I, and the client, I put myself through the ringer and got an amazing assortment of blood stool, urine, saliva testing. They ran through the most advanced testing you can find anywhere. And then, uh, took me through step by step, all the results and all the protocols and the supplements, lifestyle, behavior changes, recommended. It’s an amazing all encompassing program. And Chris is a leader in using, uh, intelligence software to predict and help diagnose and guide people with health decisions. Uh, this is cutting edge stuff, man, and that’s what he’s doing. So check out his website over there, but here he talks about his own background as an extreme high performing racing cyclist and overdoing it and learning all these lessons. The hard way that he brings to his career today. And interesting note that I can totally relate to are those times when you’re really in a groove and you’re performing well. But meanwhile you’re kind of trashing your health and you feel like crap maybe in daily life, but you can still get out there on the bike and pound due to the effects, the temporary performance enhancing effects of uh, excessive stress hormone production, of course leading to longterm adverse health consequences. So little clip from a real athlete who’s doing his thing to help others these days at nourish balance thrive. Chris Kelly,

Chris Kelly (00:38:33):
If I were living in London and I turn on my phone and there’s like 19 wifi, that man, I mean, what are you going to do? I think the worrying about it is probably gonna do more harm and so these are Tommy’s words now worrying about it. It’s probably going to do more harm than the actual thing itself. So forget about it. Do the things, pull the leavers you’ve got access to and then forget about the ones that you don’t right?, Don’t stress.

Brad (00:38:56):
I want to go back to your story a little bit there. When you were this young racing dude who’s succeeding and performing well, but meanwhile your health is cratering before you know it, but for that time period there where you’re still performing and still winning races and doing magnificent athletic feats, how does that work? I know Maffetone has mentioned this a little bit where this overstress pattern, overstimulation pattern can for a short period of time, deliver these amazing results and you’re setting PRs because you have, you’re bathed in these stress hormones that deliver peak performance effort well chipping away at your immune system.

Chris Kelly (00:39:30):
Yeah, I think that’s exactly right. You just answered your question quite well there. I think that’s exactly right. Yeah. I noticed the on the bike was about the only time that I felt good and it wasn’t a major, like I wouldn’t want to do it. I’d be sat in the office, think I used to be able to finish work at one o’clock in the afternoon and go ride my bike.

Brad (00:39:45):
What time do you start work?

Chris Kelly (00:39:46):
Five o’clock in the morning. Right.

Brad (00:39:47):
So you’re going five to one and getting more stress after that at times.

Chris Kelly (00:39:52):
I mean, it wasn’t a terribly stressful job, but I’d be sat there at mid day thinking, I really don’t want to go ride my bike right now. Yeah. But then I don’t want to go home either. I would like, you know, I get the train back home and that wouldn’t be fun either . I’d get home and I’d be sat there mean miserable. Why did I do that? I was stupid. I should have gone ride. So I would invariably go ride instead and then it would take a while, usually about an hour and then an hour in we start to get some of that cortisol going that we’ve already talked about is really, really low. And yeah, I would start to feel good and that was one of the few times where I would feel good and that’s kind of addictive isn’t it? If that’s what you need to do in order to feel good, then you’re probably going to do more of it.

Brad (00:40:29):
You’re getting a hit of dope like a drug user, right? Cause that cortisol is spiking due to the fight or flight stimulation of your ride. And I know that pattern very well myself where I was exhausted during daily life, but as soon as I jumped in the water I rallied because I was so focused and driven to be a competitive athlete and that sets you up for a very slippery slope downward when you can’t even function normally in healthily, in everyday life.

Chris Kelly (00:40:56):
Right. I think this does lead into exercise dependency where you can’t now used to be that guy that couldn’t go anywhere and I still had a bike on the back of the car, couldn’t possibly go on holiday and I, I brought my bike with me, you know, not be on the turbo trainer. If it was raining outside on the six days a year that it rains in Northern California, I’ll be indoors on the turbo trainer and now I’m not like that at all. I can just take it or leave it. Okay. She might ride it today. No. All right, that’s fine. I’ll just ride tomorrow or maybe the day after and that’s okay. And I don’t really notice if I take three weeks off after cycle cross season, I don’t really notice that I’m really missing the exercise. It’s all the same now. I think this has gotta be part of it, isn’t it? Not being dependent on exercise.

