GOY Featured Expert Insights

(Breather) This episode is full of life-changing insights from an assortment of experts on the subject of health optimization and biohacking. 

Sure, we all already know about the importance of building healthy habits, but taking it a step further and learning why your brain prefers to engage in the familiar will leave you more motivated to actually make those necessary changes that optimize your health. And this goes beyond the physical — mental health obviously stills falls under the umbrella of health optimization, and this show will prompt you to ask yourself many thought-provoking questions, like: can I make it through one day with no whining, no complaining, and no excuses? 

Some other key points covered during this episode:

    • The importance of service. Tom Bilyeu of the popular Impact Theory YouTube channel says: “Work your ass off at something you care very deeply about to get very good, so you can serve not only yourself but others.”
    • Because the brain tends toward down wiring to save energy, try to be intentional about creating new habits. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to create a morning routine you can stick to, as it sets you up to be a more disciplined person throughout the day. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself slipping into old habits.
    • Do your best to protect yourself against EMF exposure. “We don’t know certain effects on humans, but we do know that rates of autism have risen from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 68 in a very short time, a few generations,” Tommy Wood comments, and chances of developing Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other cognitive decline conditions are now 1 in 2. Experts believe this is strongly correlated with environmental pollution, particularly EMF, as well as dietary choices (forget about Type 2 Diabetes, watch out for Type 3!). 
    • Fast on days you fly. When you’re on a plane, you’re exposed to a lot of EMF. But when you are in a fasted state, your internal antioxidant production is boosted. Also, if you fast and wait to eat until after you’ve arrived at your destination, this will greatly help your body adapt more quickly to the time difference.
  • Protect your personal reputation.
  • Value your time more than your own possessions. Be early. Pete Caroll points out that there is a difference between being early and being on time: Being early demonstrates not just high regard for yourself, but also for others, while showing that you have discipline and focus. 

Thanks for listening!


Work your ass off at something you really care about. [01:39]

When you build good habits, you free up more energy to work on peak performance. [02:51]

Building good habits at bedtime is very important.  The same routine helps get optimal sleep. [07:14]

Take five deep breaths before responding to a stimulus. [08:06]
From 12 to 3:00 AM are the critical hours where the remnants of mammalian hibernation lie for our species. [09:07]

Electromagnetic Field exposure and poor diet are of real concern. The brain cells are most sensitive to dysfunction. [10:29]

Before plane travel, it’s a good idea to fast and/or do a high-intensity workout before boarding a plane. [13:34]

Pete Carroll, the football coach, gives tips for success. One is always to protect the team; two is no complaining, and three is to be early. [17:13]

Remember that you will die. Value your time rather than possessions. Put your life up for review. [21:00]   



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Get Over Yourself Podcast

Brad [00:01:39]. Hello and welcome to the breather show: insights from the experts. And this is part three in the wonderful series on a new topic of health optimization, biohacking, that kind of stuff. And I have a bunch of quick tidbits from different people. I think you’re going to really love. Let’s start with the YouTube sensation, Tom Bilyeu. His channel is called Impact Theory, and he has interesting interviews with experts from all walks of life with millions of viewers. All those viewers can’t be wrong. It is really good quality stuff. And he’s an interesting guy. That’s had a great life journey himself. Uh, here’s his quick opinion about the secret to happiness: “work your ass off at something you care very deeply about to get very good so that you can serve not only yourself but others.” Hey, that’s pretty good. Let’s paint that on the wall, uh, at a college recreation center or something, huh? for the students to reflect upon work your ass off. It’s something you care very deeply about to get very good so that you can serve not only yourself, but others. That’s happiness all around your destiny. You can’t lose if you go on that route. Thank you very much, Tom.

Brad (02:51):
Next is from Dave Asprey’s book, game changers, a little tidbit about brain science, brain research. Our brain likes to engage in the familiar to save energy. When you build good habits, you free up more energy to work on the peak performance, creative stuff, Tiger Woods under pressure says, he says, do the exact same thing. Don’t change a thing. So walk the same pace on the golf course, do the same number of practice swings, uh, engage with your caddy in the same manner. But so often you see athletes under pressure choke because they leave their familiar routine and try to do something different just due to the increasing intensity of the circumstances.

