Increase Energy, Focus, And Creativity By Creating A Dynamic Workplace Experience!

Don’t Just Sit There!

An Online Multimedia Educational Experience Tuition: $38

A Comprehensive Plan To Achieve Workplace Variation And Improve Focus, Mood, And Energy

dynamic workstation

A Devoted Workout Regimen Simply Isn’t Enough To Counter the Stillness Problem

Mounting research asserts that days of prolonged stillness and a lack of variation in your routine are major health concerns that cannot be alleviated by a devoted workout regimen. Unfortunately, many of us are obliged to be in front of screens all day, with transportation and leisure time accumulating more hours of stillness.

As you’ll learn in detail, your muscles adapt to repetitive positioning and unvarying load-bearing positions by changing their cellular makeup, which in turn leads to less joint range of motion and assorted dysfunction that can compromise your physical fitness and general health. You can even experience a stiffening of the arterial walls within these muscles.

Even those with active jobs—for example, a lineman for the utility company, a building contractor, or a shipping and receiving agent—are generally engaged in repetitive tasks that only mobilize a fraction of their joints and muscles. Furthermore, the grind of physical labor (particularly when using inefficient mechanics) can lead to assorted overuse injuries and health problems.

Realign with a World Renowned Biomechanist!

Katy Bowman is a global leader in the field of biomechanics and how it relates to optimal human development and health—not only when working, but also during physical activity, and even while relaxing or sleeping.

Katy blends the sciences of biology, physics, and kinesiology with a practical, hands-on approach she calls Nutritious Movement®, and is your host for the course lessons.

Katy Bowman Nutritious Movement

Bonus Content! Calm Inflammation, Eliminate Tension, and Increase Mobility with Dr. Dawn & Coach Kimmie

Dr. Dawn McCrory is an expert in the field of physical therapy, movement dysfunctions, and physical fitness, and she and her associate Coach Kimmie Smith are sharing their knowledge with you in Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Ball instructional videos. Yoga Tune Up® is geared toward releasing the fascial restrictions and adhesions that ultimately lead to injury, pain, and reduced mobility. These adhesions are bands of painful rigid tissue that usually form in muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and can be caused by chronic tension or tightness, overuse, and injuries. Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, inflammation, and limited mobility and can affect overall performance and quality of life.

Dr. Dawn & Coach Kimmie


Don't Just Stand There video


Don't Just Stand There audio

Written Material

Don't Just Sit There book cover

Course Components

Here’s What People Are Saying About the Don’t Just Sit There Program

“I just led a “walking meeting” with 3 other members of my executive team. We walked 1 mile and solved the problem of the day. Best meeting EVER!”

Deb Cleary | CEO

“In college, I sat for hours on end, whether it was in class, studying in the library, or in front of a computer. But once I started my internship at Primal Nutrition, I was introduced to the Don’t Just Sit There program and a huge variety of dynamic work stations. We have treadmill desks, Focal Uprights, rock mats, and standing desks galore! I always make sure to practice Katy’s posturing exercises throughout the day, which have saved me a lot of back pain. Most importantly, I’ve never been more focused, energized, and productive in my work. I wish I had this program earlier!”

Tori Vogler | Primal Kitchen Intern

“While I was completing my alignment certification training with Katy’s Restorative Exercise Institute, my husband got on board at home. After a week and a half of using his new standup work station and calf stretching while there, he reported feeling more energy, better concentration, and even more efficient elimination. He’s hooked!”

Sandy Parker

“A few of the improvements I’ve noticed include more energy and focus, and better bowel movements. My mind and my body just work better when I make the effort to get out of my chair, use my standup desk, and generally move around more during the workday.”


“Since I had a standing desk at the office, I thought I didn’t have anything more to learn about improving my mobility at work. Man, was I wrong! Katy’s book helped me identify the many ways I could incorporate better posturing, positioning, and mobility exercises into my daily tasks. Now, when I finish my work day, I feel incredibly less sore and much more refreshed, focused, and energized.”

Daniel Rinck

About The Course Material

Don't Just Sit There

After Years of Sitting, Your Body is Desperate for Varied Movement—Start Your Dynamic Journey Today

The entire Don’t Just Sit There package is offered for an outstanding value of $37. When you click the order button and complete your order, you receive immediate access to a convenient portal where all your materials are housed and available for streaming—the videos, the eBooks, and the audio book.

You can get started immediately on improving your posture and mobility and designing your dream dynamic workstation for better productivity and more energy. We are so certain you will appreciate the value of this program and experience immediate benefits that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

We know when work, and life, get busy it’s easy to put off those self-improvement to-do list items. So when we say, “Don’t Just Sit There,” we really mean it! Act now, gain access to the entire Don’t Just Sit There! online multimedia program for just $37 today!

Ready to Move?

Order now and get immediate access to all the course materials, and start improving your posture, mobility, productivity, and energy.

Complete Package : $38

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