Brad (00:41:37):
Here’s a little clip from an interview with my childhood friend Dave Kobrine. And The show’s great. He talks about his world beating morning routine. I think you’re going to get a lot of inspiration from here and how he starts his day every single day. He’s also had an amazing athletic journey of his own and others in his family, the athletic Kobrine family. So you’re going to get a lot of tips and insights as a parent guiding your children through the athletic journey. He has two, uh, scholarship volleyball players at UCLA, first team, all American high school superstars and putting a vote in for the hands off approach. Let destiny run its course. Don’t try to force things to happen that aren’t naturally meant to be. Maybe you’ll parent some first team, all American high school athletes and maybe not.

Brad (00:42:28):
Maybe you’ll just help them become better persons and achieve personal growth in the process of pursuing athletic goals. But here’s the little clip from Dave, uh, down at UCLA when they were the number one college basketball dynasty and him walking into the coach’s office and announcing that he was ready to play on the team. It would be like a uniform please, Dave Kolbrin.

Brad (00:42:51):
So Larry Brown noted NBA and college coach, probably a hall of fame level coach who did so many things including uh, take Allen Iverson in the Sixers to the finals, one of the worst teams to ever make it to the NBA finals besides Allen.

Dave (00:43:04):
And at one point he had the clipper, the Clippers best record ever as a coach. Wow. Yeah.

Brad (00:43:09):
He was known for like jumping in and turning places around and then leaving soon after he was very peripatetic. Right? So you had a spot on the varsity and where they were they pretty good at that time?

Dave (00:43:20):
Yeah, I think we, we’re all, we were number one ranked at the time. I mean, I had a spot. Yeah. But let’s just be honest about that. I don’t make a B. I was really the 30th man at 12 man team.

Brad (00:43:33):
Oh, that’s going to be, that’s going to be a pull quote for the, uh, for the podcast. The 13. Listen to how, how understated this guy is. I mean, this kid from the Valley, San Fernando Valley who, you know, liked basketball, made it work in high school, your teammates. The cool thing about that TAFT team, it was so well oiled because you guys were buddies and you just go, and it was, it was poetry to watch, especially the, the city, a quarter final game, which he’s turning red now if you’re, if you’re, uh, not, not watching. Um, because I, I tease him about this all the time, but you tore that house down. Like it was one of the greatest athletic performances I’ve ever seen because this is a do or die game. And like you express that dream of playing in front of the 10,000 fans in the city finals. You’ve got to get through the qualified Pauley Polly pavilion, the UCLA home, John Wooden’s home. I mean, that was Wooden was just leaving at that point. He was still fresh. He had fresh footprints. You know, his rolled up program was still on the floor. Still every game. Right. Are you still watching every game? Of course. Um, so this, this quarterfinal game and, uh, I think you guys were favored, but you were struggling. And then you went on this binge, which reportedly was filmed on Beta by, by Ron Kobrine. Number one sports fan. Um, we haven’t located it yet. I have a bounty on that, on that video cause I want to see it cause it was just one of the greatest things. But um, you want me to describe it and you can correct me if I’m wrong or I want or I want to hear it from you.

Dave (00:44:57):
You could describe it cause I, you probably know it better than I do it.

Brad (00:45:00):
Yeah! So, um, the team’s down by a lot and the time’s running out in the game and you put a bucket in, right? And then we come down the court and you get a steal, right? So you got a steel and went in for another bucket (dunk) the winning for the dunk. And then what was the third thing?

Dave (00:45:16):
I stole the inbound pass. Right, right. So here we have a basket by Kobrine, stealing of steel pick picked off the dribble, like yeah, picked off the dribble at mid-court in for dunk.

Brad (00:45:27):
The crowd’s going crazy. We realized we’re back in the game and then you steal the inbound pass and go in for an one. So for counting at home. That’s two, four, six. And then did you drop the free-throw so seven points, how much time off the clock?

Dave (00:45:40):
According to you it was 15 seconds.

Brad (00:45:41):
Okay. Seven points in 15 seconds. I think it was less than that, but uh, that pretty much, if you can imagine a high school gym of uh, you know, kids screaming like crazy and then we flooded the court afterward. And so here’s this guy, you know, up on people’s shoulders and then you had the had the balls to knock on Larry Brown store. I’d love that.

Dave (00:46:01):
Well, that story, to be honest, I think only two people remember that. Me and you,

Brad (00:46:05):
Hey, listen to this clip and drag in your young players and have them listen to it too. What an amazing young man. His name is Isaac Rochelle. He’s a young player in the national football league, yet he made it all the way to the big show playing defensive end for the Los Angeles chargers at a Notre Dame. And he talks about turning adversity into opportunity and taking control of his mindset instead of whining and complaining. When he got demoted, uh, from the chargers, uh, active squad to the practice squad, he looked at it as a blessing to get himself better. And boy, we see these athletes on television and they’re such physical marvels that you tend to focus on that and they’re so genetically gifted and amazing and strong and fast. But really the mindset is behind a lot of the success and determining who makes it and who doesn’t. And that’s why guys like Isaac will persevere and prosper, listen to him talk about how he handled adversity with the chargers.