Brad (03:33):
And that can always be a mistake. And I think this has a lot of application to everyday normal life. Uh, I’m thinking of my morning, flexibility, mobility, core strengthening, leg strengthening, yoga routine, that I’m so enthusiastic about a film to entire YouTube video to show you exactly what I do every day. It has multi-dimensional benefits to my life. Obviously it elevates the fitness platform from which I launch all other workouts because I know the first 30 minutes of my day are going to be proceeding through this pretty challenging routine, increasingly challenging routine. That’s building flexibility, mobility, injury prevention, strength, balance, all that good stuff. It’s also contributing to my daily movement quota because if I get busy and don’t do a formal workout, uh, have a lot of periods of stillness as the day runs its course, at least I know I knocked out a half an hour first thing.

Brad (04:33):
Uh, but I think the more profound intangible psychological benefits are something that I’d like to share, uh, in this context here, because if I can be a creature who gets up as a creature of habit and does this every single day, uh, without a second thought, without having to exercise any of that precious willpower that I can save for other things, without having to exercise any creative energy. Because again, I do the exact same thing every day. I count to the same numbers. My brain is not occupied with, uh, getting clever and creative as I might during a another workout where I’m deciding which trail to take on my bicycle or which implement to challenge myself with next in the gym. Whatever, if I can just do this sort of robotic morning pattern, I believe it sets me up to be a MO more focused and disciplined person throughout the day.

Brad (05:24):
So back to Dave’s quote, jumping right back, uh, Tiger Woods doing the same thing. Uh, when he’s under pressure in a golf tournament. The brain will tend toward downwiring to save energy. So you have to be intentional about creating new habits. Otherwise you will slip into old habits. So what he means there, I believe is you build this good habit. You build that good habit, you establish some dietary parameters. Uh, you don’t have to bring in willpower and creativity into the mix. Uh, for example, you just know that, uh, you don’t consume sugary beverages or refined industrial seed oils. So with those things a given, you are no longer faced with a choice of whether or not to eat those and to tempt yourself or to drift off your A game, because you were tired at the end of a long day, or because you were traveling or because of whatever reason. If they’re out of your diet, banned from your diet, they’re simply banned.

Brad (06:22):
It’s like the person on the airplane and who’s offered a bag of peanuts who has a severe peanut allergy. They just shake their head No. They don’t look at them and go, ah, what brand, uh, are, are they fresh? Um, do I feel like it, none of that happens. And so if we just build in a ton of good habits, Hey, guess what? Uh, if the brain does tend toward downwiring to save energy, maybe we are going to float into the no man’s land where we’re not being super disciplined and productive and on our a game all the time. I know I have certain evenings where, uh, I just allow myself to relax and watch, uh, whatever shows on there. Even if it’s not my all time favorite, I’m just kind of relaxing, maybe enjoying some social interaction, watching with other people, giving my work ethic and competitive intensity, a little break, but Hey, guess what?

Brad (07:14):
When that clock strikes 10 30, I have built a highly disciplined habit of going off and going to sleep. And that’s because I experienced so much pain and suffering the next day when I miss my bedtime and don’t get optimal sleep, I might be able to be woosie boy in this category, but I really love my sleep. And it would take an extremely special occasion to have me bypass my program bedtime in favor of let’s say it was a special occasion, a party, a super, incredibly fantastic movie or whatever it is that I choose to carry on into the later evening than I’m used to. Uh, but the takeaway point here is that maybe the previous one or two hours, we’re just relaxing and letting go and letting the brain downwire and then kicking right back into, uh, the program habit that frames my day optimally.

Brad (08:06):
Okay. So that was a cool tidbit from Game Changers. And then another one, uh, he talks about a Meta-Moment I guess a breakthrough, a transformational moment is the space between the stimulus and your reactive response. Instead of triggering anger, evaluate why a certain statement made you feel bad and then respond with intention, uh, taking that, taking that breather, uh, was it dr. Ron Sinha his show, uh, wants his patients to take five deep breaths before they respond in any way. And just getting a habit of doing that, Hey, maybe then you’re going to go ahead and respond back to the person out the window like that cut you off. And you do have some choice feedback for them, but if you can build up that talent to take five deep breaths before responding, especially in heated interactions with loved ones or people were filtering your true self or your true behavior, that can be really valuable and kind of elevate the, uh, the basis of the relationship interaction to be more respectful, more intentional,

Brad (09:07):
Dr. Jack Kruse tidbit coming up next, a little teaser for way more content that I share on the breather shows that I did honoring his work. And this little tidbit comes from a lengthy article where he talks in detail about your circadian rhythm. So a 24 hour article checking in at different timeframes about what’s going on hormonally and genetically. And we want to talk about the critical hours of the evening from 12 to 3:00 AM. These are the critical hours where the remnants of mammalian hibernation lie for our species. These are the anabolic times for sleep. When we are rebuilding our proteins and recycling our cellular contents, they are three of the most important hours in all of human biology. If you miss them, you can bet that you have several neolithic diseases for sure. Why? You may ask? Because if these three hours are not optimized during the sleep cycle, autophagy has never optimized and cellular repair does not occur sufficiently in ourselves. This means we are using old, broken down parts in ourselves as the next day arrives at 6:00 AM and cortisol spikes again, to wake us up. Way more detail on our circadian function during the Jack Kruse breather shows.

Brad (10:29):
Here’s an insight on electromagnetic fields from a discussion with Dr. Joe Mercola, uh, the popular author and website purveyor@mercola.com. And of course, Tommy Wood, one of the popular guests on the Get Over Yourself podcast. We had three shows in a row, uh, way back. So listened to all those about general healthy lifestyle tips from a really balanced and measured perspective that Tommy is known for. Uh, here’s the talk about EMF. EMF exposure is millions orders of magnitude greater than a century ago. Obviously since we didn’t have all the technology that’s emitting, uh, signals these days, we didn’t have those back then. We don’t know certain effects on humans.

Brad (11:14):
What we do know that rates of autism have risen from one in a thousand to one in 68 in a very short time, a few generations. Alzheimer’s is now headed toward a statistic of one in two, and this is going to happen during our lifetime. One in two of us is going to suffer from dementia Alzheimer’s related, cognitive decline conditions, experts believe that is strongly associated with the environmental pollution, especially EMF, and also our crappy modern diet, particularly the excess consumption of sugar and excess insulin production. Uh, they are now calling Alzheimer’s. This was a nickname coined by Alzheimer’s researcher, Dr.. Suzanne Delemonte from Brown University, uh, who nicknamed it type three diabetes because Alzheimer’s and related conditions are characterized by dysfunctional glucose metabolism in the brain, right? All the cells in the body are traumatized by, uh, the excessive consumption of carbohydrates that excess glucose floating around in the bloodstream.

Brad (12:18):
You develop these things called advanced glycation end products. That’s when excess glucose molecules attached to important structural proteins throughout the body and wreak havoc on their healthy cellular function. Guess which cells are most vulnerable? It’s the longest lasting cells in the body. So we have the cardiovascular system. We have the kidneys. We have the retina. We have the brain. That’s why type one diabetics, uh, are routinely suffering from, uh, vision and kidney problems. So the brain cells, the brain neurons are the most sensitive of any cell to a dysfunction, such as excess insulin production, excess inflammation, and oxidative stress from consuming that high carbohydrate, high insulin producing diet. And therefore we are headed toward type three diabetes, unless we transform our diets to avoid, uh, both type two and type three diabetes. If you’re not afraid of type two, and I guess a lot of us aren’t because there’s a a hundred, 200 million Americans who are qualified, classified as pre-diabetic, uh, at least be afraid of type three, because, uh, it does not seem like a fun way to go, uh, toward the end of life to lose your cognitive functioning.