Brad (00:47:08):
So you made that first, uh, incredible cut to the, to the roster. Um, how was that and then what was it like to, to get that practice squad notice after the first game?

Isaac Rochelle (00:47:20):
Uh, it was, uh, well, initially it was really exciting and then after the first week I was really frustrated, but Mmm. It was really important. My growth and like I had met, I’ve mentioned earlier in, uh, our conversation, the diversity piece. Mmm. Like that was some adversity and I was, like I said, I came to the facility every day frustrated, not with the staff but with myself. Um, and I just challenged myself and it ended up working out in my favor. But, um, I think it was important because, uh, up to that point in my career I had never really been challenged. Like at Notre Dame, I was a captain my senior year. I started for three years. In high school I started like pretty much the whole time. Um, and so I think for me it was a wake up call, like not everything in your football career and in life is just going to be given to you. Uh, so it was cool. Looking back now it seems like, wow, that was really cool. That was a learning experience during it. I was really frustrated, but I’m definitely thankful for it.

Brad (00:48:22):
Did you feel that it was inequitable, like they didn’t see your skills or weren’t given a chance to perform or did you like screw up in the first game and they, they, uh, they yanked you out of the scene or how did that go down?

Isaac Rochelle (00:48:34):
No, it was a numbers thing. I had a good first game. Um, and it’s, we just had too many D linemen and, uh, my, I mean I’m super, uh, I’m super strict with myself though in areas like this. Like even if I did think that they were mistreating me or shortchanging me, like if I’m in that position, I have to self evaluate no matter what. So regardless of what they were thinking, I had to look at it as an opportunity to capitalize and that’s what I did. But I don’t think they were shortchanging me or treating me unfairly. I think I think I needed to get better. Um, so I have no problem with their decision. I was just frustrated with myself.

Brad (00:49:17):
So the frustration, did it come from that maybe you didn’t work quite as hard as you possibly could have or something where you slipped and you knowingly self evaluate and reflect?

Isaac Rochelle (00:49:31):
Uh, I don’t know that it’s ever been a work ethic issue. I think it’s just more of focusing on different areas and changing my attitude. And I don’t, I don’t think I ever came in facility and I was arrogant or pretentious or anything like that, I think. But I do think, uh, I mean that’s like a humbling experience to essentially get fired. Um, so I don’t know. I mean, it, I, yeah, I don’t know. It’s hard to, it’s hard to give it a label. Um, I just kind of had to like self-evaluate and figure out what needed to change.

Brad (00:50:10):
And so you’re there, you’re part of the entire process, but you’re not suiting up for the games for this period of time that you’re on the practice squad. And does that change every week? Can you be called upon at any time?

Isaac Rochelle (00:50:23):
Yeah. So you’re always ready. Mmm. And it, it’s, it’s week to week in the NFL. It’s like, and it’s like team to team so you could get cut from one team, you get picked up by the next team and be playing the next Sunday for a different team. Um, so it’s really fluid.

Brad (00:50:42):
K star, ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Kelly Starrett, one of the greatest live performers, instructors I’ve ever seen. He absolutely captivated the primal con audience when we had him in to do his a core area of expertise is the flexibility, mobility training. Uh, he is the proprietor of the ready state.com website where everything’s all coordinated now. All the wonderful work he’s done helping people heal and prevent injury. Uh, but interestingly on our lengthy podcast interview, he went off on a whole bunch of important tangents and how they’re applicable to the bread and butter of executing this squat properly or warming up and strengthening your shoulders after an injury and all those things. So, uh, even in this little clip, he gets pretty philosophical. He’s talking about the, uh, potential adverse influence of technology. And we got into that in detail on the show. His big topic is plug your phone outside your bedroom. Don’t be tempted, set yourself up to succeed if you got a little kid park a mile away from school and walk it in every day doing these kinds of things to improve your life. And I think you’re going to love the little clip and the whole show from an amazing free thinker and leader in the health and fitness scene for a long time. Dr. Kelly Starrett of the ReadyState.com

Kelly Starrett (00:52:05):
Your parents were a product of McDonald’s. It’s so, you know, you don’t know. And what we’re seeing is that people, this is a normal expression of the system and this sounds terrible because I am a Carl Roger’s believer like unconditional positive regard. Tomorrow you can reinvent yourself like there’s, it’s never too late for anyone, but we are going to be so slow. The glacial pace is already breakneck. It takes time, right? You guys have been beating this drum about, about just Hey, be reasonable longer than anyone else has in mind. And you know, um, you know, protein powder life plan aside, I mean, you know that um, we are going to capture people but we may lose generation. That’s what I feel like and that’s because it’s, it’s, we’re going to get them the information in the abilities too late because they can’t hear it.

Kelly Starrett (00:52:55):
You know, Jamie Oliver went to West Virginia and was like, Hey, you can’t eat pizza for breakfast. And they were like, what are you talking about? You know, my, you know, like, and he was like, you’re, you’re mad. And, and did it in a way where people, you know, didn’t respect the fact that, wow, it’s really like they hadn’t heard that before. And I think when you put this all into context, which is one of the problems with the phone and the internet doesn’t give us context and you can’t, I, I, it’s easy for me to be like, this is bullshit. I saw your Instagram post, you know, like, it’s a, it’s been a long time ago. We really made a commitment not to comment on anyone’s position or mechanics on the internet because you don’t know what’s going on. So you’re like, Oh, look at that crappy position.

Kelly Starrett (00:53:38):
But I’m like, dude, did that guy have a back injury? You know where they do, they wear combat boots for 20 years, you know, are they like, are they, do they just get off an air like you don’t know. So don’t, it’s until you have the context like don’t criticize. And I think that’s really important is to put the context back in. You know, we now are into the sixth year of our kids not all staying school. So my daughter in the fifth grade has never sat at a desk. And when we started that conversation people were like, this is crazy. We’ll do it now. It is just like whatever, you know, like every, every, you know, it’s, it’s not even a thing. So, you know, first and foremost there are clearly principles that allow the human being to function the way human being does.

Kelly Starrett (00:54:21):
And it’s confusing because the engineering is really robust. Yes, you can walk, you can run like a jerk, slam your heel to the ground collapsing. I mean, you can run like that for a long time and then all one day you can’t and you’re like, I don’t understand. I’ve been doing it the whole way. Right. You can eat terribly for a long time, you can six pack still, you can smoke cigarettes and you little chocolate donut and win a gold medal. I have friends who do that, right. And comma, then one day you can’t, or your physiology. So it’s important that we run the experiment and think, Hey, this is an open experiment and I can’t definitively say you can’t do that until you die. Because I’m worried now that we’re all going to be a hundred. But the quality of our lives between 65 and a hundred is not. Well what’s possible? That’s where we need to be thinking.

Brad (00:55:07):
We’re already seeing that we’re seeing their life extended by all kinds of mechanical medical means. But the quality of life sucks.

Kelly Starrett (00:55:16):
Yeah. And I think the quality of life begins to, um, it begins to get smaller. The allegories, and I’m a physical therapist and I worked in hospitals a lot. And the irony, and as an aside, and this isn’t funny, but I spent more time in the inside of like high level, uh, given what I do for a living now, I was the, in my school, I spent more time in the ICU and inpatient settings than anyone else.

Brad (00:55:41):

Kelly Starrett (00:55:43):
Just the luck of the draw. Like they’re like, Oh Kelly, you’re going back to cardiac rehab. Okay, here we go. I spent more time not doing what I’m doing and I’m so grateful. But towards the end of life, your, your world gets small. You, you’re in your house and then you’re in a hospital and then your window gets smaller and then you’re in the ICU and literally you don’t walk out. You don’t leave this room. And that’s literally the same thing sort of loss of capacity and the, the, for all of us, Hey, I know I don’t jump. I don’t run. I can’t get up and down off the ground. The number one reason we end up in nursing homes, the United States is we can’t get up off the ground.

Brad (00:56:17):
Hey, we get to catch up with the busy man himself. Ben Greenfield, the world’s extreme biohacker of all times. No one goes deeper than this guy. No one produces more content. His brain is functioning at the highest level imaginable and he’s written great books like beyond training and his new book from 2020 Boundless. Uh, he’s so into the high tech, into the science. He can give keynote presentations to physicians and groups of people that are way out there on the cutting edge. But what a great little excerpt here when he talks about the importance of family dinners in the evening and the celebratory environment that you want to create around meal times and also not being too stressed and too keyed up about the exact particulars of your macronutrients or your calories, just living life, enjoying life and bringing it all together. You got to love Ben Greenfield. Here he is with a little clip and listen to the whole show.