Brad (13:34):
Okay. And on the Brian Hoyer show, I go into detail. He was the EMF expert that I interviewed. So go listen to that show. If you’re interested, here’s some suggestions from Mercola to battle EMF radiation during jet travel, because the, uh, the confined metal space up in the sky, uh, is a great source of electromagnetic radiation. So he wants you to fast on the day of your flight, because when you’re in a fasted state, remember your internal antioxidant production is boosted, and you have therefore a more protective, uh, state when you get on the plane, your cellular repair and detoxification is optimized. That’s the process of autophagy that we strongly associate with fasting. So fasting on your travel days is a great idea. He also suggest doing a high intensity workout before you head out on your plane fight. So you will deplete glucose. Then you will start, uh, boosting ketone production.

Brad (14:34):
And that’s especially helpful in the brain, a much cleaner burning fuel source than glucose. So fun times get on that plane depleted from your high intensity workout, cranking out those ketones in a fasted state autophagy. I like to fast during travel. Mark Sisson helped me, uh, understand this insight, uh, because it helps with, uh, adjusting to the new time zone, which I’ve always had huge problems with. I don’t know, compared to who compared to what, but I used to travel to the races in Europe or Australia, and I’d just be zonked out for a week in Europe, trying to stay awake during the day, uh, taking a nap and turns out to be a four and a half hour power nap, and then staying up all night. And it was always very stressful to my body. I couldn’t adapt well to time zones, uh, but if you can fast for the duration of your trip within reason, right?

Brad (15:24):
If it’s a 13 hour flight, uh, you might get too hungry, you might have to eat something, but if you can fast until you arrive at your destination and then consume meals on target with the time zone that you want to adapt to your transition is going to be much quicker and more complete and efficient, uh, because the digestive circadian rhythm is strongly tied to your overall circadian rhythm. So if you wake up in the morning, let’s say, get that digestive track started, uh, at 8:00 AM with a smoothie, or, you know, a small amount of calories if you’re not used to it. Uh, but then that’ll help you kind of get, uh, awakened and energized for the busy day, if it’s a new time zone. So a good tip there. And then Mercola also adds the idea of taking a huge dose of exogenous ketones in conjunction with your travel. Another fantastic idea.

Brad (16:16):
So you’ll get that ketone production guaranteed reliably so while you are traveling and subject to extra EMF exposure and Perfect Keto. Go look at their website, go to Brad kearns.com shopping page. You can get the great discount. Uh, I think it’s buy one and get the second one for 40% off. And I’ve been using their, uh, brain neurotropic in the morning, and it’s a really nice blend. It tastes great. Uh, just mixed in hot water and gives you a nice boost to get your brain function on target for a busy day. All right. That’s enough from Mercola on the Tommy wood and Brian Hoyer. A lot of people weighing in about the dangers of EMF, definitely something to pay attention to. I know I get fatigued, uh, with my to-do list of all the health practices that I have to stay on top of. Uh, but if you can at least make a basic effort to minimize your EMF exposure, that’s going to be a nice thing.

Brad (17:13):
Pete Carroll coming in next, the famous football coach of the Seattle Seahawks, and he has three rules for a healthy, successful organization. So those of us immersed into organizational life in our careers, maybe this stuff can really help. Number one, always protect the team. And he’s of course talking about his Seahawks football team. So let’s see how this reference applies to you and your life and the groups that you’re a part of. You’re representing yourself and your team at all times in every interaction. So he reminds his Seahawks that they are Seahawks, not only on the football field, uh, but in the clubs late at night, on the airplane, interacting with the public, whatever. And the same is true. This is again, relevant to everybody, uh, for your personal reputation, your family name and for groups that you’re part of.