Ben Greenfield (00:57:16):
You see a lot of people not sleeping well on a strict ketogenic diet versus folks who do an evening carbohydrate feed often have great sleep because of the serotonin availabilities? So that’s one reason that I like the carbohydrates in the evening. And then the other reason would be for me, and for a lot of people living in a Western society where we’re not safe following some Ayurvedic principle of, you know, uh, a decent breakfast, uh, lunching kind of like a King, like a great big lunch, you know, followed by a siesta usually and then like a pretty paltry dinner, you know, and in a lot of westernized societies, dinners, kind of the prime meal of the day. And it sucks to, to go out to a restaurant or just sit down with your family and have to be incredibly restricted, right? Like I like going to a restaurant when they bring that wonderful warm plate of bread out to the table, you know, some heirloom, local sourdough or something like that with big pats of butter, you know, I’ll, I’ll indulge all night long on that type of thing.

Ben Greenfield (00:58:14):
And uh, you know, so from a social standpoint, allowing yourself to, to, to refit a little bit more in the evening, especially from a, from a carbohydrate perspective is important. And then the other thing is that for my family, I think family dinners are incredible important. It’s a way for our own family to gather at the end of the day. In the morning, the kids are off getting ready for school and everybody’s rushing around. It’s just way too busy to sit down for a family, you know, as a family for an hour. Uh, so, and then lunch, you know, the kids aren’t around and my wife’s often out, you know, gardening or farming or you know, taking care of the chickens or the goats or she’s off playing tennis and you know, lunches. Just kind of an afterthought for us. But then dinner, our entire family comes together at the end of the day and we’ll play table topics and we’ll play Pictionary, which I hate because I got to stop eating, uh, every two minutes to draw some picture.

Ben Greenfield (00:59:06):
Uh, but we’ll, you know, we’ll play Texas Hold’em, we’ll, we’ll talk about the day. And so it’s a time for our family to bond. And I actually, because of that, like we dinner actually later than what I considered to be healthy. Or like I think in an ideal scenario you’d have dinner just for digestion and everything done with, before you kind of go horizontal for the night, you’d have dinner over with two or three hours before bed. But our family gathers at about 8:00, 8:30 at night. And you know, we’ll finish dinner around nine or nine 30 and we’re usually in bed by 10 but we have these amazing evening family dinners that are just like those, those are a crucial part of our family dynamics. And when the kids are off doing jujitsu and tennis and soccer and piano and all these things, at the end of the day we can’t have a 6:00 PM dinner. So we have dinner at like 8:00 or 8:30. And, and yeah, that’s another scenario in which, you know, whatever we’ve decided to eat. I eat and my kids love to cook too and they’ll often make risottos and uh, you know, and cookies and desserts and you know, uh, like, you know, rice cakes with fish and all sorts of things that would cause dad to be kind of a bore if I had to sit there with a like a spoon and a stick of butter.

Brad (01:00:18):
Hey, let’s listen to Martin Brauns, retired Silicon Valley business executive turned automobile racer and all around sharp guy. And I love his insights. I brought him on the show because as a leader in the workplace, he was the CEO of the company that I worked for. He had a unique way of leading that made people feel empowered and valued and kind of looking past some of the traditional corporate, you know, circumstances that we have that can be a little bit, uh, deflating and defeating. And he always made these points in front of the entire community there at the company that we want to have an egalitarian atmosphere, two way communication streets, all these great insights that I think you’ll love when you listen to the full length interview. But right here in this clip, he’s talking about the, a little bit about the Covey quadrant and perhaps celebrating the routine, the ordinary, the people that pace themselves and get their work done on time. And in addition to celebrating the, the great, uh, extreme, uh, performance victories that you have in the workplace too, that are more apparent than the people who are plugging away doing a great job. Nice little clip from Martin Brauns

Martin Brauns (01:01:36):
You gotta be a little suspicious of that kind of heroism. I don’t know if you remember the, the, the little chat I used to give about quadrant two. I had a, it was actually, I think that the author Stephen Covey initially coined this, but the, the notion of, you know, being aware of what’s urgent and important, but maybe what’s important and not yet urgent. So it’s important when you’re building a corporate culture or just managing a team, celebrating heroism. He’s done a lot right then, and it is in the American culture and the American corporate culture. It’s celebrated, you know, the sales guy that brings in a multimillion dollar deal on the stroke of midnight on the last day of the quarter, he’s celebrated and you know, rightly so, he did something material and, and uh, maybe critical for the company, right? Or the software engineer that sleeps under his desk and, and gets that last important line of code done. That’s great. But I think it’s important to celebrate people who plan appropriately and get their work done in a paced and measured way. Maybe that code gets written over a period of weeks.

Brad (01:02:52):
How did that bug happen in the first place? Sloppy 2:00 AM and.

Martin Brauns (01:02:56):
I would assert maybe the quality of the work in the software or in the writing or whatever the work product happens to be, the quality of the output is going to be vastly better if it’s something that’s worked on. And we all know this even from school, right? The term paper you’re writing will be vastly better if you spend two weeks working on it, researching it in a measured and paced way. Uh, it will be vastly better than the term paper you write a burning the midnight oil in a six hour crunch the night before it’s due, right? And so it is with the uh, with the work world, right? So I think it’s great to celebrate heroes is my point. That’s good. Celebrate heroes in the corporate world, but look for and watch for the folks that get the results done, but through non heroic, well-planned, paced and measured thoughtful work, right? So I was always on the lookout for the kind of people that you know, got the stuff done, got the great big sales deal in, got it in way before, end of quarter, way before deadline. Celebrate those people.

Brad (01:04:06):
Hey, here’s a clip from my first interview with Dave Rossi, the hurricane. And this guy hits it hard with life-changing personal growth insights. He’s the author of an incredible book called The Imperative Habit. And we’ll have a future podcast coming up focusing on the principles in the book, but here he’s talking about the influence of the ego. The ego is a false version of yourself. He also touches on how our fears and our negative emotions can kind of take control of us and how to not let that happen. Just a brief excerpt. Much more to come from the Dave Rossi show. Enjoy.

Dave Rossi (01:04:51):
So your ego or, or your false version of yourself. I think when we use ego, people think, Oh, I don’t have an ego. So that’s not me. Um, ego is just another word for a false version of yourself. Okay. And so I don’t want to people to run with that word ego in all of this hat and think about, Oh, I don’t have an ego problem. I don’t drive a convertible and I’m not having a crisis. I mean, false version of yourself and a false version yourself is when you feel something, when you say something, when you act in a certain way that you’re not choosing, then you’re not yourself. If you feel fear, like I said, stop and process that. Just because you feel it doesn’t mean it’s real. So if you run with that, that’s not really you. You’re running and living in falsehoods, you’re not processing with his fear came from. It’s just simply that it’s running you off down the river and you’re saying, Oh my God, I’m afraid. Oh my God, I have to do this. Oh, okay. You know, you’re not really planning out your next move if you’re not in control of what you feel and what you say. If you can’t control exactly what you want to say, then somebody else is and that somebody else is your fear mechanism, this big part of your brain that reacts for you.

Brad (01:06:09):
So an example would be getting into an argument on the basketball court and almost coming to blows because you couldn’t control your, your ego or your,

Dave Rossi (01:06:20):
I’ll give you a great example. This weekend my son had a water polo tournament and their team was winning and the goalie became more and more frustrated and you saw him begin to unravel. You saw the goalie of the other team throwing the ball. Come on guys, get it together. And I’m thinking, you know, this guy isn’t in control. Um, and he’s going to play worse and worse and worse. The more he begins to blame his teammates for no more shots being taken on him. He’s not in control of his emotions. If he thinks being upset and emotional is going to make him a better player or make his team a better team,.Yelling at them isn’t necessarily going to motivate them and unraveling and yelling and getting frustrated and you’re short displaying all this emotion isn’t going to help him be a better goalie.

Brad (01:07:07):
Hey, here’s a great clip from my interview with Gitta Sivander. She is a dynamic expression coach focusing mainly on helping people become better public speakers, but also just better presentation value overall, even in the dating scene and other applications. So she brings in a lot of different skills and experiences to her, her training, her teachings, uh, integrated physical therapy, yoga, dance, NLP, somatic movement, and all mixing it together to be the best that you can be. And in this clip she’s talking about being authentic and vulnerable, being yourself to give you more confidence when you’re up there giving a presentation or presenting yourself to the world. Enjoy Gitta. Sivander.

Gitta Sivander (01:07:58):
Confidence is a very important aspect that we want to bring forward. When we have public. We don’t have to be confident in every moment and we can definitely show our vulnerability, all moments of not being confident, but by being willing to also step into that vulnerability, we open up the door to being confident within that as well. I think acknowledging authenticity, so these, they all flow together. Those words that they’re not stand alone, they belong together. It’s, it’s just a way of describing it. But of course they make up a much bigger full picture. Being able to be authentic and being able to be present will allow for us to be more confident if we try to become somebody else or to be this speaker that we admire so much. We want to be like Tony Robbins and Marianne Williamson

Brad (01:08:57):
shout down women, you mean? And stuff like that.?