Brad (18:07):
Oh, that’s such great advice. I remember my father, uh, emphasizing that point when I was really young, that your most precious asset is your name, your reputation in the community. And I think about that with people who, for example, uh, blow me off and don’t answer my emails. Not everyone owes me an answer. So I’m not talking about, uh, when I hit up Cardi B to come sing at Mia Moore’s birthday party and she owes me a no, no, no, no. I’m talking about people that you’ve interacted with, that you’ve created value for, you’ve had great, uh, interaction back and forth, you’ve given and serve them. And then they can’t be bothered to even write you back? That is tarnishing their own name and their own reputation, at least in my mind. And if they don’t care, that’s fine too. But remember when you walk around and interact, uh, your name will never leave you. It Will never escape you. Okay. That’s a good one. So that was number one, always protect the team and always protect your personal reputation. One A.

Brad (18:59):
Number to Pete Carroll, no whining, no complaining and no excuses. See if you can make it through one day without resorting to any of these. This forces you to be accountable, even if you’re right and they’re wrong, it’s not necessary to dive into negativity. Learn the lesson and move on. Number three, be early, being early, demonstrates a high regard for yourself and for others. When you arrive early, it shows that you have done the necessary preparation, prioritization, discipline, and focus that you have your shit together. Carroll says that he chose the word regard very carefully as this proves that you have self respect, as well as respect for others. Uh, this one hit me particularly hard because I’m not known as a person who’s punctual. I don’t know, personality insight, or a behavior patterns that have been ingrained, uh, that I’m not proud of.

Brad (20:03):
And when you realize that, um, being early demonstrates a high regard for yourself and for others. So whatever being late says about me and whatever excuse I have to come up with for the reason I’m late to this or that, uh, it still shows disrespect for the other person’s time. So working on it, trying really hard. And then when you realize the distinction between being early and being on time, that’s a huge distinction there because when you have the goal of being on time, then you can run around trying to be on time. And then, sorry, I’m late. The traffic was surprisingly difficult and therefore I’m late. But if your goal is to be early and little things creep up that delay, you unexpectedly, guess what? You’re going to show up on time instead of late. So love Pete Carroll’s admonition to be early rather than being on time.

Brad (21:00):
And we’re going to end up with some insights from Gordo Byrn. I’ve done a full show on stuff from his wonderful blog that you can find a Family Fitness and Finances. Uh, this is a list of six time management techniques from the ancient stoic philosopher Seneca. Who’s risen into prominence lately. Uh, Ryan Holiday, Tim Ferris, uh, big fans. And so now we’re hearing about this old stuff as fresh and new. Okay. Uh, but this is why this is what inspired Gordo to leave his desk job 20 years ago. Whew! All right, number one: remember that you will die. Number two: value your time more than your own possessions. Number three: be ruthless to things that don’t matter. Number four: put your day up for review. Number five: do it now. And number six: realize what time off is for rest actively. Not idly. Oh, okay. This list appeared in the Daily Stoic Newsletter in 2020.

Brad (22:13):
And I think Gordo saw it wrote about it in recent times, uh, but is referencing that the same ideas were what prompted him to leave his job 20 years ago. And he says, uh, numbers one, two, and three led to number four, becoming a life review rather than a day review. So remember, number one, remember you’ll die. Number two value your time more than your possessions. Number three, be ruthless to things that don’t matter. And number four was put your day up for review. So he’s saying that reflecting on number one, two, and three led to a life review and realizing back when that, uh, he could see where his choices were going to take him over the ensuing 10 years. So if he didn’t change course in his career, you could imagine yourself, uh, where you are. If you stick what we are doing 10 years from now and see if you like it, or maybe want to change course good stuff.

Brad (23:04):
And that wraps up a Breather Show on all kinds of, I told you it was going to be a wide ranging, uh, tidbits of advice about health optimization, life optimization, biohacking fun stuff. Thank you so much for listening.

Brad (23:25):
Thank you for listening to the show. We would love your feedback at getoveryourselfpodcast@gmail.com. And we would also love if you could leave a rating and a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts, I know it’s a hassle. You have to go to desktop iTunes, click on the tab that says ratings and reviews, and then click to rate the show anywhere from five to five stars. And it really helps spread the word so more people can find the show and get over themselves because they need to thanks for doing it.




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