Gitta Sivander (01:09:00):

Brad (01:09:00):
He’s been getting in trouble lately for not respecting the #Metoo movement as it’s presented to the rest of the world. Who thinks it’s a, he’s telling women at his big seminars to, to, to buck up and quit using quit making excuses and it’s like, eh, not going over well right now in 2018 I could see 5% of your point. But uh, yeah, he has a lot of good, a lot of good contributions, but who, he’s taken some heat right now and that’s, that’s what the me too movement is all about like bring the heat and love it anyway. So I’m trying to be someone that you’re not, that’s, I guess that’s the epitome of a lack of competence.

Gitta Sivander (01:09:37):
That’s exactly where the confidence starts. Um, breaking apart because we cannot be somebody else that we are not, we can have people we admire. We can see leaderships that we want to take, take on as well, leadership roles. But it all has to happen from within ourselves. We can use the external to feel some energy coming towards us by where we want to go with what we want to become, who we want to become. But it all needs to happen from within. And so confidence comes within and being able to step into who we are being and bringing forward more of who we really are, we’ll also love for us to be more confident within that picture.

Brad (01:10:24):
Um, being okay with failing or bombing your, your talk is an example of I’m okay with that. I don’t really care. I’m not attached to the result of whether they’re going to get a standing ovation from the audience or whether they’re going to turn and start using their personal devices. At the three-quarter mark of my talk.

Gitta Sivander (01:10:45):
It is a, it’s a sign of where you’re taking your audience, but it’s also a sign of where you’re being at right now in that presentation or in that, um, speak that, that talk that you’re doing. If you want a standing ovation, you need to be okay with not having sent information. If you want your audience to really bring forward the fullest attention to you, you have to be okay with them not giving them, giving you your fullest attention. You have to be attentive to them and you have to be attentive to yourself when you are attentive to yourself. and to them, then they will also start giving you more attention. If you are just attentive to the talk that you have prepared or to the paper you have in your hand that you’re referring to

Brad (01:11:29):
reading the slides and all the words on them. So people that can’t read, all zero of them in the room can, can get that assistance,

Gitta Sivander (01:11:36):
yes or the talk that you prepared and rehearsed so much. Then you may be more in your head than you are with yourself and the audience. That is what gets your audience to look at their phone or to chat to the neighbor. If you are really present and you are present with yourself and your audience, it will make your audience listen to you. There’s no way around it. That’s how how energy works. When you’re bringing your energy out to the people and you’re with them and you are feeling the room as a whole and you’re not stuck in your own little bubble, you’re not stuck in your own little thoughts of what you think is most important to share. Then it becomes uh, an energy exchange and becomes a, there’s no way around your audience not wanting to listen to you if you’re over them. And of course there, there are people in the audience that are not like you. This is also really normal. There’s never going to be an audience that is a hundred percent on your side. I’ve never ever seen that happen. You can get a good percentage of the audience on your side, 70, 80% but there will always be those 10% that totally do not agree with what you’re saying and then they will be the other 10% they completely love you.

Brad (01:12:50):
Enjoy this clip from Todd white, founder of Dry Farm Wines. They are importers of the cleanest sugar-free chemical free pristinely grown wine in the old world tradition of non irrigated grapes. So they come exclusively from Europe. They import them into America to provide to health conscious consumers, especially those in the low carb ketogenic scene because it’s very rare to find wines that are free from sugar and other additives and amazing array of chemical additives. When you listen to the entire show, you’re never going to drink normal wine again. It’s a very good education on what’s going on there. The commercialism and the impure influences in most of the wine that you’re drinking. Yes, even the expensive bottles. So let’s listen to Todd with a little teaser of what it’s all about to drink a naturally produced wine. Enjoy.

Brad (01:13:53):
So this is what we’ll get to this testing now because we’re here, we’re here, which is the biggest deal because this is where you distinguish yourself from other wine distributors is you’re having these exacting standards that you’re, you’re voluntarily doing this independent from the wine provider.

Todd White (01:14:08):
We are. So we use a certified oenologist here in Napa. We have one in Italy, one in France who does independent lab testing for us on a whole series of tests looking for all kinds of toxins and chemicals and also sugar and uh, and alcohol. So sugar is a, because I’m ketogenic and we’re anti sugar and we love sugar-free lifestyle. Um, sugar is a really, really important thing for us. Sugar can hide and wine and you can’t even taste it. Even as professionals, we can’t taste sugar at low levels because it hides in acidity. So if the acid is high enough, you can’t taste the, you can’t taste the sugar. So the only way we can confirm that the wine is sugar-free is to lab tested sugars and wine categorically can range from zero grams to as high as 300 grams per liter.

Brad (01:15:06):
Oh, come on.

Todd White (01:15:07):
Coca Cola. And to give you it, to give you a reference point, Coca Cola is 108 grams per liter. Now when we talk about these super high sugar wines, we’re not.

Brad (01:15:17):
300 grams per liter, right? What’s a, what’s a wine bottle?

Todd White (01:15:22):
A wine bottle is 750 milliliters. So a bottle and a quarter of mine later is about a hundred grams of sugar. But I don’t want to get, I don’t, I don’t want to mislead anybody on this. The 300 gram thing is for like ice wines or dessert wines or like wines that are intentionally very, very, very sweet.

Brad (01:15:41):
Hangover wines

Todd White (01:15:43):
commercial wines, for commercial wines that you see in your store, they’re going to generally range from seven or eight to maybe as much as 50 grams per liter,

Brad (01:15:54):
but we don’t know you. Well, you don’t know. Can’t hardly taste.

New Speaker (01:15:57):
You don’t know because it’s just like in Coke. So in Coca Cola you’ve got about 32 grams in a can of Coke.

Todd White (01:16:05):
Well, if you were to drink 12 ounces of liquid, 12 ounces of water with 32 grams of sugar in it, you could barely put it down. It’d be so strengthening, sweet. But what happens is there’s a sorbic acid and other acids that allow them to put this high degree of addictive sugar into the can, right? But then they suppress the sweetness with acid, just like an eliminate. If you make lemonade and you put a little sugar on it, it’s going to continue to be sour. You got to put a lot of sugar in it before it starts to taste sweet, right? Because the acid covers is sugar. Well, the same thing happens in wine. And here’s how wine, here’s how sugars get in wine. Remember earlier we talked about the fermentation process where the yeast eats the sugar and in our wines, if the yeast is allowed to eat all of the sugar, it’s fully fermented, the yeast will die.

Todd White (01:16:58):
What’s happening in commercial wines is that the wine maker is pouring sulfur dioxide in the wine to kill the yeast prior to a complete fermentation. And they do that to leave sugar behind. Sugar also gives wine, mouth fill and sugar also gives wine, you know, the to the end of the mouth. So it, you know, it gives us this mouth feeling, you know, when you get that long finish and a wine, Oh that beautiful long caramel-y finished that sugar. Right? And so you’ll notice when you drink our wines, and I expect that we’ll drink some tonight, uh, that you don’t have any of this long finish. It’s very just, it just evaporates. It’s just gone cause no sugar on it. And it’s, it’s very sheer and clean. And our audience of clean eaters appreciate this taste.

Brad (01:17:50):
What about an average wine connoisseur who might not have any dietary consciousness, just an ordinary restaurant critic or something. Are they going to notice a distinct difference between a cleanly produced wine without the chemicals, additives and sugars?

Todd White (01:18:03):
For sure. For sure. For sure. For sure. And, and most of them will not care for our wines.

Brad (01:18:10):
Oh wow. Because they’d be eating a bland if you’re a sugar freak.

Todd White (01:18:15):
It’s the difference between, you know, it’s the difference between, it’d be the difference between drinking, you know, a regular soda or, you know, one of these, uh, lightly fruit enhanced waters. You know, the, I don’t know what they call them, but you know what I’m talking about. They have like just an essence of fruit in them, but they’re sugar-free. You can just taste an essence of fruit. I forget the brand name, but they’re quite delicious. They don’t have any carbohydrate, no sugar. They’ve just got a hint of natural fruit flavoring without enough to impart any sugar and it’s actually clean water. Well, your Cola drinker won’t like that, right? Cause it doesn’t give them enough body. It doesn’t give them enough communication. Again, remember we’re talking about the difference between a clean palette, a palette that’s alive, a pallet that’s that, that, that tastes and, and, and can feel right versus a palate that’s been killed and deadened by years of abuse, from processed food and sugar. And, and you know, it takes so much to get that palate alive, you know, because it’s been killed. The dead palette.

Brad (01:19:27):
Thank you for listening to the show. We would love your feedback at getoveryourselfpodcast@gmail.com and we would also love if you could leave a rating and a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. I know it’s a hassle. You have to go to desktop, iTunes, click on the tab that says ratings and reviews, and then click to rate the show anywhere from five to five stars. And it really helps spread the word so more people can find the show and get over themselves cause they need to. Thanks for doing it.



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